July 27, 2024

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The new coronavirus may kill cancer cells and achieve a permanent cure!

The new coronavirus may kill cancer cells and achieve a permanent cure!

The new coronavirus may kill cancer cells and achieve a permanent cure!

The epidemic lasted for more than three years, had a serious impact on the whole world.

However, the latest research by Australian scientists found that the new coronavirus cure cancer !

Is the COVID-19 a secret weapon in the treatment of cancer? The latest breakthrough of Australian researchers

Recently, it has been reported that the new coronavirus may hold the secret to curing cancer!

And, this has been confirmed in test tube experiments, and now Australian researchers are working to test this breakthrough in humans.

Image source: Daily Telegraph

This “moonshot cure” will never work without widespread infection or vaccination of more than 90% of the population.

Dr. Slaney and her team are investigating how to improve chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T therapy, a breakthrough immunotherapy that harnesses the body’s own immune system to treat blood cancers.

So far, breakthrough CAR-T therapies have not worked on solid tumors like breast and ovarian cancer, but Dr. Slaney hopes to change that.

However, she has proved in test tubes that the modified COVID-19 T cells can kill breast and ovarian cancer cells, and plans to start human clinical trials within three years.

These modified cells will be injected back into the patient, who will then be given the COVID-19 vaccine. The report pointed out that the trial used an mRNA vaccine developed by Monash University professor Colin Pouton and his team.

In summary, the entire treatment process includes:

*COVID-19 T cells were isolated from patient blood samples

*T cells reengineered to fight patient’s cancer

*The engineered cells are put back into the patient

*Patients vaccinated against the COVID-19

*This vaccine stimulates the production of large numbers of reengineered cancer-fighting T cells

In theory, the vaccine would push the body’s immune system to make millions of new T cells that would be armed to fight breast cancer.

Once the research is successful, Cancer will be completely cured

The report pointed out that this would be a one-time treatment that would effectively cure the cancer, as their immune system would forever fight the recurrence of the cancer.

That is to say, once successful, cancer patients will be permanently cured.


While the initial research was on breast cancer, Dr. Slaney said the technique could be tried in other solid tumors if it works.

My research is trying to harness the body’s own immune system to fight its own cancer. I’m very excited about this. I think it’s the best idea of ​​my entire career.

Research into this potential cure is being funded by the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF), and the announcement of the funding coincides with the third anniversary of the World Health Organization declaring the COVID-19 a pandemic.

Associate Professor Cleo Andereisz, CEO of NBCF said:

This research is a silver lining for all of us. For probably the first time in history, we’ve actually had the majority of the world’s population either vaccinated or infected with the same type of virus and have the same type of T cells in their bodies.

To me, this is cutting edge innovation, harnessing something in almost real time to improve potential treatments for breast cancer, and that could really be a game-changer in the field.

And this research on cancer has also ignited new hope for many patients.


Melbourne nurse Jessica Pugliese, who was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago, is encouraged by the research that may free her from fears of her cancer returning.

I am currently cancer free but always have a thought in my mind, what if it comes back? For people, not having that worry would take a huge burden off everyone’s shoulders.

In fact, as early as two years ago, scientific researchers had already made relevant discoveries…

Tumor disappears after patient is infected with COVID-19, Researchers start research on new cancer treatments

On January 2, 2021, Sarah Challenor and David Tucker, Department of Hematology, Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro, UK, published an article in the British Journal of Haematology entitled “SARS-CoV ‐2‐induced remission of Hodgkin lymphoma” (“SARS-CoV-2-induced Hodgkin lymphoma remission”) article.

The article describes that a Hodgkin’s lymphoma patient was infected with the new coronavirus. Four months later, the tumor in his body miraculously almost disappeared.

The article infers that it may be due to the infection of the new coronavirus that the patient has an anti-tumor immune response.

However, some experts have analyzed that such cases are still very rare, and such an extreme example does not mean that the new coronavirus can be widely used to treat cancer.

Recently, American researchers published a scientific article “Regression of Lung Cancer in Mice by Intranasal Administration of SARS-CoV-2 Spike S1” in the journal Cancers.

The article stated that the spike protein (S protein) of the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) can cause apoptosis of lung cancer cells and inhibit tumor growth in a mouse model of lung cancer.

The study reminds everyone that the three-year-old coronavirus pandemic that has plagued the world may lead to a new way to treat cancer. SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 may help treat lung cancer.

There have also been some case reports before that some lung cancer patients have improved after being infected with the new coronavirus, which also shows that the new coronavirus may be an ally in the fight against cancer.

However, this early detection does not mean that cancer patients will benefit from infection with the COVID-19. Conversely, cancer patients are often immunocompromised and therefore at higher risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19.

Based on these findings, the research team plans to further explore the use of the new coronavirus spike protein to fight lung cancer.

“If these findings can be replicated in lung cancer patients, it would provide an encouraging new approach to treating lung cancer,” said Kalipada Pahan, professor of neurology at Rush School of Medicine in Chicago and lead researcher on the study. approach, targeting lung cancer cells via intranasal spike protein administration. “

For the study, published in the journal Cancer, the team used a cloned version of the spike protein that is available to scientists for purchase.

The spike protein is a unique component of the coronavirus that binds to human cells and is used to infect humans.

They then added the spike protein to a dish of human non-small cell lung cancer cells. They found that very low doses of recombinant spike protein S1 caused the death of human A549 lung cancer cells.

Next, they sprayed the spike protein into the noses of mice diagnosed with lung cancer every other day, and injected saline solution into another group of mice diagnosed with lung cancer as a control.

After four weeks, they examined the tumors in the mice and found that in the presence of doses of the spike protein, the number and size of the tumors decreased.

The incidence of lung cancer worldwide is second only to breast cancer, but it is the number one cause of cancer death. Every year, 1.8 million people die from lung cancer in the world, accounting for 18% of the total number of cancer deaths. The rate is quite low. Although there are many ways to treat lung cancer, the effect is not satisfactory.

For the study, the research team looked at non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), the most difficult and deadly form of lung cancer, accounting for about 84 percent of all lung cancers.

at last

Using the new coronavirus to cure cancer sounds like a bold idea, but with the efforts of researchers, the research is constantly advancing and initial breakthroughs have been made, which is really exciting.

I hope that this research will be successful in the future, so that more cancer patients can recover and never have to bear the psychological pressure of recurrence.



The new coronavirus may kill cancer cells and achieve a permanent cure!

(source:internet, reference only)

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