July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Recoverd patient was infected by South African Mutation but not cntagious

COVID-19 Recoverd patient was infected by South African Mutation but not cntagious.


COVID-19 Recoverd patient was infected by South African Mutation but not cntagious.The patient who recovered from the COVID-19 was infected with the South African mutation again, only had a runny nose, and was no longer contagious.

COVID-19 Recoverd patient was infected by South African Mutation but not cntagious.
Since the discovery of the new coronavirus, various strange texts have refreshed people’s cognition. As we all know, patients infected with the COVID-19 will have many symptoms, and the current virus variants are more contagious. However, there are wonderful flowers every year, especially this year!

On February 2, 2021, Israel reported the first South African mutant COVID-19 reinfection case. A 57-year-old man who recovered from the COVID-19 was infected again with the South African mutant virus. However, his second COVID-19 symptoms were milder, just a runny nose instead of various symptoms like the first infection. Moreover, the patient also stated that none of his family members had been infected with the South African mutant strain.

This case allows people to see for the first time in real life that a host that already has COVID-19 antibodies has been infected with a South African mutant strain.

A COVID-19 recovery patient, 57-year-old Yaffe, returned from Turkey on January 16 and developed a runny nose on January 23.

He went for a COVID-19 test and the result was positive. Further investigation revealed that he was infected with the South African mutant strain again.

The patient stated that he felt better this time compared to all the symptoms he had when he first contracted COVID-19.

The researchers said that this is the first time that there is a complete record of infection, recovery, and reinfection. The antibodies the patient possesses protect him from the variant. When antibodies are present, they can protect people from disease.

However, the researchers added that it is too early to conclude that anyone who has been infected with COVID-19 will not be affected by other mutations if they have antibodies.

In addition to feeling good, the patient also said that during this second reinfection, none of his family members had contracted the virus.

Although the situation in this case is very exciting, it is just a case.

At present, there are three variant strains of the new coronavirus that have caused widespread concern, including strains from the United Kingdom, South Africa and Brazil. These SARS-CoV-2 variants are more contagious than earlier viruses and may affect the course of the pandemic.

According to currently available data, the South African mutation (B.1.351) is the most dangerous of the three viruses, because it seems to avoid antibodies or monoclonal drugs that neutralize previous infections.

Israel is just the best country to measure the effectiveness of vaccines against new strains, because more than 3 million people there have received the first dose of Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, and more than half have also received the second dose. Currently, no country can vaccinate nearly 30% of the population. If we continue to vaccinate at this rate, Israel may be the first country to achieve herd immunity, and it may have the first conclusion on the efficacy of the vaccine against mutations, especially the South African virus strain.

Studies have confirmed that the current vaccine is less effective against South African virus strains.

Pfizer and BioNTech have conducted experiments on these strains and found that they are effective against common genetic changes in British and South African strains.

Moderna is already working on an enhanced vaccine against this mutation.

In addition, Johnson & Johnson’s Phase 3 study is the first to quantify the effectiveness of any vaccine against South African mutant strains. Researchers found that the effectiveness of the vaccine in South Africa is 55%, while the effectiveness of the United States is 72%.

The US vaccine company Novavax announced that their experimental vaccine is effective against the rapidly spreading variant of the coronavirus. However, the vaccine is more than 85% effective against the variant B.1.1.7 found in the UK, but less than 50% against the variant virus in South Africa.

(source:internet, reference only)

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