July 26, 2024

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COVID-19: Risks 4 times higher if lack of Vitamin D

COVID-19: Risks 4 times higher if lack of Vitamin D

COVID-19: Risks 4 times higher if lack of Vitamin D.  Orthopedic doctor:  lack of vitamin D in the body, the risk of contracting the COVID-19 is 4 times higher! Please bookmark the method of supplementing dimension D.

COVID-19: Risks 4 times higher if lack of Vitamin D


People with insufficient vitamin D are susceptible to the COVID-19

Researchers in Florida, the United States, found that people with insufficient vitamin D levels are at a 4.6 times higher risk of being admitted to the hospital.

A previous Israeli study also confirmed that people with low vitamin D levels in the body may be more susceptible to infection by the new coronavirus and have a higher risk of severe illness or death.

Studies have confirmed that adequate amounts of vitamin D not only help fight the new coronavirus infection, but also help fight other viral infections that cause upper respiratory diseases (including influenza).


At the same time, people whose vitamin D levels are too low have a greatly increased risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, infectious diseases, dental diseases such as caries and periodontal disease, autoimmune diseases, rickets, and osteoporosis.

How to judge whether vitamin D supplementation is needed?

A survey of 12,662 Chinese adults in Eastern China showed that the vitamin D deficiency rate in the population was 80.3%; women’s vitamin D deficiency was more serious than men’s.
A survey data from 2009 to 2016 in the United States published in the American Journal of Pediatrics showed that only 27% of children had the recommended intake of vitamin D.
Is there a lack of VD? You can estimate for yourself if you often eat high-VD foods, if you often get in the sun, or you can check the blood 25-hydroxy vitamin D concentration to determine whether the vitamin D in the body is sufficient. The concentration of vitamin D is maintained at 75-100nmol/L or 30-40ng/ml.

How to get enough vitamin D?

The main source of vitamin D obtained by the human body is “endogenous”, which is the conversion of provitamin D (7 dehydrocholesterol) in the skin under the irradiation of medium-wave ultraviolet rays in the sun. Therefore, sun exposure is the main way to increase vitamin D intake.

Remember to expose your skin to the sun directly, not through the glass!

It is medium-wave ultraviolet rays that promote the synthesis of vitamin D. Its penetration ability is very weak. Glass can block more than 80%. Sun exposure through the glass has almost no effect on the synthesis of vitamin D by the skin.

It is recommended to choose 9-10 in the morning and 4-5 in the afternoon to exercise outdoors. The appropriate time is about 30 minutes. It is slightly longer in winter and shorter in summer. Remember to wear sunglasses outdoors to prevent eye burns. The effect can be achieved by focusing on the arms and back of the upper body.

Eat more foods rich in vitamin D

Foods rich in vitamin D include: animal liver, egg yolk, cheese, salmon, sardines and tuna, mushrooms, dried shiitake mushrooms, whole milk, soy milk, etc.

When sunlight and dietary supplements cannot meet our body’s needs, vitamin D supplements can be taken appropriately as directed by a doctor.

It is preferably a pure vitamin D3 preparation. This is because after vitamin D enters the human body, it needs to be converted into D3 before it can be used by the human body, and the conversion percentage of vitamin D into D3 is particularly low.

How much vitamin D does the human body need every day?

The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences recommends:

  • The recommended daily intake of infants and young children is 400IU after birth;
  • 1-70 years old, the recommended daily intake is 600IU; over 70 years old is 800IU.
  • μg or mcg means microgram, IU means international unit;
  • 1ug vitamin D=40IU vitamin D, 1IU vitamin D=0.025ug vitamin D.


How many doses of vitamin D supplements can not be exceeded per day?

The maximum limit of vitamin D intake is different for different age groups. Data from the American Research Institute shows that

  • For infants within 6 months, the maximum limit is 1000IU per day,
  • For infants 6-12 months old, the maximum limit is 1500IU per day,
  • 1-3 years old, up to 2500IU per day,
  • 4-8 years old, no more than 3000IU per day,
  • For all people over 9 years old, the maximum is 4000IU per day.


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