July 26, 2024

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Which women are susceptible to ovarian cancer?

Which women are susceptible to ovarian cancer?


Which women are susceptible to ovarian cancer?   Women who smoke or drink for a long time, and are exposed to toxic and harmful environments for a long time, have a very high risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Which women are susceptible to ovarian cancer?


Ovarian cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs in the ovaries. The incidence rate is second only to cervical cancer and uterine cancer, and the mortality rate is increasing year by year. Early ovarian cancer is not easy to be detected. 70% of ovarian cancer patients are found to be in the late stage, which seriously threatens the lives of patients. Therefore, women must do a good job in preventing ovarian cancer.

However, many women don’t know what exactly are the causes of ovarian cancer? In fact, the cause of ovarian cancer has a lot to do with some wrong lifestyle habits.


In daily life, there are several types of women who are at high risk of ovarian cancer. Below, I will give you a detailed introduction, hoping to attract the attention of all women.


Which women are susceptible to ovarian cancer?

1. Women with long-term endocrine disorders

The real cause of ovarian cancer is not very clear, but it is generally believed that it is related to the hormone levels in women. If the levels of androgens and estrogen in a woman’s body are abnormal, it will stimulate the ovarian epithelial cells and increase the risk of ovarian cancer.

In daily life, if a woman is in a state of endocrine disorders for a long time, it will cause problems with ovarian function, which will affect the secretion of hormones such as estrogen and pregnancy. In this state, the risk of ovarian cancer is particularly high. For example, women who eat a lot of estrogen-rich foods, drugs, and supplements for a long time are prone to hormone disorders in their bodies.


2. Women who have not given birth or are infertile for life

Women who have not given birth for a lifetime and who suffer from infertility have a very high risk of developing ovarian cancer. During pregnancy, the ovaries will stop ovulating, and the damage to the ovarian epithelium will be reduced.

In this case, the chance of developing ovarian cancer will be relatively low. Women who have not given birth throughout their lives will experience ovulation every month, which will cause greater damage to the ovarian epithelium, and the chance of suffering from ovarian cancer will increase.


3. Women with wrong eating habits

Obesity and excess weight are one of the causes of ovarian cancer. Most of these women like to eat some high-sugar, high-fat, high-calorie, and high-cholesterol foods. Long-term intake of such foods in large quantities will increase the fat content in women’s bodies, which will affect endocrine. As a result, women’s hormone levels will be abnormal, and the risk of ovarian cancer will increase.

In addition, such women generally do not like to eat some vegetables and fruits. Coarse foods will make the body lack of various vitamins and trace elements. As a result, the body’s immune function is reduced, and the chance of developing some cancers will increase.


4. Women with breast cancer

The appearance of breast cancer is also related to abnormal hormone levels in the body. Abnormal hormone levels for a long time will not only affect breast health, but also stimulate women’s ovaries.

So for women with breast cancer, the risk of ovarian cancer is also very high. In addition, women suffering from endometriosis or endometrial cancer have a high chance of developing ovarian cancer.


5.  women with family ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer has certain genetic factors. If a woman’s sister or mother has ovarian cancer, the risk of ovarian cancer in women is many times higher than other women.

All in all, in daily life, the risk of ovarian cancer in the above five categories of women is many times higher than that of other women.

In addition, women who smoke, drink alcohol for a long time, and spend a long time in a toxic and harmful environment are also at a very high risk of developing ovarian cancer. Therefore, in daily life, women must do a good job of conditioning in all aspects of life, and must have regular physical examinations of the ovarian part, which can effectively prevent ovarian cancer.


(source:internet, reference only)

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