July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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High Refined Carb Diet Makes You ‘Ugly’?

High Refined Carb Diet Makes You ‘Ugly’?

High Refined Carb Diet Makes You ‘Ugly’? Study Finds Link Between High Refined Carb Diet and Decreased Facial Attractiveness.

Refined carbohydrates are carbohydrates that have had most of their fiber, vitamins, and minerals removed during processing, such as refined sugars, low-fiber starchy foods, and high-fructose corn syrup. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the consumption of refined carbohydrates, leading to many adverse health effects. Excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates may lead to blood sugar fluctuations, obesity, and increased risk of chronic diseases.

However, it is not clear how the intake of refined carbohydrates affects non-medical features, such as facial attractiveness.

On March 6, 2024, researchers from the University of Montpellier in France published a study titled “Chronic and immediate refined carbohydrate consumption and facial attractiveness” in the journal “PLOS One.”

The study found that consuming refined carbohydrates can affect facial attractiveness. Immediately consuming a high-glycemic breakfast reduces facial attractiveness in both men and women. Long-term consumption of refined carbohydrates has different effects on attractiveness, depending on diet and gender. In terms of diet, long-term consumption of refined carbohydrates during meals reduces attractiveness, while high-energy intake increases attractiveness. However, for men, the effect of afternoon snacks is the opposite: high-energy intake reduces attractiveness, while a high-glycemic diet increases attractiveness.

High Refined Carb Diet Makes You 'Ugly'?

In this study, researchers analyzed 104 French participants, aged between 20 and 30 years, all heterosexuals, and assigned them in a 1:1 ratio to high-glycemic and low-glycemic breakfast diet groups. The high-glycemic diet consisted of refined carbohydrates known to increase blood sugar levels, while the low-glycemic diet consisted of unrefined whole grains and proteins.

Participants’ frequency of consuming refined carbohydrates was also collected through questionnaires to assess long-term intake. Long-term intake was analyzed for three meals, including breakfast, afternoon snacks, and between-meal snacks.

Two hours after the dietary intervention, participants were photographed, and opposite-sex raters used the photos to assess facial attractiveness, analyzing the immediate and long-term effects of refined carbohydrate consumption on facial attractiveness.

The study found that both immediate and long-term consumption of refined carbohydrates can affect facial attractiveness.

Specifically, immediately consuming a high-glycemic breakfast reduces facial attractiveness in both men and women, while long-term consumption of refined carbohydrates has different effects on attractiveness, depending on diet and gender.

In terms of diet, long-term consumption of refined carbohydrates during meals reduces attractiveness, while high-energy intake increases attractiveness.

In terms of gender, the effect of afternoon snacks is the opposite for men: high-energy intake reduces attractiveness, while a high-glycemic diet increases attractiveness.

This means that men prefer women with low glycemic load breakfasts and afternoon snacks, while women prefer men with high glycemic load afternoon snacks and low energy intake.

Further analysis revealed that the decrease in attractiveness in women due to afternoon snacks may be mediated by age deviation from actual age, with higher glycemic load making women appear older.

How do refined carbohydrates affect attractiveness?

The study suggests that a high-glycemic breakfast may lead to an insulin response. After consuming high-sugar foods, blood sugar levels rise sharply, stimulating insulin release to regulate blood sugar. However, due to excessive insulin response, blood sugar may drop too low after a period of time, leading to hypoglycemic symptoms.

It is well known that hypoglycemia has obvious symptoms that affect blood flow and skin, which can be detected in photos, affecting attractiveness.

Long-term consumption of foods rich in refined carbohydrates can lead to hyperglycemia, resulting in chronic hyperinsulinemia, which can interfere with growth factors and sex hormones, thereby regulating secondary sexual characteristics and affecting attractiveness. Additionally, chronic hyperglycemia accelerates the glycation process, which affects skin aging.

Why does three-meal long-term eating have different effects on both genders?

The study suggests that lipid and glucose metabolism is adjusted to different gender-specific functions under the action of sex chromosomes and hormones. Considering glucose metabolism, women have higher overall insulin sensitivity than men. The consequences of hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia may differ between men and women.

Researchers suggest that facial attractiveness is an important factor in social interactions, seemingly influenced by both immediate and long-term refined carbohydrate consumption. Further research is needed to investigate how dietary effects are mediated and which other social characteristics may be affected by refined carbohydrate consumption.

In conclusion, the results indicate that consuming refined carbohydrates can affect facial attractiveness. Immediately consuming a high-glycemic breakfast reduces facial attractiveness in both men and women, while long-term consumption of refined carbohydrates has different effects on attractiveness, depending on diet and gender.”

Paper Link

High Refined Carb Diet Makes You ‘Ugly’?

(source:internet, reference only)

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