July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Multiple COVID-19 recoveries in India were infected with mucormycosis

Multiple COVID-19 recoveries in India were infected with mucormycosis, some patients are blind.


Multiple COVID-19 recoveries in India were infected with mucormycosis.  In Maharashtra, at least eight COVID-19 survivors have lost sight of one eye due to mucormycosis, and another 200 are being treated.

According to “India Today” reports, health officials in the Indian states of Maharashtra and Gujarat said on the 8th that the incidence of mucormycosis among survivors of the COVID-19 is on the rise, and mucormycosis may cause blindness or other serious problems in patients.

According to reports, the current number of patients with mucormycosis in Gujarat has exceeded 100. The government has set up separate mucormycosis wards in hospitals in Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara, Rajkot and other places.

Earlier, “India Today” reported that at least 8 people in the Surat area of ​​Gujarat had lost their eyesight due to mucormycosis after recovering from the COVID-19. In the past two weeks, Surat has reported at least 40 cases of mucormycosis.

In Maharashtra, at least eight COVID-19 survivors have lost sight of one eye due to mucormycosis, and another 200 are being treated.

Mafat, director of the Department of Otolaryngology at a public hospital in Mumbai, said the disease is caused by a fungus called mucor, which exists on wet surfaces. To a large extent, it occurs in diabetic patients and is very rare in non-diabetic patients. “There is no large-scale outbreak yet, and we are monitoring it.”

He said: “When patients receive oxygen support, they should ensure that the humidifier does not leak water (to prevent fungal growth).”


What is Mucormycosis?

Mucormycosis is caused by a naturally occurring “mucor” fungus in the environment. It is a rare but potentially serious disease.It is characterized by mycelium invading blood vessels, causing thrombosis and necrosis, causing lesions in the nose, brain, digestive tract, and respiratory tract, and the prognosis is serious. “Mormycosis” may cause redness and pain in the eyes and nose, accompanied by fever, headache, cough, shortness of breath and other symptoms. In severe cases, it may also cause damage to the upper jaw and even blindness.



The Indian government urges states to declare “mucormycosis” an “epidemic”

The fungal infection disease “mucormycosis” is spreading in India, where the COVID-19 is raging. According to the “Times of India” report, the Indian government urged all states on the 20th to declare the disease an “epidemic”.

Multiple COVID-19 recoveries in India were infected with mucormycosis

According to reports, in a letter to the states, the Indian Ministry of Health requires the state governments and private medical institutions to report all suspicious and confirmed cases of mucor. The report mentioned that according to the “Fluid Disease Act” of 1897, if a disease is declared an “epidemic”, the government will have special powers to take measures to control the spread of the disease. In addition, state governments and private medical institutions must also follow the guidance of the Indian Medical Research Council to screen, prevent and control mucormycosis.

According to reports, as of now, mucor cases have appeared in many states in India. Rajasthan has announced yesterday that it will be considered an epidemic. There are about 100 mucormycosis patients in the state.

As mucormycosis spreads, India’s COVID-19 epidemic remains severe. According to data released by the Ministry of Health of India on May 20, in the past 24 hours, India has newly confirmed 276,110 new cases of COVID-19, with a total of 25,772,440 confirmed cases; 3,874 new deaths and a total of 287,122 deaths.



(source:internet, reference only)

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