July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Germany advises people under 30 not to take Moderna COVID-19 vaccine

Germany advises people under 30 not to take Moderna COVID-19 vaccine


Germany advises people under 30 not to take Moderna COVID-19 vaccine due to heart side effects.


On November 10, German health authorities advised people under the age of 30 not to vaccinate the mRNA new coronavirus vaccine developed by Moderna , because there is evidence that the vaccine will have a small probability of causing heart inflammation .


Previous studies have shown that mRNA vaccines have a very low probability of causing myocarditis and pericarditis in young people , while those who receive Moderna’s mRNA vaccine have a slightly higher probability of myocarditis and pericarditis. For people over 30 years old, vaccination of mRNA vaccine does not cause a higher risk.

Therefore, the German health authorities recommend that young people under 30 be vaccinated with the mRNA vaccine developed by BioNTech/Pfizer, while for people over 30, both are acceptable.


In addition, the United States has also postponed the approval of Moderna’s mRNA vaccine for use in young people. After reviewing the risk of myocarditis, the United States recommended that 5-11-year-old children use the mRNA vaccine developed by Bio NTech / Pfizer .


On September 3, 2021, JAMA published a research paper on the safety monitoring of 6.2 million mRNA COVID- 19 vaccine recipients.


Previous reports on myocarditis and pericarditis after mRNA vaccination were mostly in the adolescent population. Therefore, this study specifically analyzed the 12-39-year-old vaccinators. The results showed that mRNA vaccination was associated with an increased risk of pericarditis/myocarditis.


Germany advises people under 30 not to take Moderna COVID-19 vaccine due to heart side effects.


On November 9, 2021, NEJM published a clinical trial report on the mRNA vaccine developed by BioNTech/Pfizer in children aged 5-11. The results showed that the mRNA vaccine has good safety in children aged 5-11. Found serious adverse events related to vaccines such as myocarditis and pericarditis.


Germany advises people under 30 not to take Moderna COVID-19 vaccine due to heart side effects.







Germany advises people under 30 not to take Moderna COVID-19 vaccine due to heart side effects.

(source:internet, reference only)

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