July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Japan: People infected with Omicron have a variety of sequelae

Japan: People infected with Omicron have a variety of sequelae


Japan: People infected with Omicron have a variety of sequelae.  Unexplained abdominal pain in children


According to a report by Japan’s Fuji TV on the 21st, at present, the new coronavirus mutant strain Omicron is spreading all over Japan, and many infected people have sequelae after being cured, and the symptoms are different.

There are even children who continue to have unexplained abdominal pain after being cured, and part of the nerve is removed for this


The research team of the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare published the results of a survey on the sequelae of the COVID-19 in June.

From 2020 to 2021, more than 30% of the 1,066 people who were infected and hospitalized were still fatigued, breathing difficulties, and decreased concentration one year after recovery. and other symptoms. As the Omicron strain expands in 2022, its sequelae will also become more diverse.


Japan: People infected with Omicron have a variety of sequelae


A Japanese woman in her 20s has been feeling exhausted and powerless for more than a year after being infected with Omicron, causing her to be bedridden at home, and even needs her family to do simple walking, housework, and laundry on her behalf. Finish.

A man in his 50s in Osaka Prefecture, Japan , still had symptoms such as fatigue and abdominal pain a year after he recovered, despite taking a lot of medicine.

In addition, an 11-year-old boy also developed severe abdominal pain of unknown cause after being cured, and he could not even go to school. He was eventually forced to have the nerve in the painful area removed.


The doctor who performed the operation on the boy said that the COVID-19 pneumonia can cause inflammation in the patient’s body, but it is difficult to determine why the abdominal pain is caused.

Kyoto University professor Ueno Hideki believes that even if the COVID-19 patient is cured, the protein and other components of the virus will remain in the body, and various symptoms will appear. “The long-term sequelae is worrying.”




Japan: People infected with Omicron have a variety of sequelae

(source:internet, reference only)

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