July 26, 2024

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Continuous weight loss in diabetic patients may be hyperthyroidism

Continuous weight loss in diabetic patients may be hyperthyroidism

Continuous weight loss in diabetic patients may be hyperthyroidism. Diabetes usually means that blood sugar is well controlled and the patient’s weight will gradually rise. However, there are some diabetes patients who continue to lose weight despite good blood sugar control. In fact, this situation is not uncommon in clinical practice.

One patient experienced dry mouth, fatigue, and significant weight loss two months ago, and was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes after relevant examinations. Since then, the patient has strictly controlled his diet and regularly took hypoglycemic drugs. The blood sugar has been controlled very well, but the weight is still falling down. Everyone said that he was thinner than before. This patient is very worried. what is the reason behind the scene? Next, let us talk about this issue together.

Continuous weight loss in diabetic patients may be hyperthyroidism

01 Why does diabetes cause weight loss?

The reason why the blood sugar of diabetic patients rises is that the body’s lack of insulin and/or insulin resistance makes the body’s use of glucose problematic. Glucose cannot enter the cell to oxidize and decompose to produce energy, but a large amount of accumulation in the blood causes blood sugar to rise. In this case, in order to ensure its own energy supply, the body can only break down fat, protein, etc. to provide energy for the body. As fat consumption increases, patients experience weight loss and weight loss.

02 My blood sugar is controlled well, why does the weight continue to drop?

Poor blood sugar control is certainly the main cause of weight loss in diabetic patients, but it is by no means the only cause.

For most patients, as long as the blood sugar is controlled, the weight can return to normal, but there are exceptions. Clinically, it is mainly seen in the following 3 situations:

1 Strict diet control

Controlling blood sugar can’t rely on medication alone. It is also important to control diet and strengthen exercise. However, if the diet control is too strict, overcorrected and unable to make ends meet, it is likely that the serious lack of nutritional intake will lead to continued weight loss.

2 Drug-induced wasting

There are many types of hypoglycemic drugs. Among them, some hypoglycemic drugs, such as biguanides, gliclazin, etc., glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists, etc. In addition to hypoglycemic, there are also certain The weight loss effect of diabetics is especially suitable for overweight and obese diabetic patients. Therefore, when diabetic patients take these hypoglycemic drugs, they may have a good blood sugar control, but they will continue to lose weight.

3 Impact of other diseases

In addition to diabetes, many other diseases can also cause significant weight loss, such as gastrointestinal diseases (including functional, such as gastroparesis syndrome, functional diarrhea; or organic, such as gastric ulcer, colon Inflammation, etc.), hyperthyroidism (hereinafter referred to as “hyperthyroidism”), hypofunction of the adrenal cortex, tuberculosis, tumors, etc., can all lead to weight loss.

It needs to be reminded that diabetic patients are also high-incidence groups of tumors. For patients with significant weight loss in the short term, care must be taken to exclude tumors.

03 Continue to lose weight, these 4 issues should be considered

If diabetic patients experience significant weight loss, the following four issues should be considered:

Is blood sugar controlled properly?

If blood sugar is well controlled and the body is still experiencing progressive weight loss, consider whether the diet is too strict?

Is it related to hypoglycemic drugs or other drugs?

Are there related diseases, such as gastrointestinal diseases, or concomitant wasting diseases such as hyperthyroidism, tuberculosis, and tumors?

The patient mentioned in the previous article, after careful investigation, found that in addition to type 2 diabetes, he also suffered from “senile hyperthyroidism”. After treatment with anti-hyperthyroidism drugs, the weight of the patient gradually recovered.

This also reminds us that the weight of diabetic patients is still losing weight under the condition of good blood sugar control. At this time, the cause of the disease should be found as soon as possible, and the symptoms should be treated in time.


(sourceinternet, reference only)

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