July 26, 2024

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What should tumor patients do if having nausea and vomiting?

What should tumor patients do if having nausea and vomiting?


What should tumor patients do if having nausea and vomiting?  Many cancer patients who have experienced nausea and vomiting are suffering. This article summarizes some measures to cope with nausea and vomiting, let’s take a look.

Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapy… During the entire treatment process, cancer patients will basically experience nausea and vomiting, especially chemotherapy, which brings great pain and fear to the patients, and seriously affects nutritional intake and even Some patients can’t tolerate it and choose to give up treatment!


In addition, severe nausea and vomiting may also lead to serious consequences such as dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, decreased self-care ability, functional activity limitation, nutritional deficiencies, anxiety, reduced physical status scores, wound dehiscence, and decreased treatment tolerance [1] , Not to be underestimated!

In this article, we have summarized some measures to cope with nausea and vomiting, hoping to help alleviate pain and improve the quality of life!



Drug control

Currently commonly used antiemetic drugs in clinical practice are roughly classified into 5-HT3 receptor antagonists, NK-1 receptor antagonists, glucocorticoids, atypical antipsychotics, benzodiazepines, and phenothi based on their mechanism of action. Azine drugs, other types of antiemetic drugs, etc. [1].

What should tumor patients do if having nausea and vomiting?


Before the start of tumor treatment, the doctor will assess the risk of nausea and vomiting for each patient, and then choose the type and timing of medication according to the patient’s personal situation.

However, the use of antiemetic drugs does not mean that you will have no worries. The antiemetic effect varies depending on the individual’s physique, type of medication, and dosage.



In recent years, traditional Chinese medicine has been favored by cancer patients because of its small side effects, low price, and remarkable effects. Acupuncture and acupuncture point therapy is an effective non-drug treatment method that can effectively relieve nausea and vomiting.

Patients can choose to find acupuncture points and massage by themselves at home, such as Neiguan (on the midline of the inner forearm, 2 inches upwards from the transverse crease of the wrist), Zusanli (the front of the calf, there is a clear bony bulge down the patella, slightly outward Outer edge of lower bone).


Music therapy

The rhythm of the music and the beautiful melody can lead the patient into a relaxed and happy situation, which can distract the patient, cover up and relieve nausea and vomiting [2].

During the treatment, patients can try to play some soothing music, close their eyes, and relax the body, the nausea and discomfort will disappear a lot.



Cancer patients not only have to bear the discomfort caused by the disease and treatment, but also bear different levels of psychological and social pressure. These unhealthy emotions seriously affect the patient’s quality of life and reduce the tolerance to nausea and vomiting during treatment.

In addition, the patient hears or sees other patients vomiting, causing fear, tension, and anxiety, and is prone to nausea and vomiting. Therefore, before treatment, patients can fully discuss the side effects of chemotherapy with their doctors to eliminate unnecessary worries.


Change eating habits

Eat smaller meals

Changing from three large meals a day to 4-6 small meals a day can reduce gastrointestinal pressure and promote better digestion and absorption.

Get plenty of fluids

Drinking enough fluids not only helps fight nausea, but also helps eliminate fatigue, kidney damage and other side effects.

After vomiting, rinse your mouth in time, wait for about 30 minutes, and then try drinking some warm water, apple juice or soda.

Try sour food

Eating some slightly sour food or beverages, such as lemonade or kimchi, can help fight nausea. Squeezing lemon juice in warm water is a good choice.

Eat some ginger in moderation

Ginger has always been used as a natural remedy for stomach discomfort. If you can accept the unique taste of ginger, you can choose to chew the ginger, or add some fresh ginger slices when cooking; you can also peel it and cook a thumb-sized slice in water. Take a few minutes or add it to tea.

Drink carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks, such as ginger beer and lemon-lime-flavored soda, can sometimes help relieve stomach upsets. However, it is not recommended to drink cola and other caffeine-containing beverages to avoid irritating the gastrointestinal tract.

Try cold food

Fried foods often contain more condiments. Patients may consider eating some cold foods, such as refreshing cold dishes, salads, etc.; be careful not to eat heated leftovers.

Avoid spicy, fried or greasy foods

The digestion time of fat is longer than that of protein and carbohydrates, so anything that contains a lot of fat will stay in the stomach longer. If you already have nausea, a longer digestion time will make the patient more likely to vomit.

Too sweet, salty, cold, hot, spicy or strong-smelling food can irritate the stomach and increase pain and discomfort, so try to avoid it.

Eat easy-to-digest food

Choose fresh, nutritious, and easy-to-digest foods, such as milk, eggs, broth, etc.; patients with more severe nausea and vomiting do not need to force more food, they can eat some liquid or semi-liquid foods, such as porridge, clear soup, porridge, etc.

Quit smoking and alcohol

Tobacco and alcohol can stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and reduce appetite. Smoking and drinking are not recommended for patients during treatment. Patients who do not smoke should also pay attention to avoiding second-hand smoke!


Sum up: 

Treating the nausea and vomiting caused by tumors may have a negative impact on the quality of life of patients, but if patients can pay attention to their own dietary regulation and life care, and actively seek the help of doctors, nausea and vomiting can be alleviated!


(source:internet, reference only)

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