July 26, 2024

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Is there really a 40-year-old age with a 20-year-old body?

Is there really a 40-year-old age with a 20-year-old body?



Is there really a 40-year-old age with a 20-year-old body?  Don’t think that age is how many calendar years you have lived.

Some people “look” obviously younger than their ID cards. Or because they found the right way to improve the “metabolic age.”

“Metabolic age” relates to the amount of calories the body burns in a resting state, or the amount of energy the body needs to maintain daily functions. One of its core components is the basal metabolic rate (BMR). In short, it is all the energy needed for a person to lie in bed all day long and the body functions normally. And of the calories we consume every day, about 60%-75% happen when “it seems to be doing nothing.”

If your metabolic age is lower than the actual calendar age, it is a good sign that you are younger than your peers. And this article will take you to understand the calculation method of metabolic age and how to make yourself “younger, younger”.


How to calculate metabolic age?

Under normal circumstances, to accurately calculate metabolic age, you must first understand BMR. The latter is affected by factors such as gender, height, weight, muscle mass, etc., and will increase with the process of growth and development, and continue to decline after the age of 20 or 30. Generally, the higher the BMR, the better the “metabolic age”.

Is there really a 40-year-old age with a 20-year-old body?
A fully corrected mixed-effects regression model shows that the basal metabolic rate shows a downward trend after the age of 20


Robin Forouton, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, said that thyroid, mitochondrial health, nutritional status and metabolic flexibility (the body’s transition from carbohydrate metabolism to fat/ketogenic metabolism) Factors such as the degree of BMR also affect the level of BMR.

In addition, metabolic age is also related to metabolic health. Indicators that reflect metabolic health, including waist circumference, blood sugar, triglycerides and cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. These are closely related to overall health. Some studies have shown that lower BMR is associated with adverse health outcomes, including age-related mortality and diabetes.


Is there really a 40-year-old age with a 20-year-old body?
The blood lipid profiles of three metabolic categories (H-, L-, NS-representing high, low, and non-specific BMR) from mice with insulin resistance (IR), type 2 diabetes (T2D) and control (control) mice (Figure A: LDL cholesterol, Figure B: HDL cholesterol, Figure C: Triglycerides)

It is worth noting that normal weight does not mean “metabolic health”. Being overweight is not necessarily an unhealthy performance.

Is there really a 40-year-old age with a 20-year-old body?
In the United States, only one-eighth of normal weight people meet the criteria of “metabolic health”

When calculating the BMR value, medical professionals wear sensors on their fingers and toes to send electrical charges to the body to measure the relative weight of the body such as water content, fat and bone. Generally, the tissue metabolism of the larger muscle mass is more active, compared with the higher fat content, the former needs more energy to promote the body’s movement.

However, this article has prepared a “quick calculation” formula for metabolic age, which only includes height and weight without considering the content of muscle and fat. Can be directly set (Mifflin St. Jeor equation):

  • Male: BMR=10×weight (kg)+6.25×height (cm)-5×age (years)+5
  • Female: BMR=10×weight (kg)+6.25×height (cm)-5×age (years)-161


7 ways to improve metabolic age

If the metabolic age is always 18, the core goal is to maintain a more ideal BMR through an overall healthy lifestyle.

70% of BMR is determined by height, weight and genetic factors, and about 30% can be changed by intervention. In other words, some lifestyle adjustments may have a positive effect on metabolic age.

A small study found that through 8 weeks of sleep, nutrition and exercise intervention, plus relaxation techniques and nutritional supplements, the biological age of participants dropped by 3 years. This shows that we have “rejuvenated” after adjusting our body’s metabolism.

In order to promote metabolism and prevent the decline of BMR, you can look at the following 7 suggestions:

1. Let exercise run throughout the day and reduce the time to sit down

The daily basic activity determines how many calories an individual can burn at rest. Any aerobic activity such as walking and jogging can help improve BMR. Even if you take a few more steps at home, it’s better than lying down and sitting and watching your phone most of the time. This is what it means to achieve 10,000 steps per day. Walk slowly, walk a lot, and the BMR will go up.

2. Lift more heavy objects

Strength training is one of the best ways to improve BMR. This will increase muscle mass. Especially as we get older, more strength training should be done.

3. High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

HIIT helps promote metabolism. A small study showed that about 4 weeks of sprint interval training can increase the resting metabolic rate of healthy adults. Compared with long-term endurance training, HIIT takes less time and can be completed by combining strength and HIIT training.


4. Sleep more

Studies have supported this. People with insufficient sleep have slower BMR, making it difficult to metabolize fat and promote fat accumulation. In addition, lack of sleep can change glucose metabolism and affect the secretion of hormones that regulate metabolism.

5. Ensure adequate calorie intake

The idea of ​​”reducing calorie intake and keeping BMR stable” seems reasonable. But when energy intake is lower than the body’s requirement for a long time, the body’s basal metabolism may slow down. On the other hand, intake of enough protein can provide nutrients for muscle growth and prevent the loss of muscle tissue with age. What is certain is that under the same quality, the daily basal metabolic rate of muscle is several times that of fat.

6. Eat more nutritious food

Try Nutrient Dense Foods. Vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients are essential for mitochondrial health. Insufficient intake of these nutrients will interfere with the efficiency of human cells and lead to metabolic delays. Appropriate amounts of iodine and selenium are also two nutrients for normal thyroid function and maintenance of metabolism.

7. Control pressure

Chronic stress accelerates aging, just like adding fuel to the fire, and has various negative effects on the body, including inflammation accumulation, which reduces BMR.


Overall, a healthy lifestyle helps reduce metabolic age and promote metabolism. But there is a special reminder that everyone should compare with their own historical data, not with others.



(source:internet, reference only)

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