July 26, 2024

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Russia approved the third Russian COVID-19 vaccine: CoviVac

Russia approved the third Russian COVID-19 vaccine: CoviVac


Russia approved the third Russian COVID-19 vaccine: CoviVac.  Russia approved the third Russian-made vaccine, CoviVac, experts recommend for booster immunization.

Russia approved the third Russian COVID-19 vaccine: CoviVac
On February 20, Russian Prime Minister Mishustin stated that Russia has approved the registration of the third Russian-made COVID-19 vaccine called CoviVac. The vaccine was developed by the Chumakov Federal Immunization and Biological Products Research and Development Science Center. The first batch of vaccines is expected to be vaccinated in mid-March.

According to TASS News Agency’s report on the 20th, Mishustin announced at a meeting on the COVID-19 vaccine that the third Russian domestic COVID-19 vaccine CoviVac developed by the Chumakov Federal Immunization and Biological Products Research and Development Scientific Center has been registered. The first batch of 120,000 doses of vaccine will be put on the market in mid-March. Mishustin emphasized that Russia is currently the only country with three domestic vaccines.

Albert Rizvanov, director of the Clinical Center for Precision and Regenerative Medicine Research at Kazan Federal University, said that CoviVac is more suitable for boosting immunity than the other two domestic vaccines.

“If someone has been infected with the new coronavirus and needs to increase immunity after a certain period of time, I think this vaccine is a better choice.” Rizvanov said, “It will help restore the organism’s’immune memory’. Boost it when immunity starts to decline within 10 to 12 months.”

According to Xinhua News Agency, Russia currently has three registered domestic vaccines, of which CoviVac is an inactivated vaccine, the “Satellite V” registered in August last year is an adenovirus vector vaccine, and EpiVacCorona, which was registered in October last year, is a synthetic peptide vaccine. Russia has currently produced more than 10 million doses of the “Satellite V” vaccine and about 80,000 doses of EpiVacCorona vaccine, and the industrial production of CoviVac vaccine will soon begin.


(source:internet, reference only)

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