July 26, 2024

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These four types of inflammation can easily develop into cancer

These four types of inflammation can easily develop into cancer


These four types of inflammation can easily develop into cancer.

The Lancet: Inflammation is the bane of cancer. If you suffer from 4 kinds of inflammation, I advise you not to procrastinate! 

The wound that has not healed for 5 years has turned into cancer?

When 63-year-old Man was picking up fish, his finger was accidentally scratched by a fishbone. At that time, he simply stopped the bleeding. After all, this kind of thing is too common.

After taking the medication, it did get better, but in the next few years, this person’s wound was always inflamed repeatedly.

In the end, the wound was very painful, and pus often flowed out from between the nails. After procrastinating for several years, This person went to the hospital for an examination.

The doctor found a lump on his finger, and the pathology showed it was ” squamous cell carcinoma “, which is a type of skin cancer.


These four types of inflammation can easily develop into cancer.


Scratches by things in daily life, wound infection and inflammation are very common trivial things, who would have thought that it would develop into cancer?

In fact, a long time ago, some medical scientists proposed that cancer is a wound that cannot heal, and it is closely related to inflammation.

In addition, when you are allergic, the symptoms of runny nose, congestion, and sneezing are actually a kind of rejection reaction after the body comes into contact with the allergen, and the rejection reaction is a state of inflammation. Therefore, when we choose some foods with anti-inflammatory effects, we can reduce the body’s inflammatory response, thereby reducing the body’s response to allergies and improving the symptoms of allergies.


The reason why there are more people with allergies is that on the one hand, fatigue and irregular work and rest lead to damage to the skin, respiratory tract and digestive tract mucous membranes, making it easier for external pollen, mites and other allergens to enter the body and cause allergic reactions.

On the other hand, because many people have an unreasonable diet, they often eat foods that promote inflammation, which puts the human body in an environment of chronic inflammation.


Being in a chronic inflammatory environment for a long time will not only put the body tissue in a state of repeated damage-repair and increase the chance of canceration; it will also reduce the function of the entire immune system, resulting in abnormal ability to recognize and remove tumor cells, further increasing the risk of cancer.


Studies have shown that chronic inflammation is associated with many chronic diseases, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.



A 32-year report involving 210,000 participants published by the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health in 2020 showed that cardiovascular health is related to the state of inflammation in the body, and food can exacerbate or improve the state of inflammation in the body.




Cancer is a wound that cannot heal, and inflammation is fueling the flames


Inflammation is a basic immune response. When the body is subjected to certain stimuli, such as infection, trauma and other damage factors, a basic pathological process will appear that is dominated by defense responses. Inflammation has a great effect on the human body.

When the body tissue is damaged, the inflammatory response can remove necrotic tissue, prevent the spread of infection, and help organs recover.


It seems that inflammation is a “good guy”, but good intentions can also do bad things. It was the German pathologist Rudolf Weirshaw who first linked cancer and inflammation. Medical students should be familiar with him. He is also the famous “father of pathology”.


In 1863, Rudolf Weirshaw discovered immune cells produced by inflammation near malignant tumors, so he assumed that cancer was caused by inflammation repairing wounds in the body, but many people did not believe it at the time.

About 120 years later, another expert, Harold F. Dvorak, a cancer biologist at Harvard Medical School in the United States, put forward again: “Cancer is a ‘wound’ that cannot heal”.


In modern times, the research on the relationship between inflammation and cancer has become more in-depth.

According to a study published in The Lancet Oncology, about one-sixth of the 12.7 million new cancer patients each year are caused by infection with viruses, bacteria and parasites, and these infections are what we call inflammation .


Inflammation repairs the human body, and it needs to rely on cell proliferation. The more cells divide, the greater the probability of DNA errors, and the greater the probability of cancer cells.

If the body is stimulated by chronic inflammation for a long time, the probability of cancer will increase accordingly.




Don’t procrastinate if you suffer from these kinds of inflammation


The relationship between inflammation and cancer reminds us that we should not be careless when the body suffers from inflammation, especially these types of inflammation should not be delayed:


1. Hepatitis

About 80% of liver cancer in the world is caused by hepatitis B, and viral hepatitis is one of the most important pathogenic factors of liver cancer. Because the virus continues to replicate in the liver, it will cause chronic damage to the liver, which will easily lead to liver cirrhosis over time, and liver cirrhosis that is not treated in time may develop into liver cancer.


2. Atrophic gastritis

According to the Lancet data, 80% of non-cardia gastric cancer and 60% of cardia gastric cancer in China can be attributed to Helicobacter pylori infection each year. Helicobacter pylori parasitizes in the gastric mucosa and easily causes gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Ulcers are likely to cause repeated inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which may lead to atrophic gastritis, which is a precancerous lesion of gastric cancer.



3. Chronic pancreatitis

About 80% of pancreatic cancer patients have a history of pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis is an important precancerous lesion, especially chronic calcific pancreatitis and chronic familial pancreatitis, which will increase the risk of pancreatic cancer.


4. Cholecystitis

Because the gallbladder mucosa is stimulated by inflammation for a long time, it may develop from inflammatory hyperplasia to atypical hyperplasia, and then canceration, that is, “metagenesis-dysplasia-cancerization” .


Of course, we don’t need to panic too much about inflammation. Experts explained that not all inflammations will develop into cancer. Acute inflammation is easy to cure.

Although chronic inflammation is difficult to cure and exists for a long time, only a small part will turn into cancer .

Moreover, it takes a very long time from inflammation to cancer, it may be several years, or it may be decades, and it is impossible to appear suddenly.





Inflammation can be said to be the source of all diseases, and these diseases may be related to it


Director Ren Jingjing said that the inflammatory response is beneficial within the controllable range, but if this balance is broken, some inflammatory factors may be produced in the process, and if the inflammation is out of control, it will cause damage to important organs and tissue cells.


1. Heart disease

Cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease are rooted in immune disorders. Inflammatory factors attack the blood vessel walls, leading to the formation of plaques and thrombus in blood vessels, thus causing atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.


2. Diabetes

It is well known that diabetes is related to pancreatic islet cells. When the body has an inflammatory response, it can cause damage to the endothelial cells of blood vessels and tissues through oxidative stress, inhibit the action of insulin, and accelerate the development of diabetes due to the lack of insulin levels.


3. Nervous system diseases

Uncontrolled inflammation can also damage neuronal cells. When the inflammatory response is out of control, they will release neurotoxicity. For example, in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, the astrocytes in the brain will release nitric oxide and tumor necrosis factor during the inflammatory response, which will aggravate the occurrence of neuronal lesions.


4. Depression

Professor Andrew Miller of Emory University School of Medicine in the United States said that inflammation is one of the causes of depression. Patients with depression not only have increased inflammatory factors, but also increased inflammatory responses.



It’s not far from inflammation to cancer


Chronic inflammation is a long-term condition that can develop gradually over months or years.

Some diseases can adversely affect the immune system, causing repeated or persistent low-level inflammation in the body, and this “chronic low-grade inflammation” has a lot to do with your health.

According to research, chronic low-grade inflammation can cause DNA damage, which may lead to cancers, such as colon cancer, lung cancer, gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, breast cancer, etc.


“The Relationship Between Diet Nutrition and Inflammation-Cancer Risk” mentioned that the inflammatory environment in the body is an important risk factor for various cancers, and many cancers occur on the basis of chronic inflammation, such as: smoking→bronchitis→silicosis and lung cancer; gastritis→Helicobacter pylori→gastric cancer; chronic ulcerative colitis→colon cancer; chronic hepatitis-liver cancer .


In addition, the continuous inflammatory response will lead to necrosis and hyperplasia of somatic cells, giving cancer an opportunity. Some types of diet in daily life may induce persistent inflammation in the body and even accelerate the development of cancer.


Not only the occurrence of cancer is related to diet, a review of 15 meta-analyses of 4 million people in April 2021 found that a pro-inflammatory diet can increase the risk of 27 chronic diseases and the risk of early death. The researchers found strong evidence linking a pro-inflammatory diet to heart attacks, premature death, cancers such as bowel, pancreatic, respiratory and oral cancers, and depression.


what is a pro-inflammatory diet?


  •  Pro-inflammatory diet: long-term consumption of foods that may increase the level of inflammation in the body;
  • Anti-inflammatory diet: These are foods that help lower inflammation levels.


Researchers at the University of South Carolina surveyed 1,943 similar studies and published in 2014 a Dietary Inflammation Index (DII), which quantifies a diet’s anti-inflammatory versus pro-inflammatory effects. Covers 45 dietary components that affect inflammation in the body.


There are 5 kinds of pro-inflammatory foods, you should eat less

Diet has a certain impact on the level of inflammation in the body. For example, some foods are pro-inflammatory foods and should be eaten less.


1. Wine

Rubbing alcohol can disinfect and reduce infection, but excessive drinking can induce or aggravate inflammation.


2. Processed meat, red meat

Processed meat such as ham, hot dogs, sausages, bacon, etc.; red meat such as pig, beef, sheep and other animal fats contain high saturated fatty acids.


3. Fried food

Fried foods contain a lot of saturated fatty acids, which are pro-inflammatory foods. It is best to choose organic rapeseed oil, virgin olive oil, etc. for cooking oil.


4. Trans fatty acids

Biscuits, milk tea, etc. are common foods containing trans fatty acids, which can easily promote the occurrence and development of inflammation in the body.


5. Refined carbohydrates

Victoria Drake, a nutritionist at Oregon State University in the United States, found that foods containing a lot of refined carbohydrates, such as cakes and sweet breads, produce pro-inflammatory factors.




Inflammation is a double-edged sword. If you want to change the inflammatory environment in your body, it is not enough to change your diet alone. You also need a healthy lifestyle, such as drinking plenty of water, exercising frequently, calming your mind, keeping sleep, and protecting yourself.




Eat more “anti-inflammatory” foods. What does an “anti-inflammatory diet” include?


To reduce allergic symptoms and enhance immunity, you need to reduce the level of inflammation in your body, and you can eat more anti-inflammatory foods.


Foods with anti-inflammatory properties:

  • Vegetables : especially cruciferous vegetables such as kale, cabbage, broccoli, etc.;
  • Fruits : especially berries such as cranberries, strawberries, blueberries, etc.;
  • Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids : such as salmon, flaxseed oil, grapeseed oil, rapeseed oil, nuts, etc.;
  • Foods rich in dietary fiber : such as whole grains, beans;
  • Spices : such as turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, star anise, cinnamon, garlic, onions, etc.


Note : Some people may be allergic to wheat, milk, nuts, or seafood, so food choices vary from person to person.


The anti-inflammatory diet is only a dietary pattern and cannot replace drugs. If you have experienced a severe allergic reaction, you should seek medical attention in time.




Anti-inflammatory diet features:

Focus on plant-based foods, emphasizing the consumption of more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, lean meat, and spices.


1. Focus on plant foods, eat more fruits and vegetables

t is recommended that you eat 5-7 kinds of vegetables and fruits of different colors every day. Vegetables should reach more than 500 grams, especially dark-colored vegetables, because these vegetables are very rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substances, such as cabbage, collards, cabbage, and broccoli .

In addition to these cruciferous vegetables, berries in fruits, such as blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and cherries , also have good anti-inflammatory effects because they are rich in polyphenols and flavonoids .


2. Increase your intake of whole grains

Whole grains reach 1/3~1/2 of the usual staple food.


3. Increase intake of omega-3 fatty acids

We need to eat more seafood, because excessive intake of red meat can promote inflammation, while white meat is anti-inflammatory, so it is recommended that everyone eat seafood at least 2 to 3 times a week .

In addition to fish, nuts are also a source of omega-3 fatty acids, and you can eat about 10 to 15 grams per day.

At the same time, some soy products can also be added to the diet . The dietary fiber and flavonoids in it are also beneficial to anti-inflammatory.


4. Increase the intake of some spicy condiments

We can eat more cloves, rosemary, turmeric, onion, ginger, garlic, star anise, cinnamon and other seasonings. A large number of studies have found that these seasonings have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, and even long-term consumption can prolong life .  



What are helpfu for Anti-inflammatory?

To improve immunity and reduce the occurrence of chronic inflammation, in addition to a balanced diet, it is best to start from 4 aspects:


Exercise :

Get 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day. Aerobic exercise can be amazing in boosting your immune system.


Decompression :

Long-term stress and tension will increase the level of inflammation in the human body. Maintaining an optimistic attitude and good habits will help control the level of inflammatory factors in the body. Regular sleep will also help slow down the accumulation of inflammatory factors.


Weight control :

Obesity can lead to hormonal and immune system disorders, exacerbating the occurrence of chronic inflammation, so balance diet and exercise to maintain an appropriate weight and BMI.


Get rid of bad habits and have regular physical examinations :

Smoking and alcoholism are recognized as bad living habits, which will increase the level of inflammatory cytokines in the blood; conduct regular physical examinations to detect potential risks in the body in time; if you have already suffered from gastritis, pharyngitis, hepatitis and other inflammations or autoimmune diseases such as lupus erythematosus and arthritis, you need a more meticulous and scientific lifestyle and eating habits.


Allergies are also an important cause of chronic inflammation, so for allergic people, eliminating allergens is an important way to resist chronic inflammation.






These four types of inflammation can easily develop into cancer.

(source:internet, reference only)

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