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The Ebola virus has come and 4 died already

The Ebola virus has come and 4 died already

The Ebola virus has come and 4 died already.   The natural host of Ebola virus tends to be considered fruit bats.

Medical staff has been infected with Ebola virus. 

Today (February 15), according to Xinhua News Agency, the Congo (DRC) health department announced on the 14th that a medical worker had been infected with Ebola virus in the eastern part of the country. This is the fourth case of Ebola infection reported in the country since the beginning of this month, and it is also the first case of infection by a medical staff.

On February 14, according to AFP news, in Guinea, 7 people have been confirmed to be infected with Ebola virus and 3 people have died. The head of the health agency in Guinea said that the country is in the midst of an Ebola “epidemic”. In response to the outbreak in Guinea, the World Health Organization promised to provide emergency assistance.

A number of health officials in Guinea disclosed on February 13 local time that there were multiple Ebola deaths in the country. The last Ebola outbreak in this West African country was about five years ago. Earlier, local officials said that four people died of Ebola infection. It is not yet clear why the death toll has been reduced.

The Ministry of Health of the Democratic Republic of the Congo has not yet determined whether the current sporadic cases constitute a new round of Ebola epidemic. Serum samples of infected persons are being tested to determine whether the virus strain is related to the previous round of the epidemic. The health department said on the 14th that the Congo (DRC) currently has nearly 10,000 doses of Ebola vaccine, which have been arranged to be delivered to Butembo, North Kivu Province in the east.

The Ministry of Health of the Democratic Republic of the Congo announced on the 7th that a woman in Butembo developed Ebola-related symptoms on the 1st of this month and died on the 3rd. Her blood sample test result was positive for Ebola. Her husband had been infected with the Ebola virus and later recovered. Local authorities tracked about 200 close contacts of the case, and successively reported the second and third confirmed cases of infection.

On June 25, 2020, the Minister of Health of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Longondo announced the official end of the tenth round of Ebola outbreaks in the northeastern provinces of Ituri and North Kivu. This round of the epidemic began in August 2018 and lasted for nearly two years. A total of 3324 confirmed cases, 153 suspected cases, and 2287 deaths have been reported. It constitutes a public health emergency of international concern and is the largest in the history of Congo A serious Ebola epidemic.

From 2013 to 2016, three West African countries, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, had outbreaks of Ebola, causing more than 11,000 deaths.

On the 14th local time, the Ministry of Health of Sierra Leone issued a statement saying that in response to the recurrence of the Ebola epidemic in neighboring Guinea, the Sierra Leone government decided to activate a secondary emergency response mechanism. The statement said that Sierra Leone will strengthen emergency response based on its experience in responding to the last Ebola epidemic to prevent the introduction of Ebola virus into Sierra Leone and protect the lives of the people.

At present, the border between Sierra Leone and Guinea has been closed. The relevant departments of the country have strengthened monitoring of the Ebola virus in the border area and guided local people to take preventive measures.

What is Ebola virus? How to prevent it?

What is Ebola virus?

Ebola virus was first discovered in Africa. In layman’s terms, the Ebola virus is a collective name for five viruses. The names are “Zaire”, “Sudan”, “Tay Forest”, “Bundibugyo” and “Reston”.

According to Chinese disease control experts, Ebola virus is a severe infectious disease virus that occurs in humans and primates. Ebola and Lassa virus are listed by the World Health Organization as the most harmful viruses to humans. , The “fourth level virus.”


The Ebola virus has come and 4 died already


This is a photomicrograph of the Ebola virus provided by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on March 24, 2014.

Ebola virus is usually transmitted through blood and other body fluids. There has been no confirmed airborne transmission. The incubation period of infection ranges from 2 to 21 days. The patient’s initial symptoms were sudden fever and headache, followed by vomiting, diarrhea, and renal dysfunction, and finally hemorrhage in and out of the body and death.

Ebola virus is one of the viruses with the highest fatality rate found so far, with a mortality rate of more than 50%. There is no effective prevention and treatment method. The only way to stop the spread of the virus is to completely isolate the infected patients.

Ebola virus is relatively stable at room temperature and has a moderate resistance to heat. It can only destroy its infectivity at 60 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes; it can be completely inactivated by ultraviolet radiation for two minutes; it is sensitive to chemicals, ether, formal Disinfectants such as Lin can completely inactivate the virus and its infectivity.

According to the introduction of the World Health Organization on the Ebola epidemic, humans may be infected with Ebola virus through contact with the body fluids of infected animals or humans. The things discharged from the patient, such as saliva, body fluids, excreta, etc., have high concentrations of virus.

If the damaged skin or mucous membranes of healthy people come into contact with objects that leave Ebola patients’ body fluids, such as bed sheets, clothing, or used needle tubes, they may also be infected.

To defend against Ebola, avoid eating wild animals.

Local residents in Africa have always had the habit of eating wild animals such as orangutans and bats, which is believed to be the root cause of the Ebola epidemic. Experts in the field of infectious diseases in Guangdong Province believe that based on existing evidence, the natural host of Ebola virus tends to be considered fruit bats.

(source:internet, reference only)

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