July 26, 2024

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Diabetes drug: Four major side effects of Metformin

Diabetes drug: Four major side effects of Metformin


Diabetes drug: Four major side effects of Metformin. 

Metformin is a commonly used drug in the clinical treatment of many diabetic patients. Metformin is also widely used in many sugar control combination medications.

Metformin plays a very important role in hypoglycemic treatment.


Diabetes drug: Four major side effects of Metformin


However, metformin also has certain side effects. Many diabetics need to understand and prevent these conditions as early as possible, which is more conducive to disease treatment.





1 Adverse gastrointestinal reactions

The hypoglycemic mechanism of metformin is to increase the utilization of glucose by peripheral tissues, reduce liver glycogen output, and improve the sensitivity of surrounding cells to insulin.


In order to reduce the side effects of drugs, different types of drugs generally take different times. For example, taking tablets, capsules and meals at the same time can reduce gastrointestinal reactions, while some enteric solvents and sustained-release agents have mild side effects and can be taken before meals.


Some patients consider the occurrence of serious gastrointestinal side effects because they are unfamiliar with the method of taking the medicine and the time of taking the medicine is not rigorous.


Because it is best for people with diabetes to communicate with their doctors on a regular basis to see how to adjust their medications based on their own conditions.




2 Vitamin B12 deficiency

Long-term consumption of metformin may affect the absorption of vitamin b12 by diabetic patients.

Many diabetic patients who take metformin for a long time generally suffer from vitamin b12 deficiency. Doctors will also prescribe vitamin b12 for diabetic patients during the treatment process.


If vitamin b12 is lacking for a long time, it is easy to cause anemia, neurological diseases and skin diseases. For diabetic patients with large blood sugar fluctuations, it is also easy to cause peripheral neuropathy.


Therefore, for diabetic patients who need to take metformin for a long time, it is recommended to take vitamin B12 at the same time.




3 Avoid drinking alcohol during medication

Alcohol metabolism in the liver, on the one hand, affects the liver’s metabolic function, on the other hand, alcohol metabolism also affects the metabolism of drugs, aggravating the damage to the liver.


In addition, taking medicine and drinking on an empty stomach will also change blood sugar greatly, which can easily lead to hypoglycemia, nausea and dizziness in mild cases, and even coma in severe cases.

Therefore, patients and friends should pay special attention to it.


Acetaldehyde produced after alcohol metabolism can affect the metabolic function of the liver and aggravate blood glucose metabolism disorders.

In addition, it can also directly affect the secretion of insulin, thereby increasing blood sugar.


Some diabetics feel that their blood sugar is relatively stable after taking the medicine, and drinking alcohol is no problem.

But in fact, blood sugar is lower after taking it. Drinking alcohol causes the liver to metabolize ethanol, which affects the normal metabolism of glucose, which will cause hypoglycemia.

In mild cases, nausea and dizziness may occur, and in severe cases, it may even be unconscious.




4 Diabetic patients with liver and kidney dysfunction

Under normal circumstances, taking metformin itself will not cause liver and kidney damage.

Patients with diabetes need to be aware that long-term use of metformin is likely to cause increased lactic acid.

For patients with liver and kidney dysfunction, their metabolic capacity is poor, which may cause lactic acidosis.


Therefore, patients with liver and kidney diseases should take medication under the guidance of a doctor and inform the doctor of their liver and kidney conditions in advance.





(source:internet, reference only)

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