July 26, 2024

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Weight loss has no effect | Must understand basal metabolism first

Weight loss has no effect | Must understand basal metabolism first


Weight loss has no effect | Must understand basal metabolism first.  Many people who lose weight will choose not to eat dinner or even after lunch. In the short term, the body’s calorie and nutrition intake will be greatly reduced, and the weight will indeed be reduced, but the lack of protein and calorie intake will lead to the accelerated loss of muscle and water.

Weight loss has no effect | Must understand basal metabolism first

Most of the weight lost is muscle and water in the body. A large amount of muscle loss will cause a decrease in basal metabolism, but the change in fat is very small. After being hungry for three days, it is not enough for a full meal, and the weight returns to the original state. The “plateau” of weight loss appears earlier, making it more difficult for us to lose weight.


So what is basal metabolism?

Energy expenditure mainly includes three parts: basal metabolism, physical activity, and food heat effect. Basic metabolism is the minimum energy required for the normal work of all organs of the human body to maintain life, accounting for 60 to 70% of the total energy consumption of the human body, followed by physical activity accounting for 15 to 30%, and finally the heat effect of food. In other words, basal metabolism is the “main force” of energy consumption. In this way, using diet methods to lose weight, lack of nutrient calorie intake, and muscle loss causes a decrease in basal metabolism, which is indeed not worth the gain.

Science shows that lean body tissues (muscle, heart, liver, kidney, brain, etc.) are metabolically active tissues and consume significantly more energy than fat tissue. The basal metabolic energy expenditure of the same weight, lean and muscular people is higher than that of the short fat people. That is to say, the higher the proportion of lean body tissue in body weight, the higher its basal metabolic energy consumption. The correct weight loss is to ensure that the lean body tissue remains unchanged while reducing the body fat content. Appropriate exercise increases the body’s muscle content, while scientific diet intake of sufficient high-quality protein and suitable energy to prevent muscle loss.

Scientific weight loss not only cannot eat less, but also eat well.

To lose weight scientifically, three meals should be regular. People will be more inclined to high-oil and high-sugar foods when they are hungry. Irregular eating will lead to more energy intake. Eat slowly and chew slowly. It takes 20 minutes for the brain to feed back the signal of fullness. If you eat too fast and there is no time for the brain to respond, you will consume too much calories. Chewing slowly can prolong the meal time. Don’t eat too much. It is easier to control weight.


Since scientific weight loss cannot be eaten less, we must work hard on the type of food.

Choose the right diet for scientific weight loss. Choose coarse grains with moderate calories and strong satiety as staple food, such as multi-grain rice, multi-grain bean porridge, sweet potatoes, quinoa, and corn; ensuring high-quality protein intake is the key, choose high-protein low-fat Foods such as fish and shrimp, eggs, skinless chicken breast, lean beef, soy products, and low-fat milk. Match vegetables with low-calorie, high-fiber, and vitamin-rich vegetables to complete the nutritional intake structure, such as spinach, rape, beans, broccoli, and tomatoes; daily fruit intake should not exceed 200g, avoid excessive fructose intake; drink plenty of water in moderation , No less than 1500ml per day; oil: vegetable oil is preferred, no more than 30g per day.

Experts remind you to lose weight scientifically and not to diet, eating right is the last word.


(source:internet, reference only)

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