July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Placenta protects fetus from new coronavirus infection from mother

Placenta protects fetus from new coronavirus infection from mother


Nature sub-journal: placenta protects fetus from new coronavirus infection from mother.


While most pregnant women infected with the new coronavirus are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms, studies have shown that pregnant women may be at higher risk for severe illness .

However, it is unclear how asymptomatic or mild infection affects the maternal-fetal intersection and fetal health.


On January 18, 2022, researchers from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) published a research paper titled: Maternal-fetal immune responses in pregnant women infected with SARS-CoV-2 in Nature Communications .


The study , which analyzed 12 women who tested positive for the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) during pregnancy, showed that exposure to the new coronavirus during pregnancy caused a placental inflammatory response involving both maternal and fetal cells, but not infection placental tissue.


Placenta protects fetus from new coronavirus infection from mother


To fully understand the impact of contracting the new coronavirus during pregnancy, the research team enrolled 12 pregnant women who tested positive for the new coronavirus and 11 healthy controls.

Of the women who tested positive, 8 had asymptomatic infection, 1 had mild disease, and 3 had severe disease requiring oxygen.


The team observed a distinct pro-inflammatory immune response in both the placenta and the blood of the mother and fetus following maternal virus exposure .

They found that although maternal antibodies against the new coronavirus were passed to the fetus through the placenta, neither fetal antibodies nor the new coronavirus were found in the placenta.

The authors suggest that this suggests that the placenta protects the fetus from infection .

The research team pointed out that the results of this study improve our understanding of the maternal-fetal immune response after infection with the new coronavirus, and suggest that vertical transmission from mother to fetus may be extremely rare .

However, they also cautioned that the conclusion should be interpreted with caution, as the number of pregnant women with severe infection with the COVID-19 in the study was very limited.




Reference :

Placenta protects fetus from new coronavirus infection from mother

(source:internet, reference only)

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