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What fruits can diabetics eat?

What fruits can diabetics eat?



What fruits can diabetics eat?  Can diabetics not eat fruit? Fear of diabetes, it’s not that you can’t eat or eat less fruit!


When you eat fruit, you should also monitor your blood sugar level. If you find that your blood sugar has soared, you still need to control the fruit. Don’t make your blood sugar soar because of your gluttony.

Poor eating habits, such as regular consumption of sugary drinks, are one of the risk factors for diabetes. As a result, many people believe that diabetic patients or people who prevent diabetes need to eat less sugary foods. Fruits and juices with excessive sugar content are the first to bear the brunt.

However, recently, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, a well-known journal in the field of endocrinology, has
Subvert this statement.

Studies have found that higher fruit consumption is associated with a reduced risk of diabetes; while drinking fruit juice has no effect on the risk of diabetes. Regular consumption of fruits is associated with decreased serum insulin levels, decreased β-cell function, and increased insulin sensitivity.

In other words, eating more fruits can also prevent diabetes!


Can diabetics eat fruit?

In fact, for diabetic patients, eating some fruits in moderation is still beneficial to health.

Diabetics choose fruits mainly with reference to the growth index of food. Under normal circumstances, foods with a glycemic index higher than 70% should be carefully selected, and a glycemic index less than 50% can be eaten in moderation.


Studies have found that some fruits have relatively low glycemic index. If you choose to eat some between meals, you can meet the needs of diabetic patients for vitamins in fruits.

For diabetic patients with cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, arteriosclerosis, you can choose to eat more fruits that are rich in vitamin C and potassium, which can help reduce the permeability of capillaries and promote iron. Absorption, promote hematopoietic function, help maintain the stability of blood lipids and blood pressure, and care for blood vessel health.

In 2013, Danish nutritionists found that patients with type 2 diabetes who ate more fruits had exactly the same blood sugar control as those who ate less fruits.


① Try to choose 2 hours after the meal, which can be eaten as a snack.

②Try to choose fruits that have more water, low sugar content, and have little effect on blood sugar fluctuations (low GI). For example: apple, strawberry, watermelon, grapefruit, peach, etc.

③The amount of a single meal: The amount of fruit eaten each time should be controlled at 50-100 g.




People with diabetes may wish to eat the following 5 kinds of fruits frequently to find out


What fruits can diabetics eat?

Pomegranate is commonly known as guava. It can be eaten fresh and can be processed into juice. Although pomegranate tastes a bit sweet, its glycemic index is not high. Eating some pomegranate in moderation can also maintain blood sugar stability in the body. It has a certain effect of lowering blood pressure and blood lipids, and the active ingredients may be flavonoids.


Pears contain a large amount of dietary fiber intake. The human body can promote gastrointestinal motility in the future, which is beneficial to the discharge of oil and sugar. It has a certain auxiliary effect on maintaining blood sugar stability. Eating some pears in an appropriate amount is still good for lowering blood sugar.


Grapefruit has the effect of lowering blood sugar. Fresh grapefruit meat contains ingredients similar to insulin, which can help lower blood sugar.

And for patients with high blood pressure, grapefruit is also a good choice, which contains natural mineral potassium and almost no sodium, high potassium and low sodium, this fruit is especially suitable for patients with cardiovascular diseases.


Apples are rich in natural pectin, which is good for health, and if you choose to eat boiled apples, it can help lower blood sugar.

After the apple is heated, increase the day classification. The content of natural antioxidants can make blood sugar more stable, and the chromium contained in apples can increase insulin sensitivity and help reduce blood sugar. However, boiled apples can only help reduce blood sugar. , Can not replace hypoglycemic drugs.


Plum is a low-sugar fruit with a sugar content of about 8% to 10%. It is rich in water, organic acid vitamins and various minerals.

Plum does not have the effect of lowering blood sugar. It is just a low-sugar fruit, rich in pectin dietary fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal motility and accelerate the excretion of toxins from the body.



For diabetic patients, although it is possible to eat fruit appropriately, you must choose the right time when eating fruit. Try to arrange fruit eating before lunch in the morning, two hours or after lunch in the afternoon, two or three hours and in the evening. Not only can it achieve the effect of invigorating the spleen and appetizing appetite, but it can also avoid the spike in blood sugar after a blood meal.

And the expert advises to monitor blood sugar level when eating fruit. If you find a spike in blood sugar, you still need to control the fruit. Don’t make your blood sugar soar because of your gluttony.


(source:internet, reference only)

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