July 27, 2024

Medical Trend

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EMA: Pfizer COVI-19 vaccine can neutralize the Indian variant!

EMA: Pfizer COVI-19 vaccine can neutralize the Indian variant!


EMA: Pfizer COVI-19 vaccine can neutralize the Indian variant!  Evidence shows that Pfizer’s COVI-19 vaccine can neutralize the Indian variant!

EMA: Pfizer COVI-19 vaccine can neutralize the Indian variant!

Although Soumya Swaminathan, the chief scientist of the previous WHO, said that there is already some evidence that the B.1.617 variant virus may invalidate existing vaccines.

But just this Wednesday (May 12), the latest statement issued by the European Medicines Agency can give everyone a sigh of relief.

Marco Cavaleri, head of vaccine strategy at EMA, said excitedly at the press conference: “Regarding the effectiveness of the mRNA vaccine against the B.1.617 COVID-19 variant, the evaluation data of EU regulators is encouraging. Evidence shows that mRNA can at least’neutralize’. ‘This variant virus, and has a sufficient degree of protection.”

Marco added that the Amsterdam-based European Medicines Agency is paying close attention to the data on dual variants.


EMA: Pfizer COVI-19 vaccine can neutralize the Indian variant!

Regarding the effectiveness of the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine against the Indian variant, the European Medicines Agency stated that it is still waiting for “real world data.” The agency will use the effectiveness of the AstraZeneca vaccine for local people in India to determine how effective the vaccine is against the double variant.

In fact, just last Wednesday, there were two new studies that revealed the effect of Pfizer vaccine on the British variant B.1.1.7 and the South African variant B.1.351.

The first study was conducted in Qatar and was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Approximately 50% of the new infections in the country are caused by the South African variant, and about 40% by the British variant.

After studying the situation of 265,000 vaccinators in Qatar who have received two doses of Pfizer vaccine, the researchers found that the Pfizer vaccine has an effective rate of 97.4% in preventing “serious illness or death” caused by any form of new coronavirus. In the prevention of “severe illness and death” caused by the British variant or the South African variant, the effective rate of Pfizer’s vaccine has reached 100%.

EMA: Pfizer COVI-19 vaccine can neutralize the Indian variant! EMA: Pfizer COVI-19 vaccine can neutralize the Indian variant!

For people two weeks after the second dose of vaccine, the effective rate of Pfizer vaccine to prevent infection of the British variant is about 87%-89.5%. For the South African variant, the Pfizer vaccine is 75% effective in protecting people from infection two weeks after the second dose.

The second study was conducted in Israel and was published in The Lancet. The study analyzed Israeli vaccination data and found that 7 days after the second dose of Pfizer vaccine, the vaccine can provide 95% protection against new coronavirus infection.


70% of Israel’s adult population, more than 5 million people, have received 2 doses of Pfizer vaccine-the 95% effective data is based on this huge research object.

At the same time, the researchers also found that a week after the second dose, the Pfizer vaccine had a 95% protection against infection of the British variant, and 96% protection against deaths caused by the British variant.

14 days after the second dose, these two figures rose to 96.5% and 98%, respectively.

Since April 18, Israel has officially cancelled the outdoor mask order.

Obviously, Pfizer vaccine is exerting a powerful force in the real world.

In the United States, where a considerable part of the population has been vaccinated with Pfizer and Moderna, the number of new cases per day has dropped to the lowest level in eight months.

Compared with the beginning of January this year, the number of new infections has plummeted by 85%. In addition, the daily increase in deaths related to the COVID-19 has also reached the lowest level in 10 months, and some states have even reported zero deaths for several consecutive days.

As of now, more than 58% of adults in the United States have received at least one dose of the vaccine, and 45% of adults have completed two doses.


(source:internet, reference only)

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