July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Possible symptoms if infected by HPV 

Possible symptoms if infected by HPV 

Possible symptoms if infected by HPV.  Many  patients feel very panic after knowing that they have been infected with HPV, venereal disease! cancer! In fact, HPV is not that terrible, and it can be effectively prevented in some ways.

Possible symptoms if infected by HPV 

So far, there are about 100 types of HPV that have been identified. Most HPV infections have no clinical symptoms, only a small number of them will cause warts, and a very small number of them will suffer from cancer!

1. Possible symptoms of HPV infection

Generally, low-risk HPV causes “warts” in the human body, such as filiform warts, plantar warts, flat warts, and condyloma acuminatum. They are generally not carcinogenic, and at most they will make you itchy! It can be cured by laser, freezing and other methods.

But high-risk HPV is different. Continuous infection with high-risk HPV can lead to cervical cancer, but there is generally no obvious manifestation in the early stage, and it is almost impossible to find out without examination. With the degree of cervical lesions, some symptoms may appear, mainly vaginal bleeding. , Vaginal discharge, and pelvic pain↓↓↓

Vaginal bleeding

Vaginal bleeding is only manifested as a small amount of bleeding after sex in the early stage, and may be irregular during menstruation or after menopause in the middle and late stages.

When the malignant tumor is more serious, the amount of bleeding is large. In the long term, it will cause fatal bleeding because of the erosion of the patient’s large blood vessels.

Vaginal discharge

The early vaginal discharge is the same as bleeding, and the discharge is less, mostly white or light yellow liquid without any peculiar smell. In the middle and late stages, the cancer tissue of the patient is ulcerated and then infected, and a large amount of purulent bloody foul-smelling liquid will be discharged from the vagina.

Pelvic pain

In the late stage, it invades the patient’s pelvic connective tissue, compresses the bladder, rectum, and sciatic nerve. Various clinical symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, constipation, sciatica, etc. may occur. In severe cases, uremia may be complicated, and long-term consumption may occur. Cachexia.

Although the diagnosis can be made based on clinical symptoms, there may still be misdiagnosis in certain situations. For example, cervical erosion and cervical polyps can cause bleeding and abnormal leucorrhea, and the appearance is similar to cervical cancer. Therefore, when there is a suspected cervical cancer symptom, you should go to a regular hospital Check to prevent misdiagnosis.



2. The importance of cervical screening

Having said that, the importance of cervical screening must be mentioned. According to the report of the World Health Organization, the incidence of cervical cancer in developed countries has dropped significantly, largely due to the effective prevention and early diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer.

However, looking at our country again, the latest data shows that the number of new cases and deaths of cervical cancer in some countries in 2015 was 111,000 and 34,000, respectively, and the average annual growth rate of cervical cancer incidence from 2000 to 2014 was as high as 10.5%.

The proportion of women aged 20-64 who have received cervical cancer screening in the past is only 25.7% (of which 31.4% are screened for 35-64 years old). Regular cervical screening is imminent. I hope that sisters who have sex can have this. Aspect awareness!


TCT and HPV combined screening are often used now:

▶HPV screening-you can check whether you have HPV, if it shows infection of 16 and 18 models, it is recommended to add colposcopy and biopsy.

▶TCT examination-through cervical mucus to check whether there are abnormalities in cervical cells. If epithelial lesions occur, colposcopy and biopsy must be done.


It is recommended for reference only. For more complicated situations, you still have to follow the advice of professional doctors.



(source:internet, reference only)

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