July 26, 2024

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Will taking antihypertensive drugs for a long time cause cancer?


Will taking antihypertensive drugs for a long time cause cancer?

Antihypertensive drugs reproduce carcinogenic impurities, 3 drugs are recalled! Should patients stop taking such drugs?

Antihypertensive drugs are in trouble again?


Pfizer’s official website shows that on March 21, they officially recalled a blood pressure drug Accuretic and two generic drugs authorized to other companies in the United States, because it containes high levels of the potentially carcinogenic impurity nitrosamines.


Will taking antihypertensive drugs for a long time cause cancer?

Pfizer official website


Antihypertensive drugs have been exposed to excessive levels of carcinogenic impurities, which have repeatedly occurred. As early as this month, Pfizer in Canada also recalled Accuretic due to high levels of potential carcinogenic impurities, nitrosamines.


In 2021, Aprovel (generic name: irbesartan tablets), CoAprovel (generic name: irbesartan hydrochlorothiazide tablets), and Rovelito will be recalled because of excessive “azide” impurities;


In 2018, some valsartans were recalled due to excessive N-nitrosodimethylamine impurities.



In response to the recall, Pfizer said patients with high blood pressure who take the drug are not at immediate risk, but patients currently taking the drug should consult their physicians for alternative treatment options.


This news must have made many hypertensive patients unable to sit still. At present, there is no relevant news in China. Do you still need antihypertensive drugs?



Antihypertensive drugs have been revealed to contain carcinogenic impurities. How harmful is it?

Nitrosamine impurities include N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA), etc. These substances are listed as carcinogens by WHO, and long-term excessive intake has a certain carcinogenic risk .


In fact, the nitrosamine impurities are not artificially added, but are inevitable impurities in the specific synthesis process of a specific drug, and are related to the drug synthesis process. No matter at home or abroad, limited samples of nitrosamines in drugs have been checked, as long as the limit is not exceeded, it is a safe drug.


CDE pointed out that when the daily intake of nitrosamine impurities is about 96ng based on a body weight of 50KG, the risk of tumor occurrence is about one in 100,000. Even 70 years of continuous use will not increase the risk of cancer if the daily intake does not exceed this amount.


For some hypertensive patients who are taking medication, they are most afraid of hearing the news that there is a problem with the medicine. Can the medicine in hand still be eaten? I can’t lower my blood pressure if I don’t eat it, and I’m afraid of the risk if I eat it. What should I do?



Do hypertensive patients who are taking medication still need to take medication?

Patients with high blood pressure should never discontinue treatment without medical advice! The role of antihypertensive drugs is not only to lower blood pressure, but also to protect organs. Once hypertensive patients stop taking the drug, blood pressure is likely to rise very quickly. Intermittent taking the drug may lead to large fluctuations in blood pressure, thereby causing stroke and myocardial infarction.


Drugs will be recalled voluntarily if drug companies find something wrong. Medicines that are not in the recall list can be taken with confidence.


Even if the drugs you are taking do not meet the standards, it is not recommended to stop the drug without authorization, but to change the drug under the guidance of a professional doctor.


Antihypertensive drugs contain potential carcinogens, which does not mean that antihypertensive drugs themselves are carcinogenic, but some people still worry that taking antihypertensive drugs for a long time will cause cancer. !



Will taking antihypertensive drugs for a long time cause cancer?

In April 2021, a study was published in the journal “The Lancet-Oncology”. The researchers selected relevant randomized controlled studies collected from 1966 to September 1, 2019 from an international authoritative medical database, and finally selected 33 studies were eligible for inclusion.


The studies included more than 260,000 subjects, 15,000 of whom had cancer. After data analysis, compared with other control drugs, taking a variety of antihypertensive drugs, including puli, sartans, dipines, and thiazides, does not bring additional cancer risks.


As far as current medical technology is concerned, most high blood pressure cannot be “radically cured”, and many patients can only achieve “clinical cure” through medication and lifestyle changes to keep their blood pressure within a stable range. Don’t believe the rumors that taking antihypertensive drugs for a long time will cause cancer without authorization. Doing so is extremely detrimental to the control of the disease.


Although taking antihypertensive drugs does not cause cancer, you must follow doctors’ instruction strictly. Hence, talk with your doctor if having any quetions!






Will taking antihypertensive drugs for a long time cause cancer?

(source:internet, reference only)

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