July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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One-third of cancers are completely preventable?

One-third of cancers are completely preventable?


One-third of cancers are completely preventable. The rehabilitation of cancer patients should be done: an optimistic attitude, a balanced diet, proper exercise, reasonable medication, and regular review.


Let’s take a look at the core information and key points of cancer prevention and treatment.


Cancer is a general term for a large group of diseases. The most common cancers include lung cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, colorectal cancer, esophageal cancer, cervical cancer, and thyroid cancer.


In recent years, the incidence of lung cancer, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer has shown a significant upward trend, while the incidence of liver cancer, gastric cancer, and esophageal cancer remains high.


Most cancers are the result of long-term accumulation of genetic damage and changes in human cells under the long-term action of external factors.


It is a multi-factor, multi-stage, complex and gradual process. It usually takes more than ten to dozens of years to develop from normal cells to cancer cells. Time of year.


Carcinogenic factors are very complex, including external factors such as chemical, physical and chronic infections, as well as self factors such as genetics, immunity, age, and lifestyle.




The World Health Organization:

  • One-third of cancers are completely preventable;
  • One-third of cancers can be cured through early detection;
  • One-third of cancers can use existing medical measures to prolong life, alleviate suffering, and improve the quality of life.


We can prevent and control cancer through tertiary prevention. Primary prevention is pathogenic prevention to reduce the damage of external adverse factors; secondary prevention is early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment; tertiary prevention is to improve the quality of life and prolong survival time.


International advanced experience shows that measures such as active prevention (such as health education, tobacco control and alcohol restriction, early screening, etc.) and standardized treatment have a significant effect on reducing the incidence and death of cancer.


The World Health Organization considers cancer to be a lifestyle disease. Smoking, obesity, lack of exercise, unreasonable dietary habits, alcoholism, stress, and psychological stress are all risk factors for cancer.


Quitting smoking, restricting alcohol, a balanced diet, moderate exercise, and a good mood can effectively reduce the incidence of cancer.


The occurrence of cancer is a process of accumulation of risk factors related to human life cycle.

Cancer prevention and control is not just a matter for middle-aged and elderly people. It is necessary to pay attention to cancer prevention as soon as possible, develop a healthy lifestyle from an early age, avoid exposure to cancer-causing factors such as tobacco and alcohol, and reduce the risk of cancer.


Cancer is caused by changes in the genes of one’s own cells and is not contagious. Some bacteria (such as Helicobacter pylori) and viruses (such as human papilloma virus, hepatitis virus, Epstein-Barr virus, etc.) that are closely related to cancer are contagious.


By maintaining personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle, vaccinations (such as hepatitis virus vaccine, human papilloma virus vaccine) can avoid infection with related bacteria and viruses, thereby preventing the occurrence of cancer.


Cancer prevention physical examination is a physical examination for common cancers based on cancer risk assessment. Its purpose is to let the masses know their own cancer risk, detect early cancer or precancerous lesions, and conduct early intervention.


Current technology can detect most common cancers early. Low-dose spiral CT of the chest can be used to check for lung cancer, ultrasound combined with mammography can check for breast cancer, and gastrointestinal endoscopy can check for gastrointestinal cancer.


The appropriate physical examination interval should be selected according to the individual’s age, previous examination results, etc.

The anti-cancer physical examination is highly professional and emphasizes individualization and effectiveness. A professional physical examination institution should be selected.


The treatment effect and survival time of cancer are closely related to the time when the cancer is discovered. The earlier it is discovered, the better the treatment effect and the longer the survival time.


Pay attention to the cancer danger signs that appear in the body, and go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment in time if the following symptoms occur.


An abnormal mass that appears on the superficial part of the body.

Moles and warts on the body surface darken or increase rapidly in a short period of time.

Abnormal sensations in the body: choking, pain, etc.

Long-lasting ulcers on the skin or mucous membranes.

Persistent indigestion and loss of appetite.

Changes in stool habits and traits or blood.

Persistent hoarseness, dry cough, blood in sputum.

Hearing abnormalities, nosebleeds, headaches.

Abnormal vaginal bleeding, especially contact bleeding.

Painless hematuria, poor urination.

Unexplained fever, fatigue, and progressive weight loss.


Cancer treatment methods include surgical treatment and non-surgical treatment. Non-surgical treatment includes radiotherapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, endocrine therapy,…….


Standardized treatment is a scientific summary of long-term clinical treatment work. It is the basic guarantee to cure cancer to determine a comprehensive treatment plan based on the type of cancer and the stage of the disease. Cancer patients should go to regular hospitals for standardized treatment. Don’t believe in remedies or false advertisements, so as not to delay treatment.


Cancer rehabilitation treatment includes two parts: psychological rehabilitation and physical rehabilitation, which is a necessary continuation and improvement of clinical treatment.

The rehabilitation of cancer patients should be done: an optimistic attitude, a balanced diet, proper exercise, reasonable medication, and regular review.


Pain is the most common and main symptom of cancer patients. It is necessary to actively deal with pain through scientific pain relief methods with the help of a doctor, and do not endure the pain.


Face cancer, actively adjust the body’s immunity, maintain a good physical and mental state, achieve long-term stability of the disease, and “coexist peacefully” with cancer.




One-third of cancers are completely preventable?

(source:internet, reference only)

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