July 26, 2024

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Liver cancer still found after examination of liver function normal 

Liver cancer still found after examination of liver function normal 


Liver cancer still found after examination of liver function normal . Liver function is normal in physical examination, but liver cancer is found in less than a year? Doctor: It may be related to this reason.

Many businesses and enterprises will also provide employees with free physical examination benefits every year, so that they can better understand their physical conditions and uncover potential diseases!

Because of this, many patients with liver cancer were unbelievable when they were diagnosed. They had obviously undergone physical examinations and liver function health screenings. At that time, no problems were found at all. How come it has been less than a year? What about liver cancer?

Liver cancer still found after examination of liver function normal 

First of all, everyone must clearly realize that liver cancer is not a sudden disease. It takes several years, ten years or even longer to develop from healthy cells to cancer cells.

Especially for patients with liver cancer who develop from chronic liver disease, they will experience a longer period of time, so liver cancer is not a sudden disease!


The liver function screening that we call daily actually refers to blood tests for liver function. It mainly reflects whether liver cells are damaged and whether liver function is abnormal.

Clinically, there are many types of liver function tests, and even dozens of them. Each test is aimed at a certain aspect of the liver function. This means that no matter what type of liver function test, all liver abnormalities cannot be detected;


Under normal circumstances, there are three main aspects of liver function screening, namely enzyme, protein screening, bilirubin examination, etc. This type of examination can indeed find some liver diseases, such as acute and chronic hepatitis, fatty liver, cirrhosis, Alcoholic liver disease or drug-induced liver damage, etc.

If liver cancer progresses to the middle or late stage and liver function is affected and destroyed, some problems will be found when patients undergo liver function screening, but it is basically unrealistic to find cancer through liver function screening at an early stage!


The reason for this is that primary liver cancer originates from liver epithelial cells. It is clinically divided into three types: hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatobiliary duct cancer, and mixed cancer. But no matter what kind of cancer, in its early development process, it does not actually affect the liver itself. Cancer cells are like abnormal procedures set in the body;

In other words, cancer cells escape the immune chase and escape the normal regulation of cells. They only develop in the patient’s body “without brain growth” and do not cause damage to the liver itself.

And more importantly, the liver’s own compensation and regeneration capabilities are very powerful, even if the liver has begun to be damaged, the liver can complete its work;


There are even clinical studies found that even if the liver is damaged to less than 30% of healthy cells, it can perform the most basic tasks. Therefore, even if the patient’s liver has undergone cancerous transformation, the performance is often normal when blood is drawn for liver function screening at an early stage, and it is difficult to find potential problems through liver function!

Of course, this situation is not completely absolute. If the patient develops from chronic liver disease to liver cancer, such as viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, etc., the liver has already been damaged, so when the liver function test is performed, it can be found Abnormal liver function indicators. However, this abnormality is caused by liver cirrhosis, and it is not caused by the development of the tumor itself!


Therefore, liver function is not a means of screening for early liver cancer, it is only an item of auxiliary liver examination.

From a clinical point of view, the most suitable screening methods for liver cancer are mainly CT, B-ultrasound, and tumor marker examinations. And even if abnormal liver occupancy is found by these methods, pathological biopsy is needed to confirm the nature of the occupancy. This means that pathological biopsy is the gold standard for diagnosing liver cancer!


(source:internet, reference only)

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