July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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WHO Recommends to stop COVID-19 vaccination among young people

WHO Recommends to stop COVID-19 vaccination among young people

WHO Recommends to stop COVID-19 vaccination among young people.

On May 14, World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus expressed dissatisfaction with some high-income countries vaccinating adolescents and children with COVID-19 vaccines.

He suggested that relevant countries stop vaccinating minors and donate the vaccine to Covax (WHO vaccine distribution mechanism) for distribution to low-income countries.

The latest data show that nearly 1.4 billion doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been vaccinated globally. The 29 lowest-income countries have 9% of the world’s population, and the vaccination rate is only 0.3% of the world’s. “Despite the vaccine, the number of deaths in 2021 may exceed last year.” Tedros said that only public health measures and vaccination can save more lives.

Just last week, after the US government expressed its willingness to give up the COVID-19 vaccine, the World Health Organization praised it, saying that the United States has a great power and so on. But today, the WHO has begun to call on governments to vaccinate the elderly and higher-risk groups for the COVID-19 disease first, and then vaccinate children.

This seems to sound unambiguous. In fact, most countries in the world prioritize vaccinations against the elderly or high-risk groups. But the problem is that the timing and background of the WHO’s call is somewhat targeted.

Canada set a global precedent by approving a vaccine jointly developed by Pfizer in the United States and BioNTech, a German biotechnology company, for children over 12 years of age.

Subsequently, the United States announced that it would allow children aged 12 to 15 to receive the Pfizer/BNT vaccine as soon as next week.

Pfizer announced that in the Phase III trial of the vaccine for 12-16 years old, the protection rate for adolescents was 96%, which is similar to the protection rate for adults.

Agence France-Presse said that such permits will allow millions of people in wealthy countries to be vaccinated, but this move also makes WHO more worried about the contrasts in the implementation of vaccine programs in Africa and other places.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Kate O’Brien, director of the World Health Organization’s Vaccine and Immunization Department, said: The world’s first priority is really to get all countries in the world to obtain vaccines for the highest priority groups.

Then start to vaccinate groups with a lower risk of infection. She said: If we have the supply of vaccines that can be properly distributed in a fair manner, so that every country can ensure that the most priority groups are vaccinated, we would very much welcome the use of vaccines.

With the current global shortage of vaccines, this is also seen as a message to the United States, Canada and the European Union countries, focusing on the overall situation of the world, and suspending child vaccination first, so that the vaccine can be more adequately distributed and distributed more evenly. Other countries where vaccines are severely lacking.

Some netizens think that protecting the world is our common responsibility, but it is also the responsibility of every parent to protect our own children. Don’t be too “moral kidnapping”.

After all, it depends on which one is more important.

Of course, WHO hopes to vaccinate the world with high risks first, but this is only an initiative, let alone a decision made by Canada or the United States. The reasons behind this situation are complicated.

Now it can only be said that people who hope that the vaccine can be used should not waste the vaccine and go vaccinating quickly. And for the vaccination of teenagers and children starting next week, I also hope that parents and children will be cautious and prepared in advance.


WHO Recommends to stop COVID-19 vaccination among young people



WHO Recommends to stop COVID-19 vaccination among young people


(source:internet, reference only)

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