July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Sperm can induce immune response in the female to accept pregnancy

The sperm can induce an immune response in the female to accept pregnancy


The sperm can induce an immune response in the female for pregenancy. Subverting the understanding of the role of sperm: helping “convince” females to accept pregnancy

Sperm health is not only important for conception, but also has a lasting impact on the health of offspring. Factors such as age, diet, weight, alcoholism and smoking, and exposure to environmental chemicals can affect men’s sperm quality, so the impact on pregnancy health may be greater than previously considered.


As we all know, the protein in semen regulates the female’s immune response during conception to encourage her body to accept foreign embryos. But so far, it is not clear whether sperm will affect this response. It is generally believed that sperm has only one role in reproduction, and that is to fertilize the egg.

Recently, researchers from the University of Adelaide in Australia published a titled “Sperm modulate uterine immune parameters relevant to embryo implantation and reproductive success in mice” in Communications Biology Research papers.

This new research shows that during reproduction, sperm not only plays a role in fertilizing the egg, but also transmits signals directly to female reproductive tissues to increase the chance of conception.

This study shows for the first time that the signal in the sperm can induce an immune response in the female, so that the egg can be fertilized and become pregnant.

The results of this study overturned our current understanding of sperm abilities, showing that they are not only carriers of genetic material, but also “brokers” that persuade females and males to invest in reproductive resources.

Sperm can induce immune response in the female to accept pregnancy

In order to verify this problem, the research team allowed female mice to mate with normal male mice and vasectomy male mice, and then evaluated its effect on the overall gene expression in the uterus of female mice. The test results showed that female mice exposed to sperm developed stronger immune tolerance than female mice mated with vasectomy male mice.

Then, the research team examined the effects of sperm interaction with female mouse cells in cell culture experiments, and the researchers confirmed that these changes were directly caused by sperm.

These new findings show that sperm health is not only important for conception, but also has a lasting impact on the health of offspring. Factors such as age, diet, weight, alcoholism and smoking, and exposure to environmental chemicals can affect men’s sperm quality, so the impact on pregnancy health may be greater than previously considered.

The author of the study, Professor Sarah A. Robertson, believes that these findings make us realize that sperm can not only fertilize eggs, but also affect reproductive activities, which indicates that sperm quality not only affects conception, but may also affect pregnancy health. Conditions such as recurrent miscarriage, pre-eclampsia, premature birth and stillbirth are affected by the immune response of women, and the sperm of men can also affect this.



(source:internet, reference only)

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