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What bacteria and viruses can cause cancers?

What bacteria and viruses can cause cancers?


What bacteria and viruses can cause cancers?

The high incidence and high mortality rate of cancer, let us talk about “cancer” in our daily life.

A large part of our fear comes from our ignorance of cancer.

After scientific understanding, you will find that cancer is not so terrible and can be prevented. Can also cure…


According to data from the International Union Against Cancer, 12 million cancer cases are diagnosed worldwide each year , and about 20% of these cases are due to viral or bacterial infections !


In our daily life, we will inevitably come into contact with various bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc. Therefore, we should pay more attention to cancers caused by infections.



What bacteria and viruses can cause cancers?


Be wary of 3 types of viruses, which may become carcinogens


Hepatitis B virus (HBV) – primary liver cancer

It is a clear conclusion that hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection will increase the incidence of liver cancer .


” Hepatitis – liver cirrhosis – liver cancer ” is the “trilogy” of viral hepatitis developing into liver cancer. According to surveys, about 70-80% of liver cancers develop from hepatitis B. That is to say, if hepatitis B is not treated in a timely and standardized manner, it may be only one step away from liver cancer.


HBV infection itself has no direct cytotoxic effect, but the continuously replicating virus in the body is processed by phagocytosis, which will activate the immune response and induce the immunopathological damage of the liver .


When the liver cells are damaged, they will generate collagen fibers to repair them, but once the collagen fibers accumulate too much, the liver will change from soft to hard, forming cirrhosis . If it is not controlled, liver cancer may come to the door.




Prevent hepatitis

① Vaccination against hepatitis B is the best way to prevent hepatitis B. Especially high-risk groups such as those with low immunity, family members of hepatitis B patients, and medical staff who have been in contact with patients for a long time must be vaccinated in time.

② For ordinary people, a physical examination can be done every year , and the items include liver function, hepatitis B five items , etc. These items are helpful for early detection of whether the liver is infected by the virus.




Human Papillomavirus (HPV) – Cervical Cancer

Women infected with human papilloma virus are more likely to get cervical cancer than women without infection , but this does not mean that being infected with HPV is equivalent to getting cervical cancer. Among hundreds of HPV viruses, only 13 can cause cervical cancer. Severe high-risk type and 5 medium-risk types .


Relevant data show that as many as 75% of women have been infected with HPV in their lifetime, and more than 80% of HPV virus infection can be cleared by the human immune system , but those higher-risk viruses that cannot be cleared may cause persistent infection and increase risk of cervical cancer .




Prevention methods

① HPV vaccination : There are three types of HPV vaccines, bivalent, quadrivalent, and nine-valent, on the market, and the nine-valent vaccine can prevent 90% of cervical cancer.

②Regular screening : The screening methods for cervical cancer mainly include HPV examination, TCT examination, and colposcopy examination .


It is recommended that women aged 21-29 undergo TCT examination every 3 years ; women aged 30-65 undergo TCT examination every 3 years , or TCT and HPV examination every 5 years ; women over 65 years old with normal examination results , no further screening is required.


Epstein-Barr virus – nasopharyngeal carcinoma, lymphoma

Epstein-Barr virus is a herpes virus that is ubiquitous in the world . Not only nasopharyngeal carcinoma and lymphoma , but also studies in recent years have proved that gastric cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer and cervical cancer are also related to it.


Usually, the Epstein-Barr virus entering the human body will remain latent in B lymphocytes for a long time, and the virus does not replicate and only expresses a small part of genes.


When there is no external incentive and the infected person’s immunity is normal, they can remain latent; but when the body’s immune function is low , the latent Epstein-Barr virus will be activated and cause infection. In cooperation with other factors, it may eventually lead to Nasopharyngeal cancer or other diseases.


Early Symptoms of Epstein-Barr Virus Infection

Rash on the roof of the mouth , or clusters of small reddish pimples on the face .



2 Dangerous Bacteria That May Cause Cancer

In addition to viruses, some bacteria are also related to the occurrence of cancer.

The most clear and representative one is the relationship between Helicobacter pylori (Hp) and gastric cancer. The World Health Organization has listed Hp as the number one factor causing gastric cancer.


Helicobacter pylori – stomach cancer

Many patients are infected by Helicobacter pylori. This bacterium will enter the stomach along with food and damage the gastric mucosa. When the gastric mucosa is repeatedly damaged and repaired for a long time, it may mutate and form a tumor.


Progression of Helicobacter pylori infection to gastric cancer

Helicobacter pylori infection → chronic superficial gastritis → atrophic gastritis → intestinal metaplasia → dysplasia → gastric cancer



Ways for spreading

Helicobacter pylori can be transmitted orally through the mouth, saliva, etc. , so there is a certain family aggregation , and the disease must be prevented from entering through the mouth.


Pay attention to the hygiene of tableware , clean it, and disinfect it regularly; eat less raw and cold food ; it is best to develop the habit of using serving chopsticks when having meals ; you can usually eat foods that can protect the gastric mucosa , such as fungi.


The harm of Helicobacter pylori to the human body is not limited to the stomach, but also increases the risk of diseases such as peptic ulcer, liver lesions, unexplained iron deficiency anemia, lymphoproliferative gastric lymphoma, etc. Standardized treatment is necessary. At present, the more commonly used is “quadruple therapy” – proton pump inhibitor + bismuth + two kinds of antibiotics, the course of treatment generally ranges from 10-14 days.


In addition, it is recommended that ordinary people begin gastric cancer screening at the age of 40 , including gastroscopy and Hp detection.



Long-term imbalance of intestinal flora – colorectal cancer

We all know that there are beneficial bacteria and harmful bacteria in the intestinal flora . Under normal circumstances, the two are in a state of balance, but when the ecological balance in the body is out of balance, some harmful bacteria will quickly take the dominant position.


Although no studies have confirmed that colorectal cancer is associated with specific microorganisms, a considerable number of cancer-promoting bacteria have been found in the human gut , including Bacteroides fragilis, Enterococcus faecalis, Helicobacter hepatica, Bacteroides, Firmicutes, and Clostridium Bacteria, Lactococcus and Fusobacterium .


Both the structure of intestinal flora and its metabolites can affect the susceptibility of the body to diseases, and may even directly induce pathological conditions such as colorectal cancer . Therefore, maintaining the stability of intestinal flora is very important.


Maintain Gut Health

① Dietary fiber : It can shorten the residence time of feces in the intestinal tract, reduce the absorption of harmful substances , strengthen probiotics, and improve the barrier function of the intestinal tract . Therefore, it is very important to eat more whole grains, vegetables and fruits appropriately .

② Resistant starch : It can be fermented by intestinal microorganisms to produce short-chain fats such as butyric acid , which can enhance the immunity of intestinal cells and help inhibit the growth of cancer cells .


Foods containing resistant starch such as slightly cooler sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn can be added daily .

The body is a unified whole, and damage to local organs may also cause abnormalities in other organs. If you are infected by the above bacteria or viruses, it is recommended to seek medical treatment in time to avoid aggravation of the condition.

But it does not mean that once infected, it will definitely cause cancer. As long as we treat it in time, block the progression of the disease, and remove harmful bacteria or viruses, we can also prevent the occurrence of cancer.




What bacteria and viruses can cause cancers?

(source:internet, reference only)

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