July 26, 2024

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Why are more and more patients with cervical cancer?

Why are more and more patients with cervical cancer?


Why are more and more patients with cervical cancer? Doctor: 4 kinds of signs appear, do HPV test as soon as possible. 

Especially if there is abnormal bleeding in the private parts, the patient needs to seek medical treatment actively for related screening, which includes tct+hpv screening, etc., if necessary, the doctor will also recommend the patient to undergo colposcopy screening.

Once diagnosed with cervical cancer, it is necessary to start treatment strictly according to the doctor’s recommendation to prevent the condition from going to the point of irreversibility.

Back several decades ago, cancer was a rare disease in our country, and the incidence of all types of cancer was at a relatively low level!

However, with changes in life and eating habits, open sexual concepts (increased infection rates of cancer-related viruses), increasingly serious environmental pollution, an increase in the average life expectancy of residents, and the gradual improvement of medical technology (increased cancer screening rates) The incidence rate is also increasing!

Take cervical cancer as an example. Its incidence has risen in recent years, and it has become the largest female genital malignant tumor in many countries. The reason for this has a huge relationship with the openness of sexual concepts in various countries and the insufficient popularization of sexual knowledge. Premature sexual life, premature childbirth, excessive sexual life, multiple births and miscarriages can cause damage to the cervix and increase the chance of infection with HPV virus!


High-risk HPV virus infection, especially persistent infection of HPV type 16 and type 18, is precisely the most important risk factor for cervical cancer. Women who continue to be infected for 8-10 years can gradually develop into precancerous lesions, carcinoma in situ, and invasive carcinoma!


If the following four symptoms are reported recently, beware that cervical cancer has found your performance:

1. Contact bleeding:

For solid malignant tumors that occur on organs, patients may have bleeding symptoms at different stages of the disease. This is mainly because cancer can cause damage to blood vessels, and some cancer tissues will suffer from ischemia erosion and necrosis. In the early stage of bleeding from cervical cancer, since the cancer has not yet invaded the patient’s blood vessels, the patient basically showed contact bleeding. For example, after intense sex, the gynecological dual consultation to touch the cancer, force the stool to squeeze the cancer, etc., the blood vessels on the surface of the tumor may rupture, and the patient will have symptoms such as blood streaks and drops of blood in the leucorrhea;


2. Irregular bleeding:

When cervical cancer progresses to a certain stage, cancer cells will begin to infiltrate the surrounding area, and invade the blood vessels in the patient’s interstitium, and then develop into irregular appearance. For example, I have obviously passed the menopause, but there is blood discharge from private parts, or when I am obviously not in period, blood, brown secretions, etc. are repeatedly flowing out of private parts, etc. Cervical cancer that progresses to an advanced stage may even cause fatal bleeding due to the invasion of large blood vessels;


3. Private discharge:

different types of cervical cancer cause different abnormal secretions in the private part. For example, when a patient has cervical mucinous adenocarcinoma, the leucorrhea may change in the early stage of cancer, and a large amount of watery or mucus may be discharged from the private part. Kind of liquid. In other types of cervical cancer, abnormal private discharge occurs basically after cancer ulceration and necrosis. This discharge is mainly manifested as rice soup-like leucorrhea, discharge with pus or pus and blood, and exudes violent, violent discharge. Unpleasant stench;


4. Swollen inguinal lymph nodes:

There are many factors that promote swollen lymph nodes, which are common in cancer, lymphatic diseases, infections and so on. When cervical cancer enters the lymphatic metastasis stage, the cancer cells can invade the patient’s lymphatic system, and the lymphatic vessels become the channel for cancer metastasis. The cancer cells can metastasize to the lymph nodes near or far away from the patient’s primary lesion, thereby promoting lymph node swelling. Big.

If the above abnormal symptoms suddenly appear in the near future, especially if there is abnormal bleeding in the private parts, the patient should actively seek medical treatment for related screening, which includes tct+hpv screening, etc., if necessary, the doctor will also recommend the patient to do Colposcopy screening. Once diagnosed with cervical cancer, it is necessary to start treatment strictly according to the doctor’s recommendation to prevent the condition from going to the point of irreversibility.


(source:internet, reference only)

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