September 11, 2024

Medical Trend

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Los Angeles County may restore indoor mask mandate

Los Angeles County may restore indoor mask mandate


Los Angeles County may restore indoor mask mandate.

According to the latest epidemic data, Los Angeles County reported on June 18 that 639 patients with confirmed COVID-19 were hospitalized.

Getting closer to the threshold of restoring indoor mask mandate.


Los Angeles County may restore indoor mask mandate


L.A. County public health officials said recently that even though the county may enter a high transmission level by the end of this month, it is still hoped that cases will level off.

However, the increase in the more infectious Omicron sub-variant makes it more difficult to identify, and with the increase in the sub-variants BA.4 and BA.5, the more infectious nature may lead to more transmission.


Meanwhile, 178 people in Orange County are hospitalized with COVID-19 and 99 in Riverside County are hospitalized with the virus.


CDC advisers also voted on Saturday to give Pfizer or Moderna Covid-19 vaccines to infants over six years of age. Experts say the benefits outweigh the possible risks of a vaccine.


Los Angeles County expects to begin distributing vaccines for that age group as early as June 21.


On Saturday, CDC advisors voted to recommend Pfizer and Moderna vaccinate infants as young as 6 months. Experts say protection outweighs risk.


(source:internet, reference only)

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