July 26, 2024

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Will breast hyperplasia with chest pain develop into breast cancer?

Will breast hyperplasia with chest pain develop into breast cancer?



Will breast hyperplasia with chest pain develop into breast cancer?  Breast hyperplasia, often feel chest pain, will it become breast cancer?

What are the symptoms of breast hyperplasia? When it comes to breast hyperplasia, everyone is familiar with it, but there are misunderstandings about it.

Some people are distressed because of breast hyperplasia on physical examination, worrying that they will develop breast cancer in the future.

In fact, under the action of endocrine hormones (especially estrogen and progesterone), as the menstrual cycle changes, breast hyperplasia and involution occur once every month.

If the endocrine is disordered, the hormone secretion is too strong, the hyperplasia is too significant, and the involution is incomplete, after a period of time, breast hyperplasia will appear, which is not necessarily related to breast cancer.



What are the symptoms of breast hyperplasia?

The symptoms of breast hyperplasia are different in different age groups:

Unmarried women without childbearing:

It often manifests as breast tenderness. The pain is more common in bilateral breasts. There may also be unilateral breasts, which can radiate to the shoulders, back, upper arms and even abdomen. The swelling and pain are particularly noticeable in the second half of menstruation and before the next menstrual cramp. This pain will be relieved in some women after giving birth and breastfeeding.

Middle-aged women:

The clinical manifestations of breast hyperplasia are often multiple nodules in the breast, and some women will also have obvious discomfort. In elderly women after menopause, the incidence of breast hyperplasia will decrease.



Do I need medicine for breast hyperplasia?

Breast hyperplasia is mainly related to endocrine. General doctors will recommend lifestyle adjustments and reduce the intake of exogenous hormones to prevent and treat breast hyperplasia.

It is recommended that patients maintain a cheerful mood, make friends, and exercise regularly to relieve their emotions; maintain a healthy lifestyle, go to bed early and wake up early, and avoid eating too greasy food. There are also some women who have obvious pain symptoms, and the pain is so long that they can’t sleep at night. This is called mastopathy. This situation can be treated with medication as prescribed by a doctor.




Can breast hyperplasia cause breast cancer?

Breast hyperplasia is a phenomenon that occurs every month, and it cannot be said to be a disease in the strict sense.

70%~80% of women will have breast hyperplasia, so don’t worry, it is not necessarily related to breast cancer; doctors order women with breast hyperplasia to have an annual physical examination, not because they have a high risk of cancer, but because of breast cancer. The clinical manifestations are easily concealed by breast hyperplasia and are not easy to find, so she is recommended to come to the hospital for examination, using imaging methods and doctor’s experience to help her identify breast cancer early.




What women are susceptible to breast cancer?

There are many pathogenic factors in the onset of breast disease, but the specific mechanism is not clear. However, female friends who have the following conditions should pay more attention to them, and they may be targeted by nasty breast diseases:

1. Early menarche age, late menopause age, infertility and first full-term birth are older;

2. Unhealthy lifestyle habits such as smoking, obesity, unhealthy eating, staying up late, etc.;

3. Ionizing radiation, such as radiation, etc.;

4. Hormonal drugs such as oral contraceptives, etc.;

5. Other breast diseases, such as benign breast tumors;

6. Family inheritance or genetic defects, women whose mothers have breast cancer have a significantly higher risk of developing breast cancer.

In view of these high-risk factors, we can carry out related prevention of breast diseases, that is: healthy diet, regular work and rest, stay away from tobacco and alcohol, stay away from ionizing radiation, and breastfeeding. Of course, regular check-ups are also very important!

What are the symptoms of breast cancer?

Most patients see a doctor when a lump is found in the breast. In addition, there are depressions, edema, erythema or nodules on the local skin of the breast, and the nipple has depression, itching, scaling or discharge.

In this case, you should go to the hospital in time. There is also an occult breast cancer. The breasts and skin have not changed, but there will be swollen lymph nodes in the armpits. Therefore, women should touch their armpits to see if there are lumps when they touch their breasts for self-examination.


(source:internet, reference only)

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