July 26, 2024

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What COVID-19 vaccines does CDC accept if foreigners enter U.S.?

What COVID-19 vaccines does CDC accept if foreigners enter U.S.?


What COVID-19 vaccines does CDC accept if foreigners enter U.S.? US CDC: Allow entry of foreigners who have been fully vaccinated with WHO-certified vaccines

According to the New York Times report on the 21st, after the 18-month ban, the United States will reopen in November to allow foreigners who are “fully vaccinated” (fully vaccinated) to enter the country.


A spokesperson of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that all people who have been vaccinated with a vaccine certified by the World Health Organization for emergency use will be considered “completely vaccinated.”


It should be noted that the United States did not previously recognize all vaccines approved by the WHO for emergency use, such as the AstraZeneca vaccines, Chinese SINOVAC(Kexing) vaccines and SINOPHARM vaccines. 


What COVID-19 vaccines does CDC accept if foreigners enter U.S.?


On September 20, White House Coordinator of Epidemic Response (Jeffrey D. Zients) stated that foreign tourists need to present a “fully vaccinated” certificate and a nucleic acid negative report within 3 days before boarding the plane before they can enter the United States.


Zienz said that unvaccinated Americans can also return from overseas, but they must pass stricter testing requirements, that is, they must be tested one day before travel and one day after arriving in the United States.

He added that the change only applies to air travel and will not affect land border restrictions.


“International travel is essential to contact family and friends, promote the development of large and small businesses, and promote open exchanges of ideas and culture.” Zienz said. This is why the US government has developed a new “international air travel system.” It not only improves the safety of Americans at home, but also improves the safety of international air travel.


As for what is “full vaccination”, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has given new standards.


US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spokesperson Thomas Skinner said in a statement that all people who have been vaccinated with a vaccine certified by the World Health Organization for emergency use will be considered “fully vaccinated” and allowed to enter United States.


Currently, the vaccines that have been included in the WHO emergency use list include:

  • Pfizer/Biotech vaccine
  • AstraZeneca-SK Bio vaccine
  • Serological Institute of India vaccine
  • AstraZeneca (EU) vaccine
  • Johnson & Johnson vaccine
  • Moderna Vaccines
  • China  SINOVAC (Kexing) vaccine 
  • China SINOPHARM vaccines

According to the CDC’s previous regulations, only people who have been vaccinated with Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines will be considered “fully vaccinated.”


In addition, the CDC will issue an order requiring U.S. airlines to collect the telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of passengers in order to establish a new “contact tracking system.”

Relevant agencies will follow up after passengers arrive and ask them if they have symptoms of infection.


In January last year, in order to control the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, the government imposed restrictions on foreign tourists.

Up to now, the ban has been implemented for 18 months, and travelers from 33 countries have been barred from entry by the United States, including EU member states, China, India and other countries.


However, according to the New York Times, the United States did not rely on the travel ban to achieve epidemic prevention success due to loopholes in security measures. On the contrary, restrictions on foreign tourists have caused heavy losses to the US tourism industry.


According to data from the American Travel Association, the industry lost $500 billion in 2020. In New York alone, 89,000 jobs were lost, resulting in a loss of more than 60 billion U.S. dollars in fiscal revenue.


The New York Times quoted a senior official of the US State Department as saying that US Secretary of State Brinken discussed with the French ambassador last Friday about nuclear submarines and the US travel ban. The official revealed that these discussions helped facilitate the US decision to relax the travel ban.


On September 20, British Prime Minister Johnson tweeted that he was “happy” about the relaxation of the travel ban in the United States. He wrote: “This is an excellent impetus for business and trade, and it is great that family and friends on both sides of the strait can be reunited again.





(source:internet, reference only)

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