July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Norovirus Outbreak at Trump’s Former Stay

Norovirus Outbreak at Trump’s Former Stay

Norovirus Outbreak at Trump’s Former Stay: Hotel Cafeteria Shutdown and Compensation Consideration for Over 100 Affected

Norovirus Outbreak at Hotel’s Employee Cafeteria, Over 100 Affected, Consideration for Compensation.

An outbreak of norovirus occurred at the employee cafeteria of the “Palace Hotel” (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo), where former President Trump, during his tenure as U.S. president, is known to have stayed. Over 100 individuals reported symptoms of food poisoning, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government imposed a penalty of “3 days of business suspension” on the contractor responsible for operations.

Norovirus Outbreak at Trump's Former Stay: Hotel Cafeteria Shutdown and Compensation Consideration for Over 100 Affected

“Aim Service,” which handles food services for approximately 1,500 establishments nationwide, including employee cafeterias, commented on January 29, stating they are “working on preventing recurrence,” according to a report by Lawyer Dotcom. Regarding medical expenses and business interruption damages, they are in discussions with the hotel.

In Tokyo, norovirus-related food poisoning had already occurred in early January at the Ueno Park food event called “Oyster Fest.”

– “Resumption of employee cafeteria is undetermined even after lifting the business suspension.”

According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, a total of 101 Palace Hotel employees who used the employee cafeteria from January 19 to 20 complained of symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting.

As norovirus was detected in the employees’ feces and food, the Chiyoda Health Center concluded that it was a “food poisoning caused by norovirus in meals provided by the employee cafeteria” and imposed a business suspension measure.

The Palace Hotel explained that the employee cafeteria operates independently from the hotel restaurant’s kitchen and has voluntarily suspended operations. Regarding employees with health issues, they are on home standby until the norovirus test results turn negative.

– Compensation measures for medical expenses and business interruption damages

“Aim Service,” the operator of the employee cafeteria, apologized to the affected individuals on its official website. Even after the business suspension was lifted on January 29, the employee cafeteria continues to be closed, pending discussions with the hotel. The resumption date is uncertain, and investigations are ongoing to determine if there were any menu or cooking deficiencies.

“Aim Service” is also considering compensation for medical expenses and business interruption damages to the hotel, stating, “We apologize for the inconvenience caused to everyone who fell ill. We express our sympathy. We are sincerely addressing compensation for those affected and compensation to the hotel, and we are proceeding with discussions.”

What is Norovirus?

Norovirus is a highly contagious virus that causes gastroenteritis, an inflammation of the stomach and intestines. It is a common cause of foodborne illness outbreaks, especially in places like schools, cruise ships, and restaurants. Norovirus is transmitted through contaminated food, water, surfaces, and close contact with infected individuals.

Symptoms of norovirus infection include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. In addition to gastrointestinal symptoms, individuals may experience fever, headache, and body aches. The illness is usually self-limiting, with symptoms resolving within a few days, but it can be severe, especially in young children, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems.

Preventive measures include thorough handwashing, proper food handling and preparation, and avoiding contact with infected individuals. Outbreaks of norovirus are common, and public health measures often include quarantine and cleaning to prevent further spread.

Norovirus Outbreak at Trump’s Former Stay: Hotel Cafeteria Shutdown and Compensation Consideration for Over 100 Affected



(source:internet, reference only)

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