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9 death in Equatorial Guinea: First outbreak of Marburg virus disease confirmed

9 death in Equatorial Guinea: First outbreak of Marburg virus disease confirmed


9 death in Equatorial Guinea: First outbreak of Marburg virus disease confirmed.

February 14th Malabo News: The World Health Organization said on the 13th that after at least 9 people died, Equatorial Guinea confirmed the country’s first outbreak of Marburg virus disease.


9 death in Equatorial Guinea: First outbreak of Marburg virus disease confirmed.


It is reported that the local health department reported an unknown disease that causes hemorrhagic fever on February 7.

With the support of WHO, relevant samples were sent to a laboratory in Senegal for testing to further determine the cause of the illness.

The laboratory tested positive for Marburg virus in one of the submitted samples.



As of the 13th, there have been 9 deaths and 16 suspected cases in the country. Suspected cases have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, vomiting and diarrhea.

WHO has joined forces with local health departments to trace and isolate relevant contacts, while providing medical services to those with relevant symptoms. Experts in epidemiology, case management, infection prevention and more have been deployed to help the country respond to the outbreak, the WHO said.


The WHO also said it was assisting in the delivery of supplies such as test kits for virus testing, including protective equipment for 500 medical staff.

WHO’s regional director for Africa, Machidiso Muti, said the emergency response was able to be quickly and fully deployed because of the country’s swift and decisive action in confirming the outbreak.


According to the official website of the World Health Organization, Marburg virus disease is a serious disease caused by Marburg virus, with an average mortality rate of about 50%.

It spreads among humans through contact with the body fluids or limbs of infected persons. Currently, there are no approved vaccines or effective treatments for the virus.


What is Marburg virus?


Marburg virus is a highly infectious virus that belongs to the family Filoviridae, which also includes the Ebola virus.

It was first identified in 1967 in the town of Marburg, Germany, where an outbreak occurred among laboratory workers who had been exposed to African green monkeys imported from Uganda.


Marburg virus causes severe and often fatal hemorrhagic fever in humans and nonhuman primates, with symptoms that can include fever, muscle aches, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and hemorrhaging.

The virus is transmitted through contact with infected bodily fluids, such as blood, vomit, and feces, and can also be spread through contact with contaminated surfaces and materials.


There is currently no specific treatment or vaccine for Marburg virus, and management of the disease focuses on supportive care, such as maintaining hydration and blood pressure.

Outbreaks of the virus have occurred in several African countries, including Uganda, Angola, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, but they are relatively rare.




What are the main symptoms of marburg virus infection?

The symptoms of Marburg virus infection typically begin within 2-21 days after exposure to the virus, and they can range from mild to severe.

The initial symptoms of Marburg virus infection are similar to those of many other viral illnesses, including fever, headache, muscle aches, and fatigue. As the disease progresses, more severe symptoms may develop, including:

  1. Gastrointestinal symptoms: These may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

  2. Hemorrhagic symptoms: The Marburg virus can cause bleeding and hemorrhaging from various parts of the body, including the nose, gums, and eyes. Blood may also be present in vomit, urine, or stool.

  3. Rash: A rash may develop on the skin, particularly on the chest, back, and stomach.

  4. Neurological symptoms: These may include confusion, agitation, and seizures.

As the disease progresses, symptoms may become more severe, and patients may develop shock, multi-organ failure, and eventually, death. The fatality rate for Marburg virus infection can be very high, up to 90% in some outbreaks.

It is essential to seek medical attention if you have been exposed to the Marburg virus or if you develop any of the symptoms listed above. Early diagnosis and treatment can improve the chances of recovery.




How to prevent getting infected by Marburg virus?


Preventing infection with the Marburg virus involves taking precautions to avoid contact with infected bodily fluids, contaminated materials, or animals that may carry the virus. Here are some specific steps to take to prevent infection:

  1. Avoid contact with animals: Marburg virus is believed to originate in bats and can be transmitted to humans through contact with infected animals, such as monkeys or bats. Avoiding contact with wild animals or their bodily fluids is a critical measure to prevent infection.
  2. Practice good hygiene: Frequent hand washing with soap and water, especially after contact with potentially contaminated surfaces or materials, can help prevent infection.
  3. Use protective equipment: Healthcare workers or others who may be exposed to infected bodily fluids or materials should use appropriate protective equipment, such as gloves, gowns, and masks, to prevent infection.
  4. Isolate infected individuals: Anyone suspected of being infected with the Marburg virus should be isolated and provided with appropriate medical care to prevent the spread of the disease to others.
  5. Avoid traveling to areas with Marburg virus outbreaks: Traveling to areas where the Marburg virus is endemic increases the risk of infection. It is best to avoid such areas or take appropriate precautions when traveling, such as wearing protective gear, and following all safety guidelines.

It is essential to follow all safety guidelines and recommendations provided by health authorities to reduce the risk of infection with the Marburg virus.







9 death in Equatorial Guinea: First outbreak of Marburg virus disease confirmed.

(source:internet, reference only)

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