July 26, 2024

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More Younger Patients Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes

More Younger Patients Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes


More Younger Patients Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.  The higher the risk of complications.

This does not mean that elderly people with diabetes can be taken lightly.Recently, a new study published in the journal Diabetologia found that the younger the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, the more deadly it is.


More Younger Patients Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes


The research was led by Natalie Nanayakkara, an endocrinologist at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia.

The research team led by Nanyakala surveyed 26 past studies with a sample of 1.3 million people in 30 countries. Some of the studies have been tracked for ten years or more. The average age of the participants ranges from 22 to 67 years.



They found that the younger a person with type 2 diabetes was, the higher their risk of developing complications such as heart disease and stroke.

n the study, her team combined the results of 26 studies. On the whole, in theory, the older the patient is at diagnosis, the better the condition.


Specifically, for every year a person diagnosed with type 2 diabetes is older, the incidence of diseases with the risk of vascular destruction (including severe heart disease, stroke, and retinopathy) will drop by 3% to 5%.


Young patients are at risk of premature death: overall, for every year of age in confirmed cases, the probability of death decreases by 4%.


Experts said that the findings of the study are expected: if a patient has diabetes for a longer period of time, the higher the risk of increased complications.


Jeffrey Mechanick, director of the Cardiovascular Health Center at Mount Sinai Hospital, said such results may be beyond many people’s expectations.


After reviewing the study, Jeff said that in general, older patients are at more risk of complications than younger patients who are well-shaped, but type 2 diabetes is different.


When the body begins to resist insulin hormones, the risk of type 2 diabetes increases, which in turn causes symptoms such as high blood sugar.

Over time, insulin resistance (IR) and long-term high blood sugar can cause a series of complications, including blood vessel destruction.


Jeff said that the sooner you feel insulin resistance and blood sugar rise, the more time you will have to fight the remaining malignant reactions.


According to statistics from the American Diabetes Association, more than 34 million people in the United States suffer from diabetes, and the vast majority of patients have type 2 diabetes.


Type 2 diabetes has always been a common senile disease, but as the obesity rate continues to increase (obesity is the main cause of type 2 diabetes), more and more patients are showing a younger trend, even including teenagers and children.


According to Joanna Mitri, an endocrinologist at the Jocelyn Diabetes Center in Boston and a lecturer at Harvard Medical School, young patients underestimate their risk of complications.


Mitri, who was not involved in the study, said that young people with type 2 diabetes need to go to the hospital regularly to follow up their condition to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

This means not only controlling blood sugar, but also controlling blood pressure and cholesterol, and losing weight if necessary.


Nanyakala believes that aging and the duration of the disease are the causes of the disease.

For young patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, there is a possibility of early complications and premature death.

For the sake of long-term health of the body, young patients need to be aware of all cardiovascular disease risks. Patient-related medical institutions also need to follow up the situation and provide feasible solutions.


Jeff said that young patients with diabetes can change the trajectory of diabetes by controlling blood sugar, blood pressure, weight and cholesterol. “It is especially important that we need to create a good and healthy living environment for children.”



Type 2 diabetes always occurs continuously, and for young patients, diabetes is related to childhood obesity and early eating and exercise habits.


Therefore, Jeff believes that children need more outdoor sports and exercise. Whether in school or at home, children need to get more nutrition and maintain healthy eating habits.


He also said that although diabetes is common in the elderly, it should not be taken lightly.

All diabetes will have complications, and all patients need to control their diet, exercise moderately, and take appropriate medications to reduce their risk.




(source:internet, reference only)

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