July 26, 2024

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Japan will discharge 400000 tons of nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean

Japan will discharge 400000 tons of nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean


Japan will discharge 400000 tons of nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean.

The release of treated water from the nuclear power plant into the ocean will start in the spring or summer of 2023.

Regarding the treated water that continues to accumulate at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, TEPCO has announced plans to dilute it with seawater and release it into the sea from “around the spring of 2023.”

Under these circumstances, the government held a meeting of related ministers on January 13, and decided on a policy to start the release “from spring to summer” based on inspections by the Nuclear Regulation Authority after the completion of construction.

The government plans to provide support with a fund of 50 billion yen in the event that new harmful rumors occur due to the discharge into the ocean.

On the other hand, it has said that it will not dispose of the fish without the understanding of those concerned, but there are voices against the release from fisheries officials.


Japan will discharge 400000 tons of nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean


On February 4, Japanese media reported that Tokyo Electric Power confirmed that it will discharge at least 400,000 tons of nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean in the first quarter of this year.

Japan’s government has come under fire after it announced it would start dumping radioactive water treated from the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster back into the sea.

Japan’s prime minister previously said it was “inevitable” to release more than one million tons of water containing radioactive material as part of the decommissioning process of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, which was severely damaged by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami.

Japan’s decision was slammed by neighboring countries and environmental groups. China’s foreign ministry called the move “extremely irresponsible”.

South Korea said the plan was “totally unacceptable” and would file a formal complaint with Japan.

Radioactive water, including water used to cool damaged reactors, has been accumulating in storage tanks since 2011.

The tanks now occupy a significant amount of space at the facility, and by the end of 2022, the tank capacity will be full.


The release of treated water from the nuclear power plant into the ocean will start in the spring or summer of 2023.Regarding the treated water that continues to accumulate at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, TEPCO has announced plans to dilute it with seawater and release it into the sea from “around the spring of 2023.”

Under these circumstances, the government held a meeting of related ministers on January 13, and decided on a policy to start the release “from spring to summer” based on inspections by the Nuclear Regulation Authority after the completion of construction.

The government plans to provide support with a fund of 50 billion yen in the event that new harmful rumors occur due to the discharge into the ocean.

On the other hand, it has said that it will not dispose of the fish without the understanding of those concerned, but there are voices against the release from fisheries officials.

On February 4, Japanese media reported that Tokyo Electric Power confirmed that it will discharge at least 400,000 tons of nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean in the first quarter of this year.
Japan’s government has come under fire after it announced it would start dumping radioactive water treated from the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster back into the sea.

Japan’s prime minister previously said it was “inevitable” to release more than one million tons of water containing radioactive material as part of the decommissioning process of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, which was severely damaged by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami.

Japan’s decision was slammed by neighboring countries and environmental groups. China’s foreign ministry called the move “extremely irresponsible”.

South Korea said the plan was “totally unacceptable” and would file a formal complaint with Japan.

Radioactive water, including water used to cool damaged reactors, has been accumulating in storage tanks since 2011.

The tanks now occupy a significant amount of space at the facility, and by the end of 2022, the tank capacity will be full.


China and Australia affected: 57 days, nuclear pollution flowed into Australian waters

This decision, first of all, is the destruction of nature and the extinction of living things. More importantly, the nuclear waste discharged by Japan seems to be around its own sea area, but with the promotion of ocean currents, these high-radiation materials are bound to flow all over the world. In the world, China, the Pacific island countries and Australia are the first to bear the brunt!
According to the global ocean current distribution map, the Japanese warm current will bring the nuclear waste pollutants discharged in the Japanese sea into the warm Pacific current. During this process, the nuclear pollution has spread to China, and the organisms in the Chinese sea may die and mutate in large numbers.
After spreading to the warm Pacific Current, the nuclear waste was divided into two parts. One ran to North America, poisoned the west coast of North America, passed through the Alaska Warm Current and flowed into the Qiandao Cold Current, and finally returned to Asia. Russia and China suffered secondary damage!
And another branch line separated from the Pacific Ocean Current, the California Cold Current, encroached on the southern part of the west coast of North America, entered the equator, and flowed from the North Equatorial Warm Current all the way to the Pacific island countries. Radiation, tourism withered, the pillars of the entire country will collapse.
This is not over yet, the same ocean current, after sending nuclear waste into the southern equatorial warm current, passes through the eastern Australian warm current, and these pollutants will spread all over the entire east coast of Australia!
Therefore, it can be seen that if Japan really dumps these nuclear pollutants into the ocean, Japan itself, China, Russia, the United States, Canada, Southeast Asian countries, and Australia will be the first countries to be affected.
According to the speed of ocean currents, it only takes 57 days to affect these countries! That is to say, from the day Japan discharged nuclear waste, in less than two months, almost the entire Pacific Ocean was in danger!
Having said that, we must talk about the impact of these nuclear pollutants flowing into the seas of the above countries.
Although the Japanese government said that these nuclear pollutants have been filtered and the pollution is greatly reduced, this is nuclear pollution! Australia’s already fragile ecological environment cannot withstand the blow of nuclear pollution!



Nuclear radiation causes biological mutation, or triggers the collapse of the ecological chain of species extinction


To give the simplest example, after the nuclear pollution leak of the Fukushima nuclear power plant, no matter whether it was running on the ground, swimming in the water, or flying in the sky, it was hit to varying degrees. For example, wild boars became larger after genetic mutations. The facial features are distorted, and the fangs have completely disappeared, making it look like a new species.

And very aggressive, very easy to fall into a berserk state!

The oysters in the sea are even more exaggerated. They have lived in the nuclear radiation area for a long time, and their body size has continued to increase. Some of them are bigger than a human face after unfolding, which looks very scary.


In addition, the same is true for plants. The shape of fruits and vegetables is very different from the normal situation. Like tomatoes and eggplants, the appearance is seriously deformed, which is completely different from what we usually see. Food like this cannot be eaten. Human beings only do harm but not benefit.

On the part of the Japanese government, in order to ensure that no one sets foot, they deliberately implemented military precautions and resolutely prevented the masses from entering at will. The implementation was in place, and the impact will be minimized over time.

The situation of the Chernobyl nuclear leak in Ukraine was basically similar to that of Hiroshima. It is still a “ghost town” nearby, and the pollution has not completely dissipated until now.

And Japan is now going to pass the crisis on to the whole world! If such pollutants enter the Pacific Ocean, if a large number of marine organisms mutate and the biological chain collapses, how much disaster will it cause? How many species will become extinct? Tens of billions of living beings may be buried with them!







Australian micro-news

Japan will discharge 400000 tons of nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean

(source:internet, reference only)

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