July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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COVID-19 Vaccination as soon as December 11th in US

COVID-19 Vaccination as soon as December 11th in US

COVID-19 Vaccination as soon as December 11th in US. The first batch of  vaccines will be vaccinated on December 11.  On Nov 22, the person in charge of Trump’s anti-epidemic action stated that the first batch of American people could be injected with Pfizer’s Pfizer vaccine as early as December 11. By May next year, up to 70% of the people will be immunized after vaccination and life can return to normal. “We plan to deliver the vaccine to the vaccination point within 24 hours of approval.”

Vaccination as soon as December 11th in US

△ Dr. Moncef Slaoui (right), the person in charge of Operation Warp Speed, told CNN’s Jake Tapper

Pfizer Pfizer submitted an emergency use authorization application to the FDA. The relevant meeting will be held on December 10th. If nothing happens, the vaccination will start on the second day of approval, that is, the first dose will start on December 11th!

Dr. Slaoui said that with the curative effect demonstrated by the current vaccine candidates, herd immunity can be achieved by vaccination of about 70% of the population. The current plan is for 20 million Americans to be vaccinated in February, followed by 30 million monthly vaccinations in the following months. In addition, Dr. Slaoui assured CNN that the protest team is working hard to separate the anti-epidemic from politics, government, and political background, but they are very willing to cooperate with the government.

San Francisco may enter the strictest level this week! All indoor activities closed

Since November, the number of new cases per day in California has almost tripled.
Last week, there were more than 13,000 new people in California in three days, and the state-wide hospitalization rate also rose almost linearly.
As of Saturday night, California had more than 11,500 new cases in a single day in the past seven days, more than three times the number of approximately 3,200 cases on October 21 a month ago.
Last week alone, an average of 65 people died of the COVID-19 every day in California.
Officials warned that this week, the city of San Francisco is likely to be included in the strictest purple rating by California!
(Officials also specifically reminded: “The current low number of cases on Sunday is due to the maintenance of the state reporting system, not a real decline.”)

The purple level will signify that the city will enter a new curfew within two days, and non-essential outings will be prohibited from 10pm-5am every night (take-out and courier services can continue during this period), and almost all indoor activities will be closed!

The new restrictions also include the prohibition of indoor social activities. It is safest for Thanksgiving celebrations to be carried out only between family members. If you still plan to invite people from other families to the party, you must do it outdoors.
The guest of honor should not exceed 3 families. Different families should maintain a distance of 6 feet. They should wear masks during non-meal hours, and the number of people in the gathering should not exceed 15.

The ban currently applies to 41 of California’s 58 “purple” counties, which cover 94% of the nearly 40 million people living in the most populous state in the United States.

New ban in Los Angeles: No outdoor dining

The new diagnosis in Los Angeles County is even more amazing!
According to data released by the Los Angeles County government on Saturday night, there were 4522 new cases, and the average number of new cases in the past few days has exceeded 4,000. If this situation continues (almost certain), it will trigger a new stricter Home Order:
The threshold set by Los Angeles public health officials is that an average increase of more than 4,500 people in five days will trigger a new stay-at-home order, and only workers in necessary positions and people who have received necessary services can leave the home.
This Sunday, Los Angeles issued a new ban yesterday-
Indoor and outdoor dining in all shops is prohibited for at least three weeks.

The number of COVID-19 hospitalizations has also continued to rise. The county admitted 1,391 people, which is nearly double the average daily number at the beginning of October. Among them, a quarter of COVID-19 patients live in the ICU intensive care unit.
More than 72% of the new cases reported on Saturday were under 50.

Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer once again called on the county’s 10 million residents to stay at home as much as possible, maintain social distancing and comply with other safety protocols. “We must change the current situation of the alarming increase in the number of cases and hospitalizations, return to the track of slowing the spread of the virus, and avoid overloading the hospital to save lives.”
The county’s surge began in late October. Officials are desperately trying to control the rising trend of confirmed cases. At present, restaurants and non-essential shops have been ordered to close at 10 pm, and passenger capacity will be restricted during business hours.

The first night of curfew: Hundreds of Southern California protested late at night…

Since last Saturday, under the new order signed by Newsom, most areas including Southern California have started a curfew (non-essential industry residents are prohibited from going out from 10 pm to 5 pm the next day).
However, on the first night of the curfew, many Californians appeared on the streets “on time”, holding high the “Newson step down” sign to protest.
Not only has the ban broken, many people have gathered without masks.
In their view, freedom seems to be above everything, even life.

Some protesters held high: “Newson is not my father”
Deliberately spelling Newsom as “New Scum”

Panic buying is making a comeback. Nationwide roll paper is out of stock

With waves of new bans, the panic buying of toilet paper by the whole people is back.
Everyone did not take the wrong script. With the resumption of the winter epidemic and the implementation of the new home order, major stores across the United States began to stock papers again.
From California to New York, toilet paper shelves are empty again…
Wal-Mart said on Friday that as the COVID-19 epidemic is raging almost uncontrollably in most parts of the United States, the supply of toilet paper and cleaning supplies in some areas is once again in short supply.

As of Friday afternoon, 22 states have implemented restrictive measures aimed at slowing the spread of the COVID-19, which has triggered a new round of panic buying and hoarding. The nation’s largest supermarket chains Target and Kroger have also begun to implement purchase restrictions. Shoppers in six or seven cities in the United States told Reuters that the disinfection wipes from chains such as Wal-Mart, Costco, Albertsons, and Vons were sold out.

In Vancouver, Washington, where indoor dining has been banned, Costco’s out-of-stock items include toilet paper, paper towels, wet wipes, gloves and Spam canned meat. Los Angeles Costco toilet paper also appeared out of stock. Shoppers in San Diego found the shelves bare, most of the jugs of milk were gone, and ice cream was gone.

Charmin manufacturer Procter & Gamble is the largest seller of toilet paper in the United States, and it said it is currently operating its factories 24 hours a day to meet demand. In the past few months, retailers have had to make major and costly changes to their supply chains to meet unexpected surges in demand.
Wal-Mart’s Sam’s Club responded to a tweet complaining that toilet paper and tissues were sold out, saying: “We are trying to replenish the items as quickly as possible.”

Two days on weekend, Up to 2 million U.S. aircraft travelled

Not only California, but the nation’s figures are also rising at an astonishing number.
The United States has been newly diagnosed in a single day for 20 consecutive days, exceeding 100,000!
It took only 6 days for the number of confirmed cases in the United States to rise from 11 million to 12 million.
On the Friday and Saturday that just passed, as many as 2 million Americans still traveled by air, ignoring the CDC epidemic prevention guidelines.

Dr. Fauci urged the public to conduct a “risk benefit assessment” before travelling on Thanksgiving, not just to travel for Thanksgiving, and not to spend the holiday with people outside the family. Every family is different. Everyone has a different level of risk. When gathering with relatives and friends, you should consider the health of family members, friends, and the elderly, and whether their immune systems have been weakened. “Do you really want a dozen or twenty people to land at your home from a crowded plane or airport?”

According to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), 1,019,836 passengers flew in the United States on Friday and nearly a million people traveled on Saturday. Although Friday’s figure has fallen by 1.5 million from the same period last year, it is still the second largest number of passengers since the outbreak in the United States in March this year.