July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Vitamin D supplementation may help strengthen Long-COVID recovery

Vitamin D supplementation may help strengthen Long-COVID recovery


Vitamin D supplementation may help strengthen Long-COVID recovery.

The COVID-19 pneumonia epidemic has lasted for three years, and this year finally ushered in a “complete liberalization”. Although there is a vaccine escort, the virus has also weakened.

But as time goes by, the immune protection ability of most people will gradually decline, which will give opportunities for secondary infection.


What is certain is that the virus still exists, and the virus strain is still mutating, so it is recommended that everyone take protective measures to protect themselves and their families.


If you are indeed infected with the COVID-19 for the second time, or have corresponding symptoms of infection with the COVID-19, such as sore throat, how should you respond? Read the answers to the following questions carefully, it will be of great help to you.



 Who are the people who are susceptible to secondary infection?


1. Immunocompromised populations. Including the elderly with degraded immune function and infants and young children under 3 years old with immature immune function, their protection after recovery from infection is relatively short.


2. Immunodeficiency population. Including AIDS patients and immunosuppressant users, the duration of protection they get is relatively short, and as time goes on, the risk of secondary infection is relatively high.


3. People in high-risk positions. Including medical staff, public transportation operation and maintenance personnel, etc., they have more contact with people due to work reasons, and the risk of re-infection is also higher.


4. People with underlying diseases. Including patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic syndrome (including diabetes), they are also prone to reinfection due to the existence of various high-risk factors. In addition, because the virus is constantly mutating and its ability to escape immunity is increasing, people who have not been vaccinated are also more likely to be reinfected.


Vitamin D deficiency, even if you have been taking calcium tablets, you may have osteoporosis? May cause multiple chronic diseases and death? Is it even related to the resistance of the COVID-19 and infection?



Vitamin D is closely related to health

Vitamin D (referred to as vitamin D) is an essential fat-soluble vitamin, which is mainly synthesized by human skin after ultraviolet radiation, and a small part is taken from food or supplements. It is essential for maintaining human health, cell growth and development substance.


The most well-known role of vitamin D is that it acts as a good partner of calcium and can promote calcium absorption.

After the age of 30, the loss of bone mass accelerates. Everyone realizes the importance of calcium supplementation, but some people, especially the elderly, still suffer from calcium deficiency symptoms such as osteoporosis and bone and joint pain. It is the lack of vitamin D.

A blood sample study of 5,000 healthy people found that vitamin D deficiency accounted for more than 90%, proving that everyone should supplement vitamin D.


And more and more studies have found that vitamin D deficiency is closely related to various diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, immune diseases, diabetes, rickets, tumors, and emotional depression.



Vitamin D helps to deal with the COVID-19 and twice refection


Recently, more and more people claim to be “Twice infection” on the Internet. So in the face of the possible Eryang crisis, apart from vaccination and personal protection, how can we give everyone an extra line of defense?

New study: People with Long-COVID symptoms had significantly lower vitamin D levels than those who fully recovered, most notably in those with symptoms.

Long-COVID patients have lower vitamin D levels than those who have recovered from COVID-19, suggesting that taking vitamin D supplements may help prevent or alleviate this debilitating condition, according to a new study.

The lower vitamin D levels in long-term COVID-19 patients — the effects of the initial COVID-19 infection lasting more than 12 weeks — were most pronounced in patients with “brain fog.”


Vitamin D supplementation may help strengthen Long-COVID recovery



These findings were recently presented at the European Congress of Endocrinology in Istanbul, and the study is also published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.


The researchers emphasize that this controlled study included patients with multiple symptoms of Long-COVID and was followed for a longer period of time than most previous studies (6 months versus 3 months).


The authors note that the study’s highly controlled nature helps us better understand the role of vitamin D deficiency in Long-COVID and identify possible links between vitamin D deficiency and Long-COVID.


Given the safety profile of vitamin D and its wide-ranging health benefits, it may be reasonable to test vitamin D levels in patients with COVID-19. If levels are found to be low, supplementation may be considered.


However, it is important to note that this should be done under medical supervision and further research is needed to determine the optimal timing and dosage of supplementation.




Low vitamin D and long-term risk of COVID-19

Low vitamin D levels are associated with an increased likelihood of needing mechanical ventilation and decreased survival in hospitalized patients with COVID-19, but the long-term COVID-19 risk associated with vitamin D is unknown.


The researchers analyzed data from adults 18 and older who were hospitalized with a confirmed case of COVID-19 and then attended follow-up clinics six months later.


The researchers identified 50 patients with chronic COVID-19 during the 6-month follow-up and matched them with 50 patients without chronic COVID-19 at the same time point based on age, gender, other medical conditions, and need for non-invasive mechanical ventilation.

The mean age of the patients was 61 years, and 56% were men; 28% of the patients had been on a ventilator while hospitalized for COVID-19.


The most common symptoms reported by long-term COVID-19 patients at 6 months were weakness (38%), bad breath (34%), shortness of breath (34%) and loss of smell (24%).

Most symptoms were related to the cardiorespiratory system (42%), well-being (42%) or the senses (36%), with fewer patients experiencing neurocognitive impairment (headache or brain fog, 14%) or ears, nose and throat (12%) or gastrointestinal system (4%) related symptoms.


Long-term COVID-19 patients had lower average vitamin D levels than chronic COVID-19 patients, and vitamin D levels were significantly lower in patients with symptoms such as headaches or brain fog.


The researchers used an analysis called multiple regression, which showed that vitamin D at follow-up was the only variable significantly associated with long-term COVID-19.


It was observed in this study that survivors of COVID-19 who reported persistent signs and symptoms consistent with a long-standing COVID-19 syndrome 6 months after discharge were characterized by lower 25(OH) vitamin D levels than those without the syndrome, A lower 25(OH) vitamin D level is an independent risk factor for the development of long-term COVID-19.


Because of the well-known extraskeletal role of vitamin D in modulating immune response and competence, and the continued reported positive effects in the fields of musculoskeletal, neurocognitive, metabolic, and cardiorespiratory fitness, the researchers hypothesized that vitamin D may play an important role in survivors of COVID-19 infection.

Therefore, for patients with Long-COVID problems, reasonable and moderate supplementation of vitamin D may help the recovery of the body and the improvement of symptoms, but the specific dosage and supplementation time need to be further studied. research to prove




Vitamin D supplementation may help strengthen Long-COVID recovery

(source:internet, reference only)

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