July 26, 2024

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The first case of COVID-19 infection through organ transplantation!

The first case of COVID-19 infection through organ transplantation!


The first case of COVID-19 infection through organ transplantation!

United States reports the first case of new coronavirus infection through organ transplantation! A woman died after receiving a lung transplant.


The first case of COVID-19 infection through organ transplantation!


According to Fox News, the American Journal of Transplantation reported the first case of coronavirus infection in the United States through an organ transplant.

A Michigan woman died of new coronavirus pneumonia after receiving a double lung transplant. After investigation, the organ donor was a virus-infected person.


Dr. Daniel Kaul, director of the Department of Transplant Infectious Diseases at the University of Michigan School of Medicine, reviewed in the report that if we knew that the transplanted lung had tested positive for the new coronavirus, we would never use it.

However, both organ donors and recipients have undergone nasal swab and throat swab tests, and the results are all negative. The organ donor had brain death due to a car accident.

Before the death, he had no history of travel or had recent symptoms such as fever, cough, headache or diarrhea. It is not known whether she had been in contact with a known or suspected infection.


Unfortunately, after the operation, the woman who received the lung transplant developed high fever, low blood pressure, dyspnea, and symptoms of lung infection, which led to septic shock.

The doctor took fluid from her lungs for a COVID-19 test and the result was positive. The patient’s condition deteriorated rapidly and died 61 days after the operation.


At the same time, a doctor who handled the lungs of a donor was infected with the virus because he did not protect him, and he later recovered.


Kaul said that the current platform responsible for monitoring the procurement and transportation network of transplanted organs does not require organ donors to be tested for the new coronavirus, which may pose a major threat to the health of the recipient and endanger the safety of medical staff.

This case confirms that before transplantation, we need to take more extensive sampling of transplanted organs, especially organs donated by patients in areas with high infection rates.

During the transplantation process, when doing lung collection and transplantation treatment, doctors need to use N95 masks and goggles to protect themselves to prevent infection.




The first case of COVID-19 infection through organ transplantation!

(source:internet, reference only)

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