July 26, 2024

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Matters needing attention in MRI examination

Matters needing attention in MRI examination

Matters needing attention in MRI examination. MRI is a relatively common test and help scan some organs and bones in the body to help diagnose the disease. However, there are often people who do not know what to prepare when they need an MRI, often because of insufficient preparation.  Let’s talk about the eight common problems of MRI.

MRI is a relatively common test. It can help scan some organs and bones in the body to help diagnose the disease. However, there are often people who do not know what to prepare when they need an MRI, often because of insufficient preparation.  Let's talk about the eight common problems of MRI. 


1 Why remove metal objects?

No matter which part of the MRI examination is done, the metal objects of the body need to be removed, such as necklaces, dentures, hair clips, etc. Because metal objects will affect the MRI examination, it is easy to make the results wrong and affect the doctor’s judgment.

2 Why is makeup not recommended?

Some cosmetics contain metals, and these metals react with the magnetic field under the MRI examination, which causes the examination results to be interfered. Therefore, the makeup should be removed during the examination. It also includes nail polish, antiperspirants, sunscreen, etc. It is best to protect them. Do not use hair products.


3 Can you eat?

Whether you can eat or not has something to do with the part of the MRI. If you do the head, eyes, neck, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, pelvis, knee joint, ankle joints, you can generally eat before or after the procedure; if you are undergoing an abdominal MRI examination, fast 4 before the examination You must train your abdomen under the guidance of your doctor, and learn to hold your breath under the guidance of your doctor. In this way, you can exhale and inhale according to the doctor’s guidance to improve the accuracy of the test results when you perform an abdominal MRI examination.


4 Why do we need to exhaust and defecate?

For patients undergoing abdominal and pelvic examinations, bowel movements are required before the examination to allow excess garbage and gas to be discharged from the body to avoid artifacts caused by gas generated in the intestines during the scan.

MRI is a relatively common test. It can help scan some organs and bones in the body to help diagnose the disease. However, there are often people who do not know what to prepare when they need an MRI, often because of insufficient preparation.  Let's talk about the eight common problems of MRI.


5 Why can’t I get tattoos?

During the inspection, the pigments in the tattoo will heat up, causing skin irritation and even burns, and the covering will not work. If the skin feels irritation during the examination, please inform the doctor immediately to stop the examination.

6 Why is there noise during MRI?

Magnetic nuclear resonance, as the name implies, this examination is inseparable from “magnetism”, and “magnetism” here refers to the magnetic field. The MRI examination contains two magnetic fields, a main magnetic field and a gradient magnetic field. The noise that people hear during the inspection is mainly related to the gradient field. From the perspective of customer experience, the “Optical Shuttle 3.0T MRI” put into use at the Shadow Lead Imaging Center adopts a large aperture and an ultra-quiet design, which is suitable for examinations of patients with critically ill, obesity, and claustrophobic syndrome. Interested friends can click on the previous article: Want to do NMR but queuing in the hospital? “Light Shuttle 3.0T MRI” settled in Yingling Medical Imaging Center!

7 Why stay relaxed?

If you are nervous, you will twist your body unconsciously, resulting in blurred images, and you may need to recheck.

8 How long does it take to check?

The length of time is different according to different inspection sites. If you do a head blood vessel examination alone, it takes about 10 minutes without medicine, and the brain parenchymal examination alone takes about 10 minutes, while for neck, thoracic, and lumbar spine, it can be done in about 15 minutes. A comparatively longer examination like a cardiac MRI takes about 60 minutes.

(source:internet, reference only)

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