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What treatment is suitable for autism children?

What treatment is suitable for autism children?


What treatment is suitable for autism children?  Introduce more than a dozen treatments and interventions for autism, which one is suitable for children?

What treatment is suitable for autism children?

Introduce dozens of methods to treat autism. The cause of autism is unknown and cannot be cured. Then, no matter who writes the paper or publishes opinions, it seems to be “understanding autism” if you add this sentence. If you don’t say it, you don’t “understand autism” at all. actually not.

There are many and complex causes of autism: excessive heavy metals, excessive exposure to electromagnetic radiation, internal parasites, disturbance of intestinal flora, food intolerance, imbalance of trace elements, unconformity of primitive reflection… According to these causes, one by one. To deal with it, a lot of children (except genes) are completely back to normal!

Some treatment and intervention methods  as below:


(1) Exploring in medicine

Some data show that they use oxytocin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, zinc, magnesium, calcium, zinc, etc. to supplement the lack of nutrients in the brain nerves; the methods of traditional Chinese medicine include acupuncture, massage, Yinhuo decoction, acupoint injection, Acupuncture and massage combined with the Five Elements of Chinese Medicine, etc.

(2) Physical therapy

Intervene in autism through physical therapy, such as animal therapy (dolphins, sheep, goats, penguins, donkeys, etc.), hydrotherapy, sand table games, painting, sports, music, children’s boxing, gardening therapy, etc.

(3) Diet

Fasting gluten, cereals, and foods rich in casein, amino acids and digestive enzymes, pigments and salicylic acid, reduce trans fat and sugar in the diet.

(4) Structured Teaching Method (TEACCH)

This is a personalized education and training curriculum project established in the United States to allow autistic children to establish a specific concept of time and space, to distinguish the different functions of different spaces, and to increase their mastery of learning content through pictures, words, and body movements.

(5) Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

This method is more popular. It is the method used by Ivan Rovas in the United States in 1987. It advocates the use of positive reinforcement to promote the development of children’s abilities. It is a behavioral training based on the theory of behavioral reinforcement. There is a lot of support in theory, but many parents disagree, because the language and behavior that children learn are strengthened and lack initiative.

(6) Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)

The teacher asks the child to look at the face or eyes of others, and then reacts, and if the child can do it, encourage and appreciate it. This method has little effect on children who don’t look at each other.

(7) Floor time

This was proposed by Stanley Greenspan of the United States. The facilitator carefully observes the basic situation of the child’s body language, facial expressions, movements, etc., and actively participates in the activities carried out by the child. The child is the core in the whole process, and the facilitator should continuously guide the child to expand other activities.

(8) Interpersonal Development Intervention (RDI)

This is a training method proposed by American clinical psychologist Dr. Steven Gatesdam for the interpersonal defects of children with autism. This method emphasizes the “guided participation” of parents, and then transfers the skills acquired in different situations, and finally cultivates children’s interpersonal skills.

(9) Sensory integration training

Planned and targeted sensory stimulation can regulate the way the brain processes information from the outside world and improve the structure and function of the brain. To maximize the guidance and mobilization of children’s potential for autonomous movement, to stimulate children’s interest and awareness of participation.

(10) Auditory integration training

The auditory integration training method designed by French doctor Gu Bella can correct the disorder of children’s hearing and sound processing by allowing children to listen to carefully crafted music, so as to solve the problem of auditory sensitivity.

(11) Other methods that are not easy to classify

There are also some intervention methods that are not well classified, such as relaxation therapy, play therapy, movement and art training, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), therapeutic art education, core response training, literacy training, logic-mathematics learning, work Memory training, computer-aided technology, social stories, situational training, etc.


The path for autism to return to normal: Wrecking-Replenishing-Connecting

The above methods are all beneficial explorations and attempts, some are effective, some are ineffective.

So, how can children with autism return to normal?

We have to start with the definition of autism: Autism is a dysfunction of the nervous system.

Is it clear? It is the child’s “nervous system” that has “obstacles” that prevents him from moving forward normally! Therefore, “obstacles” must be removed, which is the basis for children to return to normal-these obstacles are the factors mentioned at the beginning of the article.

After the obstacle is cleared, the cranial nerves need to be supplemented with nutrients, and then the cranial nerves are established. After three processes, the child has a chance to return to normal.





(source:internet, reference only)

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