July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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The Omicron virus can stay in this environment for 20 minutes!

The Omicron virus can stay in this environment for 20 minutes!


The Omicron virus can stay in this environment for 20 minutes!

Scientists reveal the reason why Omicron is rampant: it is related to asymptomatic! The virus can stay in this environment for 20 minutes!



Fauci: Omicron will eventually infect everyone


It is an indisputable fact that Omicron has amazing infectivity.


Just now, Fauci , an American infectious disease expert, also released a “pessimistic” remark:


” Omicron will eventually infect almost everyone “.


The Omicron virus can stay in this environment for 20 minutes!


If it was a month ago, it might have felt alarmist or scary.


But now, more and more Canadians, including Chinese who have always attached great importance to epidemic prevention, have also been recruited . It seems that “everyone will be infected with Omicron”, I am afraid it will become a reality…


So, why is Omicron so contagious?


A report published by Reuters today revealed one of the reasons for the wild spread of the Omicron variant: a very high percentage of asymptomatic carriers .


The Omicron virus can stay in this environment for 20 minutes!


The findings were drawn from two clinical trials in South Africa, the birthplace of Omicron.


One of the clinical trials was conducted last month when the number of confirmed cases in South Africa surged, and the other was to resample subjects around the same time.


Both studies found that the number of people diagnosed without symptoms was much higher than other previous variants —


The asymptomatic carrier rate during the Omicron outbreak was 16% , higher than the 2.6% during the Beta and Delta outbreaks.


“The higher rate of asymptomatic carriers may be the main reason for the rapid and widespread spread of this variant ,” the researchers wrote .


In layman’s terms, in the previous waves of epidemics, because the confirmed patients quickly developed symptoms, the infection was easy to identify and isolation measures were taken;


When infected with Omicron, those with symptoms may cough and feel dizzy for two days and pass it as a cold, and those without symptoms do not know that they have “contaminated the virus”, so they went to the supermarket and restaurants , causing many people to go to the middle of the I don’t know where the infection came from.


“A large number of people are infected, but have no symptoms, so they go about their normal lives and spread the virus quickly to other people.


Even many times, people are infected with Omicron variants unknowingly, without realizing that they have been infected for a long time . “


That’s one of Omicron’s unpredictable secrets, which spreads without even leaving a trace.


On the other hand, another study today found that the coronavirus can linger in showers (bathrooms, steam rooms, swimming pools) and remain contagious for at least 20 minutes after the infected person leaves .


The Omicron virus can stay in this environment for 20 minutes!


Researchers at the University of Bristol in the UK have found that the SARS-CoV-2 virus reproduces more easily in humid environments.


They found that as virus particles leave the moist environment of the lungs and become airborne, they dry out quickly. This process greatly reduces its ability to infect human cells.


For example, in an office environment with a humidity of only 40%, the virus will lose half of its infectivity within 10 seconds;


The Omicron virus can stay in this environment for 20 minutes!


However, if the surrounding air is also humid…such as a steam room, shower room with a humidity of 90%,


After 5 minutes, half of the virus particles were still infectious, and at 20 minutes, 10% of the virus was still infectious .


If this research is true, friends who like to swim may be in trouble. Indoor swimming pools and showers are environments with extremely high humidity. Once someone is poisoned, it is extremely infectious.


The researcher thus stated that maintaining physical distance and wearing masks are the most effective means of preventing infection.


Although ventilation has a certain effect, the impact may not be large. “I think the greatest risk of exposure is when you’re near someone …” said study lead author Professor Jonathan Reed.


In addition, the study also found that the temperature of the air has no effect on the infectivity of the virus, which contradicts the widely held view that the transmission of the virus is lower at high temperatures. The bigger impact is humidity.



The Omicron virus can stay in this environment for 20 minutes!

(source:internet, reference only)

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