July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Evaluating the Link Between Blood Clots and Oral Contraceptives

Evaluating the Link Between Blood Clots and Oral Contraceptives


Evaluating the Link Between Blood Clots and Oral Contraceptives.

A widely recognized science communication outlet recently published an account detailing a young woman’s experience of seeking medical treatment after developing a significant amount of venous blood clots.

Her condition was attributed to using short-acting oral contraceptives for approximately six months.


Indeed, an increased risk of venous blood clots is a known adverse reaction associated with oral contraceptive use, with the highest risk occurring within the first year of usage

. However, this should not overshadow the overall safety of oral contraceptives.

When it comes to widely-used medications like contraceptives, focusing on rare severe adverse cases while omitting a necessary comprehensive analysis raises concerns about the ultimate benefits and drawbacks of such science communication.


Venous blood clots, known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT), are relatively common (approximately 900,000 cases annually in the United States). They typically occur in deep veins of the lower limbs such as the thighs, calves, or pelvic area. Roughly half of DVT patients exhibit no noticeable symptoms, while common signs include swelling and pain – consistent with the symptoms described by the young woman in the case study.


If a DVT dislodges and travels through the bloodstream to the lungs, it can result in pulmonary embolism (PE). PE can damage the lungs and, in severe cases, lead to death; according to CDC data, 25% of PE cases are first detected due to sudden death. Hence, both DVT and PE require prompt treatment upon detection.


Similar to many prevalent health conditions, nearly anyone can experience DVT. Certain circumstances, however, can elevate an individual’s risk, such as fractures or major surgeries that may damage veins, and situations causing reduced blood flow, like extended bed rest or prolonged periods of sitting due to work.


The risk of blood clots significantly increases for women during pregnancy and postpartum, largely due to hormonal fluctuations. Oral contraceptives primarily function by synthetically inhibiting ovulation using estrogen and progesterone analogs. These components indicate the potential for an increased risk of DVT, a notion supported by subsequent extensive research.


However, this risk should be examined quantitatively. For women of reproductive age who do not use oral contraceptives, the annual risk of venous blood clots stands at 1-5 cases per 10,000 individuals. With oral contraceptive use, this risk increases at most to 10 cases per 10,000 individuals annually.


While the increase in risk is substantial (more than doubling, indicating a risk increase of over 100%), actual cases of DVT remain exceedingly rare. The vast majority of oral contraceptive users will not experience blood clot issues due to their medication.


Of course, it is undeniable that a small number of individuals may develop blood clots after using oral contraceptives, with some cases being severe, as exemplified by the case highlighted in the science communication article.

However, when presenting specific cases, it is crucial to consider the extent of the potential audience and the impact of the information. While giving victims of adverse drug reactions a platform to share their experiences is important, it is also essential to highlight the rarity of such cases and provide a more comprehensive perspective to a broader audience.


In essence, providing context is necessary to offer a complete understanding of the situation, enabling the audience to make informed judgments.


Instances of sensationalizing rare cases, evoking panic, have become somewhat commonplace in recent times. For instance, last year, a case report was published in an academic journal detailing a rare autoimmune liver condition after mRNA vaccine administration, which was immediately framed as a terrifying consequence of COVID-19 vaccination. The question arises: are such reports aiming to convey the truth or are they misguiding the public? It appears to be the latter.


Returning to the case of blood clots arising from contraceptive use, responsible science communication should inform readers about the limited generalizability of such cases. Furthermore, it should explore scientifically grounded content that delves into the mechanics of these events, rather than fostering a sensationalist atmosphere of “something major has happened, come and witness.”


After reading the entire article, I felt a sense of missed opportunity in conveying meaningful information to readers. For instance, the beginning describes the young woman starting oral contraceptive use for acne treatment and contraception, selecting one of the most expensive options available.

This implies that the woman made a personal decision to use the medication, and it was not prescribed. There is a wide range of oral contraceptives available, varying in estrogen content and specific synthetic progestins. These contraceptives are categorized into different generations based on the type of progestin used.


Lacking medical knowledge, individuals might easily fall into the trap of assuming that higher cost equates to superior quality, or that newer is better. However, numerous studies have shown a correlation between DVT risk and estrogen content, as well as the specific type of progestin used. Lower estrogen content translates to a lower DVT risk, and second-generation oral contraceptives utilizing certain types of progestins exhibit even lower risks. In fact, third-generation contraceptives have a higher blood clot risk compared to second-generation ones.


In 2013, for instance, a meta-analysis indicated that second-generation oral contraceptives had 90% of the DVT risk associated with first-generation contraceptives, while third-generation ones were 30% higher in risk compared to second-generation options.



Evaluating the Link Between Blood Clots and Oral Contraceptives

[ A comparison of DVT risk among first, second, and third-generation oral contraceptives]


Certainly, the risk of venous thrombosis is just one of many factors to consider when choosing a specific medication. A rational choice should encompass a comprehensive assessment of factors such as efficacy requirements and tolerance to side effects, among others. The article clearly missed the opportunity to educate readers on how to make scientifically informed decisions about medication selection.


When the girl was discharged from the hospital, the doctor informed her that contraceptive pills generally contain a significant amount of estrogen, leading to blood clots as a common side effect. In her case, it was advised to refrain from taking them temporarily.

As a meticulous piece of medical communication, it should be noted that personalized verbal recommendations for an individual differ from disseminating medical information to a broad audience. With distinct recipients, adjustments in the rigor of content and narrative style might be necessary.


The statement that contraceptive pills generally contain a high amount of estrogen is, in fact, outdated. An important evolution of contraceptive pills across generations has been the reduction of estrogen levels to mitigate side effects.

As previously mentioned, while the increase in the risk of blood clots might appear alarming when expressed as a multiple, overall occurrences of blood clots remain relatively rare.

To be more precise and meaningful to the general public, it could be stated that contraceptive pills do indeed elevate the risk of blood clots.

Given the widespread use of these pills, even though the vast majority of users won’t experience blood clots, the sheer number of users means that there are still a considerable number of cases.


For this young girl, discontinuing the use of oral contraceptive pills is not a temporary measure, but a permanent one. Individuals with a history of venous thrombosis cannot achieve a balanced risk-benefit ratio with oral contraceptive pills, especially considering the possibility that her deep vein thrombosis (DVT) might have been caused by these pills.


When doctors offer personalized recommendations to specific patients, the language can naturally be tailored to their individual circumstances without the need to cover all aspects.

However, when using such cases in educational articles for the public, the focus needs to be on the universality of the content. Adjustments or supplementary explanations might be required when necessary.


Looking at the entire case, it could have been a discussion about considerations when choosing common medications like contraceptive pills.

This could include who might not be suitable for such medications, different factors to consider (readers contemplating the use of such medications should ideally seek professional medical advice rather than making uninformed decisions), and the potential side effects to monitor (as the case of the girl seems to have disregarded the risk of blood clots entirely).


These are the kinds of information that are truly essential for the average reader. Unfortunately, what is ultimately conveyed to readers is simply: “Contraceptive pills can also lead to blood clots, how frightening…”






  1. https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/dvt/facts.html

  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK430882/

  3. https://www.bmj.com/content/347/bmj.f5298

(source:internet, reference only)

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Important Note: The information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice.