July 26, 2024

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Drinking alcohol could be fatal if taking these 7 drugs

Drinking alcohol could be fatal if taking these 7 drugs

Drinking alcohol could be fatal if taking these 7 drugs. Strictly speaking, it is no longer suitable for drinking any alcohol if taking drugs. Regardless of whether it is red wine, beer, liquor or alcohol beverages, it is not suitable to drink within one to two days of stopping the medicine.

There are several types of drugs that are particularly fatal in response to alcohol. Taking these types of drugs and drinking alcohol will trigger a series of extreme discomforts called disulfiram reactions in medicine, which can be life-threatening.

Drinking alcohol could be fatal if taking these 7 drugs


What is disulfiram reaction

The reaction caused by drinking alcohol after taking medicine is called disulfiram reaction. Disulfiram itself is a drug for abstinence from alcohol. When disulfiram is used in combination with ethanol, it can inhibit the acetaldehyde dehydrogenase in the liver. After the ethanol is oxidized to acetaldehyde in the body, it can no longer be decomposed and oxidized, resulting in acetaldehyde in the body. Accumulate and produce a series of reactions.

Many drugs have similar effects to disulfiram. If you drink alcohol after taking the drug, facial flushing, conjunctival hyperemia, blurred vision, severe pulsation of blood vessels in the head and neck or pulsating headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, sweating, dry mouth will occur , Chest pain, myocardial infarction, acute heart failure, dyspnea, acute liver injury, convulsions and death.


The first category: Cephalosporin antibiotics (including cefoperazone, cefoperazone, sulbactam, ceftriaxone, cefazolin (Pioneer ⅴ), cefradine (Pioneer ⅵ), cefmetazole, cefomizole Nuo, Laoxef, Cefmenoxime, Cefmendol, Cephalexin (Pioneer ⅳ), Cefaclor, etc.), Furazolidin, Chloramphenicol, Nitrofurantoin, Metronidazole, etc.

Cephalosporins + alcohol = poison

After taking cephalosporins or anti-inflammatory injections of cephalosporins, and then drinking alcohol, there will be a “disulfiram-like reaction”!

So what exactly is it? It is also known as alcohol-sulfur-like reaction, which is mainly caused by the toxic reaction caused by the accumulation of acetaldehyde in the body after taking cephalosporins orally. Mainly manifested as chest tightness, shortness of breath, throat edema, cyanosis of the lips, dyspnea, increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, hallucinations, trance, and even anaphylactic shock.

In addition, the severity of disulfiram-like reactions is directly proportional to the dosage of the applied drugs and the amount of alcohol consumed. Drinking liquor has a heavier reaction than beer and alcoholic beverages. Drinking during medication is more severe than drinking after drug withdrawal. People with underlying cardiovascular diseases may be severe enough to cause respiratory depression, heart failure and even death.

How long is a safe interval between drinking and taking medicine?

An investigation and analysis showed that people who took cephalosporin antibiotics within 5 days after drinking alcohol may have a disulfiram-like reaction. It is safe to take the medicine after drinking for 6 days.


The second category: sedative and hypnotic drugs, sleeping pills + alcohol = one life

Such as phenobarbital, chloral hydrate, diazepam, and chloral chloral, these brain inhibitors, under the action of ethanol, will be absorbed by the human body, and at the same time, it will slow down its metabolism, so that the concentration of drug components in the blood Increase rapidly in the short term.

After drinking, alcohol first excites the central nervous system of the brain and then inhibits it. Together with these brain inhibitors, the normal activities of the central nervous system are severely inhibited, causing the patient to experience coma, shock, respiratory failure, and death.

It is said that the comedy master Chaplin died of drinking sleeping pills.

Sleeping pills (Sulvastat or Ambien) can cause dangerous consequences if used in combination with alcohol, because alcohol will increase the sedative effect of sleeping pills, inhibit brain activity, and cause severe drowsiness and dizziness. If the user is active, it will also increase the risk of falls, injuries and car accidents.

Drinking a lot of alcohol while taking sleeping pills can reduce blood pressure to extremely low levels and cause breathing difficulties.


The third category: antipyretic analgesics, analgesics + alcohol = digestive tract bleeding

Such as aspirin, paracetamol and so on. This type of medicine itself has irritating and damaging effects on the gastric mucosa, and alcohol also hurts the stomach. The two-pronged approach can cause gastritis, gastric ulcer, and gastric bleeding.


The fourth category: Reserpine, anticancer agents, “isoniazid” (anti-tuberculosis drug) and other drugs Antihypertensive drugs + alcohol = hypotension shock

There are many kinds of wine. If you drink wine after taking this kind of medicine, accidents are easy to happen.

Friends who take antihypertensive drugs, including reserpine, captopril, and nifedipine, may cause vasodilation, hypotension, and even shock and life-threatening drugs if they drink alcohol.

It is all because of the tyramine contained in wine. If accumulated in large amounts, it will cause major harm to the human body, causing dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, arrhythmia, increased blood pressure and even cerebral hemorrhage.

During normal drinking, the tyramine in it can be naturally destroyed by the human body. However, if the human body cannot successfully destroy tyramine after taking such drugs, accidents will inevitably occur, and the consequences will be quite serious.


The fifth category: hypoglycemic drugs hypoglycemic drugs + alcohol = hypoglycemic shock

People with diabetes should also pay special attention. During the period of insulin injection or oral hypoglycemic drugs, if they drink alcohol on an empty stomach, they are prone to hypoglycemia.

Alcohol can stimulate insulin secretion, and if the patient has just finished taking hypoglycemic drugs, the blood sugar has dropped to the standard value. At this time, alcohol increases insulin secretion, which is bound to cause hypoglycemia. Especially after taking glibenclamide or injecting insulin, drinking alcohol is more likely to have hypoglycemia.

In addition, hypoglycemic drugs like metformin, if mixed with alcohol, may have a rare but very serious side effect-it will increase the risk of lactic acidosis, that is, lactic acid accumulates in the blood, causing nausea, weakness, etc. symptom.


In addition, long-term drinking can cause liver damage while increasing the probability of ketosis. Because alcohol will fight the body’s insulin and inhibit the liver’s sugar metabolism. So if people with diabetes drink a lot of alcohol, they may induce ketosis.

It is worth noting that the symptoms of this kind of hypoglycemia are manifested as palpitation, sweating, fatigue, and even irritability, confusion, and multilingualism. These symptoms are often obscured by drunken reactions and are not easily distinguished from drunkenness. This leads to severe and long-lasting hypoglycemia, the patient is often unaware, and eventually hypoglycemic shock occurs.

If not treated in time, it may cause irreversible damage to the brain tissue and even cause death.


The sixth category: Antidepressants Antidepressants + alcohol = aggravate the condition and increase blood pressure

Antidepressants and alcohol can slow down the rhythm of the central nervous system, affect brain function and thinking ability, and weaken alertness. The combination of the two can make people feel sleepy, reduce people’s judgment, physical coordination and reaction time, and even worsen symptoms of depression.

For depression patients taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors, alcohol will also interact with these drugs, causing blood pressure to rise, which is dangerous. Therefore, doctors will recommend such patients to avoid drinking alcohol completely.

For depression patients taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (such as sertraline, Prozac, and paroxetine), although there is not enough evidence that drugs can adversely react with alcohol, alcohol can It makes the patient dizzy, drowsiness and lack of concentration, so it is recommended not to drink alcohol.


The seventh category: treatment of arthritis drugs, treatment of arthritis drugs + alcohol = gastric ulcer, liver damage

Such as celex, naproxen, voltarin and so on. When the above-mentioned drugs are mixed with alcohol, they can cause side effects such as ulcers, stomach bleeding, and liver damage. If you take Celebrex, you can’t drink alcohol, especially if the drug has caused a higher risk of cardiovascular side effects, such as heart attack and stroke, and alcohol increases this risk.

Life is beautiful. While we are enjoying life, we must not make jokes about our lives and health, and we must not make such a life bet with ourselves.


(source:internet, reference only)

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