July 26, 2024

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Brazil Faces Dengue Surge: Private Vaccination Options Emerge

Brazil Faces Dengue Surge: Private Vaccination Options Emerge

Brazil Faces Dengue Surge: Private Vaccination Options Emerge. Vaccination Against Dengue on a Private Basis Amidst a Rapid Increase in Cases Nationwide.

As reported by Agencia Brazil on the 30th, the Ministry of Health announced that the number of suspected cases of dengue fever nationwide increased by 80% compared to the previous week.

Within a week, the figures surged from 128,741 to 217,841, raising concerns with 15 reported deaths. In response to this alarming situation, vaccination through the Unified Health System (SUS) will commence in February.

However, certain private medical facilities are already offering vaccinations at an individual’s expense, with details on costs and locations reported by O Globo on the 19th.

According to Globo’s investigation, the Dengue fever vaccine “Qdenga,” manufactured by Takeda Pharmaceuticals and approved by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) in March 2023, costs between 390 to 490 Brazilian Reals for a single dose. The complete two-dose vaccination, administered three months apart, amounts to 780 to 980 Brazilian Reals.

Vaccination is available at healthcare facilities affiliated with the Fleury Group across 12 states and federal districts, including Labs a+, Clínica Felippe Mattoso, and LAFE, with costs ranging from 400 to 490 Brazilian Reals per dose. However, prices may vary depending on the region. Richet Medicina offers vaccinations at 450 Reals per dose, while Labi provides it at 450 Reals.

The comprehensive healthcare network Dasa, which includes 30 clinics such as Sérgio Franco, Bronstein, Alta, Delboni, Exame, and Atalaia, also offers the vaccine. Pharmacies, including major chains Raia and Drogasil, are selling the vaccine for 364.32 Brazilian Reals.

The vaccine requires a prescription, as stipulated by Anvisa regulations, particularly for vaccinations not included in the national immunization calendar of SUS. However, due to the incorporation of this vaccine into SUS, the applicability has widened based on Anvisa’s directives, and many vaccination facilities no longer mandate a prescription.

There are restrictions on the vaccine administration, targeting individuals aged 4 to 60, with recommendations against it for those outside this age range. People with allergies, immune system disorders such as genetic immune abnormalities or HIV infection, and those using immunosuppressive drugs like high-dose corticosteroids or undergoing chemotherapy, as well as pregnant or breastfeeding women, are advised to avoid vaccination due to unconfirmed safety.

Potential allergic reactions, such as itching rashes, difficulty breathing, swelling of the face or tongue, may occur after the initial vaccination. Clinical trials have demonstrated an efficacy of 80.2%, reducing hospitalizations by up to 90.4%.

Inquiries made by this paper to the São Paulo Japan-Brazil Support Association revealed that the vaccine is not currently available at the Liberdade Clinic or the Japan-Brazil Friendship Hospital.”

Governors received notice to prepare for children COVID-19 vaccination. 

Brazil Faces Dengue Surge: Private Vaccination Options Emerge

(source:internet, reference only)

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