July 26, 2024

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About 20% of cancers are related to inflammation!

About 20% of cancers are related to inflammation!



About 20% of cancers are related to inflammation! Stay away from inflammation, it’s important to do these two points well ​

How does inflammation develop into cancer? What are the “inflammation” factors in life? How to prevent and deal with inflammation?

Speaking of inflammation, everyone is familiar with it. When a certain part of the body appears red, swollen, hot, or painful, it may be “inflammation.”

However, inflammation seems to be a minor disease, but it may develop into a major disease including cancer. How does inflammation develop into cancer? What are the “inflammation” factors in life? How to prevent and deal with inflammation?



01. Inflammation can protect you, also hurt you


In layman’s terms, inflammation is actually a protective response when the body is injured.

When the outside world enters or the body produces some inflammatory factors, such as virus, bacterial infection, accidental injury or pollen allergy, the body will produce an inflammatory response to combat these injuries.

However, the inflammatory response is not all protective. On the one hand, it mobilizes various immune cells in the body to eliminate these inflammatory factors, so that the damaged tissue can be repaired quickly; on the other hand, it can also cause damage to local tissues and cause local tissue cells. Degeneration and necrosis occurred.

And when inflammation occurs, the body will have some corresponding reactions, such as redness, edema, local skin temperature rise, pain, and fever when the wound becomes inflamed. This is what life says. It’s inflamed.


02. Persistent chronic inflammation: Closely related to the occurrence and development of malignant tumors


At present, the mechanism by which persistent chronic inflammation affects tumorigenesis is relatively clear.

When the inflammatory factors act on the body, the immune system takes effect. At this time, inflammatory cells such as macrophages and dendritic cells are activated, and they also promote each other with tumor-related inflammatory cells, and they cheat to damage A variety of cytokines are secreted at the site, and continuous oxidative damage causes cell oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, and DNA damage repair genes to mutate, thus forming a microenvironment suitable for tumor growth with the extracellular matrix.

Under the repeated cyclic stimulation of this pro-inflammatory factor, especially under the synergistic action of low self-immunity, anxiety and mental factors, it can cause malignant transformation of cells, and continue to survive and proliferate.

Another factor that cannot be ignored is the nutrient supply of cancer cells. During the growth and migration of cancer cells, new blood vessels provide nutrients for them, and inflammation also participates in the formation of tumor new blood vessels.

(It’s okay if you don’t understand the large section of esoteric medical knowledge above)

“In short, chronic inflammation will participate in and promote the occurrence and development of malignant tumors in a variety of ways,” said Dr. Zhou Jin.


03. Alert! About 20% of cancers are related to chronic inflammation


Although inflammation does not necessarily lead to the occurrence of tumors, when the inflammatory factors persist and the body continues to be in an inflammatory state, chronic inflammation may induce the formation of tumors.


According to statistics, about 20% of malignant tumors worldwide are related to chronic inflammation. For example, chronic hepatitis may develop into liver cirrhosis, which is also closely related to the occurrence of liver cancer in the later stage. Epstein-Barr virus infection may cause nasopharyngeal cancer, HPV infection may cause cervical cancer and so on.


In general, inflammation is still a defensive behavior, which is protective. Only continuous, unregulated chronic inflammation may develop into cancer.


04. Stay away from inflammation, Should stay away from inflammatory factors in life


There are many factors in life that can cause inflammation. Among them, biological pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites are the most common causes of inflammation. Physical effects such as high temperature, low temperature, ultraviolet light, and mechanical damage can also induce inflammation.

If foreign matter (such as metal, wood chips, sand, glass slag, etc.) enters the human body, it can also cause different degrees of inflammation due to its different antigenicity. In addition, improper use of drugs and other biological agents, various allergic reactions and necrotic tissue may also cause inflammation.


Therefore, to prevent and cope with inflammation in the human body:


1) To prevent inflammatory factors

Pay attention to hand and mouth hygiene. Pay attention to protection during the season. Pay attention to the dryness and cleanness of the wound during trauma. If there are clearly known allergens, consciously avoid contact.

2) Should learn to recognize inflammation

When the body is red, swollen, hot, painful, or feverish, you should consult a doctor in time. Do not use antibiotics or other drugs irregularly on your own. This may affect the doctor’s follow-up treatment.

In addition, for long-term unhealed inflammation, such as skin wounds, etc., sufficient attention should be given to prevent malignant changes caused by abnormal cell self-repair.


05. Do these 5 things right to help the body “diminish inflammation”


In addition, the CCTV Life Circle public account once issued a document saying that by developing healthy habits in life, you can also prevent trouble before it happens and reduce adverse reactions caused by inflammation.


No “inflammation” diet

1. Many fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, which can eliminate free radicals in the body and fight inflammation, such as spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, onions, and cherries.

2. Nuts are rich in anti-inflammatory substances. Eating some nuts every day can reduce the risk of heart disease and other diseases.

3. Fish such as salmon, tuna and sardines are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which help fight inflammation.

4. On the contrary, sweets, high-fat foods, fried foods, and processed meat products are rich in saturated fatty acids, which can aggravate inflammation and should be eaten less.


Drink water often

Drinking plenty of water helps to eliminate waste from the body, and women especially drink plenty of water. If a woman’s body is not sufficiently hydrated, it can easily lead to gynecological inflammation.


Enough rest

High-quality sleep is a gas station for the human body. For a long time lack of sleep, the body’s immunity will decline, and it will be easily attacked by germs and cause inflammation.


Keep exercixe

Approximately 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a day has anti-inflammatory effects.

Obesity will directly lead to inflammatory reactions, and control the body mass index BMI at 18.5-24, which is beneficial to health.


Learn to decompress

Living under stress for a long time, the human body’s secretion disorders will promote the occurrence of inflammation.

Learn to be good at releasing stress and maintain a good attitude.



Sum up:

Although some inflammations are terrible, do not take antibiotics casually, otherwise it will easily lead to bacterial resistance and cause double infections. If there is inflammation, you should go to the hospital for timely treatment and symptomatic treatment~


(source:internet, reference only)

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