July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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CDC study: Monkeypox virus can adhere to surfaces

CDC study: Monkeypox virus can adhere to surfaces

CDC study: Monkeypox virus can adhere to surfaces,  cleaning and disinfection or help reduce transmission. 

Research from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that the monkeypox virus can cling to surfaces in household items, but it’s unclear whether this could lead to monkeypox transmission.

The study found that two monkeypox patients who lived together disinfected surfaces in their homes, washed their hands several times a day, and took frequent baths, but 20 days after the two developed symptoms, 70% of the places they touched frequently, such as sofas, Monkeypox can be found in blankets, coffee makers, computer mice, and light switches.

However, no live virus was detected on these items or surfaces, suggesting they have a low risk of spreading the virus.

The two monkeypox patients contracted the disease in May, and one developed skin lesions on the genitals, hands, chest, lips and scalp, and the other developed lesions on the feet, legs and fingers. Both were ill for about a month.

According to research, monkeypox virus can be transmitted through liquids or objects used by infected people, but it is not clear whether the monkeypox virus attached to the surface of objects can transmit the virus indirectly.

Cleaning and sanitizing may help reduce viral contamination of homes, the CDC said. Anyone visiting the home of a monkeypox patient should also wear an appropriate mask, avoid touching surfaces that may be contaminated with monkeypox virus, maintain hand hygiene, avoid sharing utensils, clothing, bedding or towels, and follow home disinfection recommendations .

The United States currently has the highest number of monkeypox cases in the world, with 14,115 confirmed cases as of August 18.

Experts warn that the monkeypox virus could take root permanently there.

Interviews with more than 40 U.S. officials, outside consultants, public health experts and monkeypox patients who have worked on the monkeypox response show that despite efforts to learn from the failures of the Covid-19 pandemic, the United States has The growing need for tests, vaccines and treatments still keeps the authorities on the sidelines.

The next few weeks will reveal whether the Biden administration has overcome early difficulties or wasted too much time allowing monkeypox to spread across the United States, the report said.

Less doses of vaccines slow vaccine shortages

In Europe, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) on Friday (August 19) agreed to let people get smaller doses of the monkeypox vaccine as a temporary measure to slow the shortage of vaccines. The two-dose vaccine, called “Jynneos,” is about 85 percent effective in preventing monkeypox.

The reduced-dose intradermal injection, in which one-fifth of the existing dose of the vaccine is injected into the dermis, rather than the subcutaneous injection of the full dose into the fat layer; both injections produced similar levels of antibodies. This would make one dose of the vaccine available to five people.

The U.K., Canada and Germany are only getting one of two doses of the vaccine for high-risk groups so that more people can be protected.

EU approved one-fifth-dose on Monkeypox vaccination due to shortage

(source:internet, reference only)

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