July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Canada wild fires: Emission of 1.11 billion tons of carbon dioxide!

Canada wild fires: Emission of 1.11 billion tons of carbon dioxide!


Canada wild fires: Emission of 1.11 billion tons of carbon dioxide!



This year, Canada suffered from unprecedented forest fires, which intensified, not only caused heavy losses to Canada, but also emitted huge amounts of carbon dioxide.

It has developed into a global environmental event and has a non-negligible impact on global warming.


As of July 26 local time, a total of 4,774 fires have occurred in Canada, with a cumulative fire area of ​​more than 121,000 square kilometers , which is larger than the area of ​​South Korea (about 103,000 square kilometers), equivalent to the cumulative area of ​​forest fires in China from 2000 to 2021. 7.5 times.



According to expert estimates, the greenhouse effect of the methane and nitrous oxide emitted by the forest fires in Canada is about 110 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, plus the direct emission of 1 billion tons, which is equivalent to “contributing” 1.11 billion tons to the earth. carbon dioxide.


What is this concept? Exceeding Japan’s energy-related CO2 emissions for the whole of 2021!


In addition, PM2.5, PM10, organic aerosols, black carbon and other pollutants released by forest fires in Canada have also caused serious environmental impacts, harmed human health, and seriously affected forest ecosystems.


Canada wild fires: Emission of 1.11 billion tons of carbon dioxide!


As a neighboring country, the United States has suffered greatly. There were four sudden drops in air quality around May 17-26, June 6-19, June 23-30, and July 15-20.

For the first time, New York experienced the worst pollution since 1960, and for the third time, Chicago’s air quality index exceeded the standard by 5.6 times.


In fact, the impact of forest fires in Canada has spread all over the country. It reached the Scandinavian Peninsula of Northern Europe on May 25, spread to Iceland and Greenland on June 8, spread to the European continent on June 26, and also involved North Africa and the United States.

In Asia, the contribution to the concentration of PM2.5 in western China is about 1-2 μg/m3.


To make matters worse, the fire season in Canada usually lasts until October, so the fires of this forest fire may continue to spread, and the scale of the disaster will further expand and continue to set new records.


(source:internet, reference only)

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