July 26, 2024

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“Stomach cutting” can really lose weight?

“Stomach cutting” can really lose weight?


“Stomach cutting” can really lose weight? Doctor: Yes, but such bariatric surgery is not suitable for everyone.

Bariatric surgery not only can effectively control weight for a long time, but also can improve related complications and reduce the risk of death. But not everyone is suitable, it still depends on one’s own situation. Of course, if you want to be healthy and lose weight, you also need to pay attention to your diet and exercise more in your daily life!

A slim body is the envy of everyone. In daily life, many people try everything to lose weight, but it is not satisfactory. Some time ago, the topic of “cutting the stomach” of the agent Yang Tianzhen to lose weight has attracted everyone’s attention. He himself said: losing weight is secondary, mainly for health!


Indeed, obesity is very harmful to human health. Studies have found that there are over 300 million people in China who are overweight and obese. Weight loss is not only a fashionable topic, but also a health topic! Obesity is also closely related to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.


There is such a “stomach cut” patient:

She has been overweight for more than 5 years, but she weighs 186 kg at a height of 160, has a BMI (body mass index) of 36.3, and is also accompanied by hyperlipidemia. The attending doctor, combined with the Department of Endocrinology, Nutrition, and Psychology, fully evaluated her, and ruled out that Xiaoyi was obesity caused by endocrine abnormalities or psychological factors, and was diagnosed with simple obesity, so she decided to do a laparoscopic sleeve for her Gastrectomy. This is what everyone often calls “stomach resection/reduction”.

"Stomach cutting" can really lose weight?

This operation focuses on reducing the volume of the stomach. During the operation, the gastric antrum 2-6 cm above the pylorus is retained in the direction of the greater curvature of the stomach, and two-thirds of the stomach is removed, so that the remaining stomach is “banana-shaped”. The stomach volume is about 60-80ml. After the operation, Xiaoyi recovered well and was discharged from the hospital. The recent follow-up condition was also good, and his weight continued to decrease steadily.

Can cutting the stomach really lose weight?

Answer: Yes! but…..

Stomach surgery has become more and more well-known in recent years. The operation is mainly to reduce the amount of stomach content in our body, thereby reducing the secretion of hormones that stimulate hunger. The advantage of this operation is that it does not affect the normal digestion and absorption of food without changing the physiological state of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, Xiaohu also wants to tell everyone that this “stomach cutting operation” not only reduces our appetite, which leads to weight loss, but it also has a good effect on the treatment of type 2 diabetes!


Seeing this, I believe that many people who love beauty are tempted, and it can even be said that they are eager to try, but don’t blame Xiaohu for not reminding everyone that although bariatric surgery is good, it is not suitable for everyone!

Bariatric surgery is not something everyone can do, and it depends on your actual situation. In fact, this is also related to our body’s BMI index! In daily life, the normal BMI value of our human body should be controlled between 18.5 kg/m²-23.9 kg/m². If the BMI value is greater than 37.5 kg/m², it is recommended to actively perform weight loss surgery. If the value is less than 32.5 kg/m², gastric surgery is generally not recommended, but if you have chronic basal metabolic diseases such as hyperlipidemia, diabetes, etc., and the disease has complications, you can choose bariatric surgery under comprehensive consideration !


All in all, bariatric surgery can not only effectively control weight in the long term, but also improve related complications and reduce the risk of death. But not everyone is suitable, it still depends on one’s own situation. Of course, if you want to be healthy and lose weight, you also need to pay attention to your diet and exercise more in your daily life!


(source:internet, reference only)

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