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Does mRNA COVID-19 vaccine change human genes?

Does mRNA COVID-19 vaccine change human genes?

Does mRNA COVID-19 vaccine change human genes? mRNA vaccine is not genetically modified. The mRNA vaccine disappears within a few days after entering the human body. Safety has been clinically verified.

Does mRNA COVID-19 vaccine change human genes?

On the last day of 2020, a malignant incident broke out in Wisconsin, the United States. A pharmacist deliberately placed 500 doses of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine at room temperature for a long time, causing the vaccine to fail.

On December 11, 2020, the US FDA urgently approved the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine jointly developed by Pfizer and German BioNTech. This vaccine needs to be stored under ultra-low temperature conditions, and the vaccine is prone to failure at room temperature.

Compared with other disputes over vaccines and questioning vaccines, this pharmacist’s motive for committing the crime is ridiculous: He is afraid that the vaccine will mutate human genes.

According to the investigator’s report, the pharmacist believed that the vaccine was unsafe and worried that “the vaccine would cause harm by changing people’s DNA” and deliberately destroyed the vaccine. Investigators discovered that this person was divorcing his wife and had brought a gun to work twice. On January 4, the pharmacist was released on bail because the specific dose of the damaged vaccine has yet to be confirmed. On that day, 4.5 million people in the United States had received the first dose of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

At present, two new coronavirus mRNA vaccines have been approved internationally. One is BNT162b2 jointly developed by Germany’s BioNTech, Pfizer, and China’s Fosun Pharma, and the other is a vaccine from American Moderna. The two vaccines showed 95% and 94.1% protection rates in phase three clinical trials.

In addition, according to the cooperation agreement between German BioNTech and Fosun Pharma, 100 million doses of mRNA vaccines will be provided to the Chinese mainland market this year after obtaining approval from the Chinese Drug Administration.


mRNA vaccine is not genetically modified

Worrying that vaccines will change human DNA, this pharmacist is not the first case. Similar conspiracy theories emerged as early as last year, and various theories are circulating, from the ingredients of the vaccine to the side effects of the vaccine.

There is a saying that the new coronavirus vaccine based on mRNA research and development will change human genes.

As soon as the conspiracy theory came out, experts from all walks of life refuted it, pointing out that modifying DNA is not a side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine. “The vaccine cannot change your genetic makeup, because the time that this RNA exists in the cell is too short.”


The pharmacist may not figure out the pattern within the human cell. The chromosomes that carry the human genome exist in the nucleus of the cell, which is wrapped by a nuclear membrane. For mRNA vaccines, the vaccine’s nanoparticle carrier only sends mRNA into the cytoplasm, and does not need to enter the nucleus.

How can there be a chance to integrate into the human genome without even entering the nucleus? Therefore, worrying about gene integration in mRNA vaccines is indeed a bit too much.

“MRNA vaccines are genetically modified products”, such misunderstandings are not uncommon.

Generally speaking, genetic modification refers to genetically modified food or crops. Through genetic engineering, new genes are permanently transferred into a species, so that crops can obtain excellent resistance to diseases and insects, or to improve tolerance to herbicides and drought. ability.

For food and crops to have this new performance, it is very important that the transferred genes can be expressed all the time. For example, in an arid climate, ordinary rice does not feel good, but genetically modified rice can still feel cool because it can express drought-tolerant genes, and it must be expressed consistently. But drought is not just a matter of one day or two. If it is just a brief expression, then it is useless to encounter a drought.

Because the gene of the virus is not permanently inserted into human cells, mRNA vaccines cannot be called genetically modified vaccines.

mRNA is also a form of gene. Seeing the inoculation of mRNA vaccine into the human body, some people may think that a person has been genetically modified. This is the source of misunderstanding.

Data shows that about 8% of the human genome comes from various viruses. The contamination of the human genome by viral genes may be the reason why people are worried about mRNA vaccines. However, these viral genes integrated into the human genome all come from retro RNA viruses. After reverse transcription, the RNA originally carried by these viruses becomes DNA before they have the opportunity to integrate into the human genome.

The new coronavirus is an RNA virus, but it is not a “retro RNA virus”, so the genes of the new coronavirus will not be integrated into the human chromosomes, which is common knowledge. Only the gene fragment of the virus S protein is used in the mRNA vaccine, and there is no danger.


The mRNA vaccine disappears within a few days after entering the human body

However, recently someone published a paper saying that if reverse transcriptase is added, the RNA of the new coronavirus can be reverse-transcribed into DNA in vitro cell experiments and integrated into the genes of human cells.

This news may be a thunderbolt of bad news for those who lack professional knowledge. However, this is only an in vitro experiment, that is, what happened in a cell culture dish, not what actually happened in the human body.

If what happens in the cell culture dish can be reproduced in the human body, is it necessary to conduct clinical trials for the thousands of in vitro anticancer tests published every year? Not only have the cancers in the world been wiped out for several rounds, the new coronavirus has also been wiped out by the disinfectant group.

The in vitro test is only an in vitro test. It is only a very remote possibility. It can be explored boldly as a research, but it cannot be simply believed in the treatment and prevention.

Nevertheless, the average person may still think that as long as this possibility exists, it may happen after all. In this regard, Archimedes’s famous saying is very suitable for use: Give me a fulcrum, and I can pry up the entire earth.


The possibility Archimedes said also exists, is he missing a possibility? Not really. What he really lacks is this “fulcrum” that can move the earth.

If you are really worried about the integration of viral genes into the human genome, you have to get a vaccine even more. Because if there is no vaccine, there will be a high probability of being infected by the virus in the end, and a large number of viral genes will enter the body.

The mRNA half-life is very short and very unstable. It is very unstable that requires cryopreservation. Although the mRNA in the current vaccine has been modified, the half-life in the body has been extended, but it is only a few hours. Within a few days, the inoculated mRNA vaccine will disappear from the body.

Then the mRNA vaccine is unstable, how can the protective effect of the vaccine be achieved? In fact, the role of vaccines is to stimulate the immune system. After the vaccine enters the human body, human cells will use the mRNA in the vaccine to produce antigens, which are enough to induce an immune response. What really protects the human body is the immune system.

Therefore, if one sentence is used to describe what the mRNA vaccine does, it is “the dust is gone, and the merits and fame are hidden.”


Safety has been clinically verified

There is such a saying: Although the safety of mRNA seems to be no major problem at present, the long-term risk is unknown, because mRNA is a new thing and has never been successful in humans.

In fact, there is a familiar taste in this statement. It is a bit like a hundred years ago when people suddenly saw the camera and felt a little flustered, because they were worried that their soul would be taken away. Although the mRNA vaccine is a new technology, it does not suddenly pop out of a crack in the stone. In fact, it has been studied for more than 10 years.

It is very misleading to say that mRNA technology has never been successful in humans. First, although the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is the first vaccine approved for use, mRNA technology has entered clinical trials before. Second, if you have not succeeded, it does not mean you have failed, and you cannot say that there have been problems with security.

The mRNA technology of BioNTech in Germany is already in clinical trials for the treatment of cancer. Moderna’s mRNA technology is also being used to manufacture CMV virus vaccines and Zika virus vaccines, and conduct related clinical trials. These vaccines are also for healthy people, so this is not the first time humans have hit RNA on healthy people.

The research of a vaccine usually takes several years or even decades. Previous mRNA vaccines have not been successful, but the research process is already very long. The COVID-19 vaccine can be launched within one year, mainly because the COVID-19 epidemic is too severe, which has led to rapid progress in clinical trials. At the same time, the scale of several phase III clinical trials is 30,000 to 40,000, which is unprecedented. The trial was also designed to obtain the results of the three phase trials within one year.

If you have obtained safety data from clinical trials, you can put aside the fear of the so-called “long-term safety” of the vaccine, and gradually promote the vaccination, and by monitoring the vaccinated population, you can understand whether there are so-called safety issues.


Some people may have a fluke: everyone else has been vaccinated and herd immunity has formed, so you don’t have to fight yourself.

This idea is also wrong. Herd immunity can only be used to end a large-scale epidemic, and it does not mean that the epidemic can be eliminated at once. As long as the epidemic does not disappear and “everyone clears the door,” the probability of the virus’s harm to oneself will be minimized.

Good personal protection, coupled with various vaccines that have undergone strict Phase III clinical trials, is the best protection for humans.


Risks are acceptable

The protection efficiency of mRNA vaccine is good, how about safety? This is a concern of many people.

According to the results of Phase III clinical trials, common side effects after vaccination with BNT162b2mRNA vaccine include pain, swelling, and redness at the injection site on the arm, as well as symptoms such as fever, chills, fatigue, and headaches that may appear systemically. However, most of these common side effects are not serious. They are short-lived and transient. They appear within one or two days after vaccination, but then disappear.

In the Phase III clinical trial of BNT162b2, 6 participants died, 4 were in the placebo group and 2 were in the vaccine group. The placebo group had more deaths than the vaccine group.

Analysis shows that these deaths are not directly related to vaccination. The two vaccinated persons who died were both older than 55 years old. One of them suffered cardiac arrest 62 days after vaccination and died 3 days later, and the other died of arteriosclerosis 3 days after vaccination.

If there is no control group for Phase III clinical trials, it is difficult to say whether all the adverse events after vaccination are related to the vaccine.


Adverse events after vaccination are not the same as side effects of the vaccine. If this concept is not clear, once the country starts to promote vaccination on a large scale, it will cause panic. Because it is the elderly who need vaccine protection most, and this group is also the group most prone to natural diseases.

Among the adverse events in clinical trials, there were 4 cases of Bell’s Palsy in the vaccine group, and no similar adverse events in the placebo group. Bell’s palsy is commonly known as facial paralysis, with a natural annual incidence rate of 20 to 30 per 100,000 people, but 70% of facial paralysis will heal itself within a few months and does not require treatment. Although there were 4 cases of facial paralysis in the vaccine group, from the statistical analysis data, the incidence was not significantly higher than the control group, nor was it significantly higher than the natural incidence.

In the mass vaccination process after the vaccine was approved, the mRNA vaccine had serious allergies, but it only appeared in the beginning. After the expansion of vaccination, the number of severe allergies did not increase accordingly.

Currently, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention believes that even people with a history of allergies, as long as they are not allergic to polyethylene glycol (PEG) or polysorbate, can still be injected with mRNA vaccines. Polyethylene glycol is a component of the vaccine. Polysorbate is not present in the vaccine, but it is similar to polyethylene glycol.

If a severe allergy occurs, it will happen immediately after the vaccination. In the current vaccination, the average person needs to observe for 15 minutes before leaving after vaccination, if there is a history of allergies, they need to observe for 30 minutes. This kind of operation is to take emergency measures in time in case of severe allergic symptoms.


(source:internet, reference only)

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