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What is the signs of colorectal cancer when approaching?

What is the signs of colorectal cancer when approaching?


What is the signs of colorectal cancer when approaching?  If there are 3 signs, go to the hospital for colonoscopy as soon as possible!

What is the signs of colorectal cancer when approaching?

People who have a family history of bowel cancer, are over 45 years old, have chronic bowel disease or have a family history, should increase their vigilance against bowel cancer.

When it comes to malignant tumors that appear in the digestive tract, the first thing that comes to mind is: stomach cancer!

The large intestine is not a term for a segment of the intestine. It includes several parts such as the cecum, appendix, colorectum and anal canal. The work of the entire large intestine is to reabsorb water and a small amount of substances in food residues. The residue is then stored as feces and eventually excreted.

The clinically said colorectal cancer mainly includes cancer of the colon and rectum!

According to clinical data and surveys, colorectal cancer is basically asymptomatic in the early stage, and some patients only have unobvious symptoms, such as occasional feelings of abdominal distension and indigestion.


However, as bowel cancer continues to progress, patients can gradually show obvious symptoms. If the following three symptoms suddenly find yourself in the near future, beware of the manifestations of intestinal cancer:

1. Abdominal pain

Pain is an inevitable symptom of solid malignant tumors in all internal organs, and colorectal cancer is no exception. Since the large intestine is located in the lower abdominal cavity, it is mainly manifested as lower abdominal pain in the early stage of pain.

This pain comes from a variety of reasons, including the irritation of the cancer to the intestines, the infiltration of surrounding tissues, the involvement of surrounding organs and tissues, and the intestinal obstruction or intestinal perforation.


In the beginning, patients are often atypical and irregular abdominal pain and dull pain. As the disease progresses, the pain degree gradually increases and the pain time becomes longer and longer. In the event of severe intestinal obstruction or perforation, the patient will be accompanied by severe and unbearable abdominal pain, which requires immediate medical attention.


2. Changes in stool regularity

As mentioned above, the job of the large intestine is to form, store, and discharge stool. Therefore, when the intestine becomes cancerous, the patient’s bowel habits will be affected first. For example, in the early stage of intestinal cancer, it is affected by cancer and its secretion Due to repeated stimulation of the substance, patients often have symptoms such as morning diarrhea, increased stool frequency, and frequent bowel movements.

However, when bowel cancer progresses to a certain stage and causes intestinal stenosis, the patient will have symptoms similar to constipation, and it will become more and more difficult to defecate, accompanied by symptoms such as thinning of the stool, bloating and abdominal pain.


3. Symptoms of blood in the stool

The bloody stool caused by bowel cancer is related to the invasion of blood vessels by cancer cells and the partial necrosis of cancer due to blood flow disorders.

In the beginning, because the amount of bleeding from bowel cancer is not much, patients basically show occult blood in the stool, and patients with rectal cancer may also have bloody stools with blood traces on one side, similar to hemorrhoids.

As bowel cancer enters the middle and advanced stages, the patient will discharge visible mixed bloody stools. Blood, mucus, pus and other substances are mixed in the stool, and even blood clots, necrotic tissue, etc. may appear in the stool. Stool often emits an unpleasant peculiar smell.


The above three symptoms are the most typical manifestations of colorectal cancer, but these symptoms may actually appear in perianal diseases.

Therefore, people with a family history of bowel cancer, over 45 years of age, and chronic bowel disease or family history should be more vigilant against bowel cancer. Once the above symptoms appear, it is likely to be a warning from the bowel. , Even if it is not related to bowel cancer, it may be a manifestation of the arrival of other serious diseases.


(source:internet, reference only)

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