July 26, 2024

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Honeywell answers for KN95 and N95 Masks

Honeywell answers for KN95 and N95 Masks


Honeywell answers for KN95 and N95 Masks. Honeywell has produced both KN05 and N95 masks in China many years. They give people answers for questions on masks.


1. What is an N95 mask? What is the difference with KN95 mask? What other similar-level masks?

  • N95 respirator refers to a respirator certified by the United States NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) that has a protection efficiency of not less than 95% of non-oily particles; KN95 respirator refers to a mask that meets the Chinese national standard “GB2626-2006-Respiratory Protective Equipment-Self A mask with a non-oily particulate matter protection efficiency of not less than 95%.


  • Neither N95 nor KN95 masks are the names of specific brands or products, but represent the protection level of the masks. Among them, “N” or “KN” means that it is used to protect non-oily particles (such as viruses, bacteria, dust, etc.); “95” means that the filtration efficiency of the mask is ≥95% under the test conditions specified by the standard. Whether it is the Chinese national standard or the American NIOSH test standard, in terms of product classification and filtration efficiency, the protection levels of N95 and KN95 are equivalent.


  • In addition, there are FFP2 masks that are equivalent to the protection levels of N95 and KN95 that meet the European EN149 standard certification, that is, the filtering efficiency of the mask under the test conditions specified by the European standard is ≥94%. Masks that have passed the European standard EN149 certification and reach the FFP2 level are marked with the words “EN 149:2001+A1:2009 FFP2”.


2. Why can I wear N95 or KN95 masks during the new coronavirus epidemic?

  • The spread of the new coronavirus requires a host vector. Once it leaves the body of the host (such as animals, humans), it will die in a short time, but the virus can be spread through contact (such as hand contamination), droplets, etc., including coughing and speech , The droplets produced when sneezing is the main carrier of transmission. If a new coronavirus carrier sneezes in a confined space (such as a train or airplane, etc.), the dropped droplets are easily inhaled by another person and may be infected. Therefore, it is necessary to wear a mask for protection.


  • Since the virus and its transmission medium (droplets) also exist in the form of particles, and the diameter of the particles is relatively small, the filtering mechanism of N95 or KN95 masks is to filter these fine particles through the high-performance filter material in the mask. The efficiency test method uniformly uses particles with an aerodynamic diameter of 0.3 microns, which is the most difficult to filter among the diameters of particles with a known normal distribution. At the same time, KN95 or N95 masks also have strict requirements for their adhesion. Therefore, wearing N95 or KN95 masks correctly can reduce the exposure to pathogenic microorganisms in the air and effectively prevent viruses from entering the human body from the respiratory tract. But the wearer should also pay attention to the prevention of hands, eyes, etc., so as not to be infected through other means.


3. How to correctly understand the masks of cotton, medical surgery, KN95/N95 and other types?

  • Ordinary gauze, cotton cloth, or single-layer sponge masks that do not reach the N95/KN95 level are not recommended because they do not have effective filtration efficiency.


  • Medical surgical masks (such as ordinary medical flat masks) need to be selected from products that meet the relevant standards of the pharmaceutical industry. Although this type of mask has certain requirements for the filtration efficiency of non-oily particles and bacteria, the corresponding standards have an overall impact on the mask. There is no clear requirement for tightness (leak rate), so the applicable places and people are limited.


  • KN95/N95 masks can effectively protect the particles suspended in the air, and their adhesion is good, which is the best choice during the epidemic. But it is not suitable for the protection of medical workers in high-pressure body fluid splashing places.


4. Is there any difference between N95 and KN95 masks with or without exhalation valve for the wearer to prevent the new coronavirus infection?

  • Because the N95 and KN95 masks have high filtration efficiency and good adhesion, there will be a certain degree of respiratory resistance when worn. A mask with an exhalation valve can effectively reduce exhalation resistance and reduce heat accumulation, so wear an exhalation valve The mask will be more comfortable, so that the wearer will not feel bored. The valve plate of the exhalation valve opens automatically with the air flow when exhaling, and the hot and humid gas of the mask is quickly discharged. When inhaling, the valve plate closes by itself to isolate the entry of external dust, bacteria or viruses and other particles, so it is called a “one-way valve”. Therefore, the KN95 and N95 masks that meet the standards and are certified can achieve the expected protective effect for the wearer, regardless of whether there is an exhalation valve or not when worn correctly.


  • However, if the wearer has been infected with the new coronavirus or is suspected of being infected, the N95 or KN95 mask without exhalation valve should be preferred. Because the gas discharged from the exhalation valve is directly discharged without filtering, the virus may adhere to the droplets or the air and infect people around.


5. Can the 5KN95 particulate protective mask be cleaned and reused?

Not possible.

The KN95 mask uses electrostatic adsorption to filter particulates. Cleaning and disinfection will cause static electricity to dissipate, thereby reducing the protective effect of the mask. At the same time, it will also bring about secondary pollution of the mask, causing unpredictable risks and harm to users.


6. When is the 6KN95 mask used?

  • In the GB2626 standard, KN95 masks are also called disposable masks. Generally speaking, masks should be replaced in time when they are contaminated, parts are damaged, soaked in water and become wet, or when the breathing resistance is obviously increased during wearing.


  • During the epidemic, considering the infectious hazard of the virus, doctors usually recommend replacing it every 4 hours, which will also cause the exhaustion of consumables. The current guidelines of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend various methods to save consumables. Such as giving masks to those who need it more, such as medical staff and patients. Ordinary healthy people can appropriately extend or repeat the use of KN95 masks under acceptable circumstances. The premise is to ensure that the mask is not polluted when wearing and taking off the mask. The mask must be placed in a sealed bag and then placed in a clean, dry and non-polluting place. The repeated use of masks has certain risks. Once masks come into contact with pollutants, they should be classified and treated in accordance with relevant medical or pollutant waste disposal regulations.


7. In addition to filtering efficiency, what should be the focus of masks used during the epidemic?

In addition to the familiar filtration efficiency and respiratory resistance, we must also pay attention to the fit of the mask. This is the premise to ensure that the expected protection level can be achieved by wearing the mask. If the mask cannot completely fit the user’s face, the breathing air will preferentially enter from the leaked gap under the action of the pressure difference, resulting in a greatly reduced protective effect of the mask. In addition, beards, hair and other reasons will cause the mask to not fit properly. Therefore, when you wear a mask, you should wear the mask correctly according to the recommended wearing method.


8 Does the same mask meet the needs of the whole family? How do children choose the right mask?

Because of the differences in people’s facial features, the same mask may have slightly different effects on different people. a. Some adult masks will have large, medium and small sizes, which can be selected according to different face sizes. b.

For children because their faces are small, please choose a smaller professional mask for children, such as Honeywell’s cute pet series, which meet the KN95 level , And it fits the children’s face more closely.

When parents choose and wear child masks for children, they should fully identify some risks, such as (including but not limited to): children may not be able to wear or use masks correctly, and they cannot stop using masks when they feel uncomfortable. Therefore, it is recommended that children When using masks, they should be used under the guardianship or escort of parents.


9. Wearing method of folding KN95 mask:

Wearing a particulate protective mask correctly can help improve the fit between the mask and the face. The correct wearing method is as important as choosing a mask that meets the protection requirements.

After wearing according to the video recommended method, please be sure to check the air tightness. The method is as follows: cover the mask with clean hands and exhale (the mask expands outward) and inhale (the mask collapses inward) to ensure that there is no leakage at the edge of the mask .


10. Is wearing multiple masks better to prevent the spread of the virus?

It’s not. Wear it correctly to ensure fit and good airtightness. Only a N95 or KN95 mask can achieve the expected protective effect. Multiple overlapping wears not only easily cause disadvantages such as poor fit, but also increase breathing resistance and wearing discomfort.


11. Is it necessary to wear a mask because of the severe epidemic?

It is recommended to wear a mask during the common cold, with symptoms such as coughing and sneezing, or during the flu season and haze weather.


12. Hygienic precautions for wearing masks?

Please wash your hands before and after wearing a mask. Avoid touching the outside of the mask with your hands during the process to avoid contaminating your hands or the mask.

For masks that have been exposed to viruses, bacteria and other pollution sources, after use, they should be classified and treated in accordance with relevant medical waste, pollutant and other treatment regulations immediately, and hands should be washed.


13. How to deal with the mask after use?

During the epidemic, masks after use may be contaminated with bacteria and viruses. In addition to the implementation of garbage classification and treatment in many cities, it is recommended not to discard them at will. Netizens have made suggestions, such as boiling water, burning, cutting and throwing them away. These methods are not scientific. Xiaohuo quoted CCTV News’s suggestions here and should be dealt with according to the situation.

  • Medical institutions: Put masks directly into medical waste garbage bags as medical waste.
  • Ordinary healthy people: The risk is low and can be thrown directly into the “hazardous garbage” trash can.
  • For people suspected of suffering from infectious diseases: they should hand over the used masks to relevant staff for treatment as medical waste when they go to a doctor or undergo isolation.
  • For patients with symptoms of fever, coughing, sneezing, or people who have been in contact with such people, use 75% alcohol to disinfect and then put the mask in a sealed bag and then throw it into the trash can, or throw the mask into the trash can first , And then sprinkle 84 disinfectant on the mask for disinfection.


14. How to ensure that the Honeywell masks purchased are genuine?

In view of the recent online videos of recycling used masks and the manufacture of counterfeit masks, the expert hereby solemnly stated that fake and inferior products not only have no expected protective effect, but may also have substance residues due to poor hygiene quality. The harm of second-hand masks is even more unimaginable.

Honeywell recommends that you purchase KN95 and N95 masks from official channels such as Honeywell flagship store on JD.com, Tmall flagship store and authorized distributors. We ensure that all masks purchased through official Honeywell channels are authentic.


15. Can wearing a KN95 mask completely eliminate the risk of infection?

Wearing a KN95 mask correctly can greatly reduce the risk of infection, but this does not mean that wearing a mask can completely eliminate the risk of infection. It is recommended to strictly abide by the national prevention and isolation requirements during the epidemic, wear masks correctly, and maintain hand/eye hygiene.


16. Is it reliable to make masks at home?

Not reliable. There are many tutorials on homemade masks on the Internet. The basic materials are recommended cotton yarn, wool, canvas, etc. These materials have limited effect on blocking germs or other particles, and cannot guarantee good adhesion, and ultimately cannot play an effective protective role. Recommended.


17. Can I use a half mask with replaceable filter cotton that also meets the KN95 standard (such as Honeywell 7200 series products (7200MC/7200LC)) when I cannot buy disposable KN95 masks?

can. Because its replaceable filter cotton also meets the KN95 standard requirements of the Chinese national standard “GB2626-2006-Respiratory Protection Equipment-Self-priming Filtered Anti-Particulate Respirator”. The filter cotton in the mask can be replaced with a new one.

Moreover, compared to disposable KN95 masks, 7200 half-face masks, because the silicone material used is softer, it is easy to fit the shape of the face, and the headband/neckband can be adjusted according to the size of the head/neck. This half-mask has better tightness and better protection effect. At the same time, it also has an exhalation valve, making it more comfortable to use.

Similarly, it is not recommended for people who have been infected or suspected of being infected; accessories such as mask body and headband need to be disinfected with 75% alcohol before reuse.


Can 18KN95 protective masks be matched with goggles?

can. Honeywell goggles can be used with Honeywell masks and half-masks, especially for medical staff. Medical experts also recommend that the use of goggles is more helpful to protect against new coronavirus infections.



Honeywell answers for KN95 and N95 Masks

Picture from honeywell website


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